Puls, Pulsatilla pratensis

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Female remedies

Puls is the Queen of female remedies

Menstrual suppression:
  • She feels like she's getting her menses, but it doesn't starts anyway.

Female - MENSES, general - appear, as if would

Female - MENSES, general - feels, like coming

Female - MENSES, general - suppressed - asthma, with

Female - MENSES, general - suppressed - convulsions, with : CALC-P , VERAT

  • Menstrual suppression caused by Vexations / Bathing / Humidity esp wet feet (Puls ₳ Rhus-t)

Female - MENSES, general - suppressed - vexations, from : COLOC

Female - MENSES, general - suppressed - wet, from becoming - getting feet : RHUS-T


  • Mental symptoms During / After

Female - MENSES, general - mental symptoms, menses, during - after, agg. - suppressed menses

Female - MENSES, general - mental symptoms, menses, during – before LACH, NAT-M

Female - MENSES, general - mental symptoms, menses, during : LACH

  • Cramp Dysmenorrhea that bends her forward


  • Constantly changing menses

Female - MENSES, general - changeable, in appearance : Sep

  • Early menses 7-14 days

Female - MENSES, general - frequent, too early, too soon - 7 days : COCC , NAT-M Female - MENSES, general - frequent, too early, too soon - 14 days, every

  • Intermittent menses

Female - MENSES, general - intermittent: KREOS

  • Bleeding between menses

Female - MENSES, general - between, periods, menses appear

  • Delayed menses , 21-day in newly matured girls

Female - MENSES, general - late, menses, too - puberty, at

Bleeding pattern

  • Thick and viscous blood
  • Blood-stained mucus
  • Bright blood with clots
  • Delayed, low and dark menses

Female - MENSES, general - daytime, only : ABIES-N. cactus Caust. coff. cycl. ham. kali-c

Female - MENSES, general - daytime, only - mostly on walking

Female - MENSES, general - walking, agg

Female - MENSES, general - lying, agg. - more, on kreos. mag-c. puls


  • In Anemic / Pale and newly matured girls
  • With presence of milk in breasts (Puls ₳ Rhus-t)
  • One of the three main remedies for problems caused by hormonal disorders (Sep, Lyc)
1.1.6 Leukorrhea
  • Thick, creamy, milky
  • Thin, acrid
  • Lecorrhea + Uvula swelling
  • Menses during agg
1.1.7 Premature puberty

Female - MENSES, general - menarche, first menses, appears before the proper age : amber Ant-c. bell Calc-p. Calc. canth. carb-v. Caust. Cham. Chin. coc-c. cocc. ferr. goss. hyos. ip. kali-c. lyc. Merc. nit-ac. Phos. Puls. rhus-t. Sabin. Sec. Sil. sulph. verat.

  • Irregular and painful menses, esp in newly matured girls (Puls ₳ Sep)

    Female - MENSES, general - irregular - painful, girls, in, since the first period : Sep

Female - MENSES, general - irregular - painful, girls, in, since the first period - girls, young, in : Apis calc-p. graph. Mill. Sep

Female - MENSES, general - irregular - puberty, at : Sep

Catarrhal frontal sinusitis

Compression pain of the root of the nose

Sinusitis and congestion of the right nose

Yellow and green discharge and Bland

Feeling of injury to the bones of the nose

HEAD - HEAVINESS - Forehead - Frontal sinuses

NOSE - CATARRH - extending to - Frontal sinuses

NOSE - SINUSES; complaints of - Frontal sinuses

FACE - PAIN - Sinuses - Maxillary



heat, lying down, head at night, bending over, eating fatty foods


Headache from heat: Headache with heat and closed room worse and cold and open window better

Headache due to work: Headache of a child at school or an adult at work

Right temporal pain

Unilateral throbbing headache

o Feeling of heaviness in the head

o Pain in face and teeth

o Pain above the eyes

o Tears on the affected side


Lyc is the most similar remedy to Puls. (Lyc ₳ Puls)

  • Cough due to sputum or larynx. (Kali-bi)
  • Dry coughs that regularly clears the chest and nothing comes out, but in the morning a lot of green sputum comes out (Squil) (Kali-bi ₳ Squil) (Kali-bi ₳ Puls)

Puls in childen

Sensitive and shy

  • Clings to his mother the whole time (Phos and Lyc only clung to their mothers at the beginning of the interview)
  • Bashful timidity: May not answer questions, May whisper, May look to his parents for answers


  • He expresses his feelings easily
  • Completely emotional decisions
  • Improvement of all problems by comforting or crying
  • He cries early
  • His feelings are easily hurt, esp when he thinks that his parents do not love him or when he is angry, annoyed and tired.
  • Gentle and kind-hearted: They easily accept your reasons

Jealousy of a younger child

  • Anger at the younger child
  • Argument with parents
  • He may get sick at birth of his brother / Sister Or he forgets everything he has learned / Retrograde mental retardation


  • Being forgotten: Interest in anything that brings him closer to his parents
  • Fear and resistance in important stages of life (puberty, marriage, pregnancy, menopause)
  • Fear of being stolen
  • Fear of large animals
  • Fear of being alone in the dark


  • Interest in sleeping next to parents
  • Desire to be rocked while sleeping
  • Heavy sleeping next to parents
  • Sleeping position (Supine with his hand above the head or on the stomach)
  • Removing the cover while sleeping, esp from the legs


  • That his parents leave him
  • Grow up
  • Nightmare of a black cat during fever


  • Warm-hearted
  • Problems during puberty
  • His symptoms and behavior are constantly changing
  • Agg with heat, Amelwith cold
  • Frequent upper respiratory tract infection with cough that agg at night esp lying down
  • Aversion to meat and fat
  • Vaginal infection in girls
  • Complications that begin at puberty.
  • Childhood skin complications with URT infection
  • Infection with thick, soft, yellow or green secretions
  • Dizziness, pressure drop in hot places


  • School headache
  • Headache with ice cream, sweets, fat, heavy food
  • Headache caused by overheating, closed room and under the sun
  • Headache at the onset of menstruation
  • Sinusitis headache, aggravated by lying down
  • Sinusitis headache, better in the open air
  • Pulsating and congestive headache
  • Headache is better with cold things


  • URTi that affects the eyes
  • Amel by washing with cold water
  • Eye problems with discharge similar to Calc, which is thick, yellow and green, non-burning
  • Sty


  • Acute otitis media
  • Earache associated with various diseases
  • Nocturnal ear pain that the patient likes to shake
  • Earache caused by crying
  • Thick, yellow/green and non-burning discharge from the ears
  • Swimmers' earache


  • Frequent common colds
  • Nasal congestion at night when lying down
  • Thick, yellow/green, non-burning nasal discharge
  • Amel of nasal problems with cold/free air
  • Nocturnal nosebleeds, dark blood
  • Allergic rhinitis, exacerbation in the open air
  • Allergic rhinitis gets better by splashing cold water on the face
  • Nasal obstruction and itchy palate at night


  • Dry mouth without thirst
  • Reticulated white load on the tongue
  • Bad breath in the morning

Lower respiratory tract

  • Bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough, asthma
  • Nocturnal croup, as if his throat is chocked
  • Lower respiratory tract infection following skin rash
  • All problems are associated with cough
  • Agg of respiratory symptoms at night and in a warm room and better during the day and in cold weather

Digestive system

  • Interests: Sweets / Cakes / Butter / Chees / Ice cream / Eggs / Peanut butter
  • Aversions: Meat esp pork/ Milk / Fruit / Bread
  • No thirst
  • Frequent indigestion
  • Stomach pain in grief
  • Digestive problems caused by Ice cream / Fatty foods / Meat / Candy
  • Infant Hiccups / Colic
  • Variable stool

Urinary-genital tract

  • Enuresis
  • Recurrent leukorrhea of young girls with thick, creamy and itchy secretions
  • Congenital hydrocele
  • PMS: Crying and extreme mood swings before period
  • Amel painful blood flow by eating cold things
  • Milk secretions from the breast, in girls who are not pregnant


  • Arthritis: Migratory joint pains
  • Arthritis Amel with cold things
  • His feet are warm and he likes to walk barefoot, but he covers his feet when he sleeps


  • Dotted scalp and feet
  • Offensive foot sweat like Sil (Puls ₳ Sil)
  • Hives due to emotional pressures
  • Skin rash with respiratory infection that worsens with heat and improves with cold