- Top remedy
- Painful, External, Non-bleeding Piles
- Unfocalized heaviness: Vague heaviness in various lumbosacral areas (Nux-v), Cannot describe / localize the pain
- Aesc is the only remedy for hemorrhoids without constipation: it is caused by hepatic and vascular congestion
- RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS - constipation - without (SRR)
- Splinter-like pain: Distinct feeling of small sticks filling up the rectum.
- Anal prolapse or sensation that is a static complication of Dragging pain (Sep, Coll)
- Feeling dry, rough and violent
- Pain as if crumbs or splinter cling to the anal sphincter and cause irritation
- Large, strangulated, (Aloe, Lach, Paeon)Blue / Purple, (Carb-v, lach, Mur-ac), Congested (Kali-c, Nux-v, Paeon)
- So large which prevent defecation
- Hidden Hemorrhoids which protrudes during stool (Calc-p, Rat)
- RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS - protrude - stool - during
- Painful rectal stenosis
- Pain is very sharp that may extend from the anus to the lower back.
- External piles and
- Blind piles (non-bleeding piles).
- Engorged haemorrhoidal veins, brings great relief in pain
- Shrinking piles naturally.
- Back pain
- RECTUM – HEMORRHOIDS – accompanied by – Back; pain in
- Abdominal pulsating
- Throbbing behind the symphysis pubis
- Tongue white discoloration
- RECTUM – HEMORRHOIDS – accompanied by – Tongue – white discoloration of the tongue (SRR)
- Long after stool agg
- Motion, walking agg
- Kneeling amel
- Non-hemorrhagic, Amel with a little bleeding
- RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS - painful - bleeding; much pain but little (SRR)
- Warm weather amel
- Wiping (touching) agg (Graph, Mur-ac, Paeon)
- Hemorrhoids during pregnancy
Constipation And Ineffective Urge To Pass Stool
- Anal irritability: The most important point is Anal irritability. He is constipated but frequent ineffectual urging
- Large, strangulated, Internal hemorrhoid
- Complication of hemorrhoid suppression
- Piles + Constipation + Ineffective urge to pass the stool.
- They have to go pass stool several times in a day to completely clear the bowels. They pass stool bit by bit throughout the day and yet have the urge to pass the stool.
- Marked pain and itching at the anus. Nux Vomica is recommended for that is
- Lowe limb pain
- RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS – Accompanied by, lower limb complaints
- Mind irritability / Insomnia
- Cold Agg, Warm amel
- RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS – Warm, external, amel
- Pregnancy hemorrhoid
- Piles or constipation triggered by alcohol intake,
- Piles who lead a sedentary lifestyle
- (Drunkards, Drugs) or Pungent / Spicy foods
- RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS – excitement
- Protruding Piles
- Anal insecurity
- Internal piles take an outward bulge from anus and can be seen as soft lumps of tissue
- The protruding piles are very sore and tender and look like a bunch of grapes bluish in color.
- Severe itching (Maybe)
- Aloe is an anal Prolapse remedy.
- Anus insufficiency/ Dysfunction/ Paralysis or classic involuntary stool.
- Urgent threatening stool.
- Large, external, strangulated hemorrhoids
- Hemorrhoids alternates with Diarrhea and headache.
- Cold Washing/ Applications amel pain, soreness and tenderness.
- RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS - cold applications - water; cold - amel
Bleeding, Internal Piles
- Internal, painless and it bleeds. ‘
- Painless, non bleeding piles
- Ham is a Varicose veins, so it would be a good prescription for hemorrhoid esp when accompanied by bleeding
- RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS - accompanied by – epistaxis SEP
Piles + Constipation (Dry, Hard Stool)
It is located between Aesc، Sep and Nux-v
- Aesc: Heaviness, fullness sensation/ Blind hemorrhoids
- Sep: Genital itching, Bearing down pain, Uterus/ Pelvic, Portal prolapse
- Nux-v: Irritability, Suppression agg
- External / Protruding piles
- Marked pain + Bleeding.
- Sensation of Sand / Sticks in rectum
Genital problems:
- RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS - congestion; from pelvic and portal (SRR)
- RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS - congestion; from pelvic and portal - women; in (SRR)
- RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS - accompanied by - Skin; itching coll.
- RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS - menses - during, agg.
- RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS - pregnancy, during
Extremely Painful To Touch
- Protruding piles.
- Piles look bluish or dark purple like a bunch of grapes.
- Sudden hemorrhoids
- RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS - appearing suddenly
- Emaciation
- RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS - children, in
- Highly sensitive, and painful even on the slightest touch
- Soreness amel from warm applications
- RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS - motion agg
Intense Burning Sensation
- Marked straining to pass stool.
- Piles may protrude out of the anus on straining for stool.
- Sensation of little pieces of broken glass in rectum
- Rat is a fissure remedy but it is good for only External, Strangulated piles.
- The most important point is prolonged pain after stool (Nit-ac, Paeon)
- Pouring cold water over anus may amel
- Touch agg
Protrude During Stool + Bleeding
- Constipation with dry,
- Hard stool that passes with much straining.
- Pain also occurs at the anus.
- The pain can be pricking, sharp, stitching, cutting type or burning i
- Constant weight and pressure is felt in the rectum.
- Ulcerative /Painful
- Nit-ac is fissure remedy, then a hemorrhoid one esp pendulous piles.
- RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS - pendulous (SRR)
- RECTUM - FISSURE - hemorrhoids; from – bleeding
- It protrude (Aloe, Sul) with stool (Calc-p, Rat) or urination (Bar-c)
- Blind hemorrhoids which protrude
- RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS - weather warm
- Burning pain lasts a long time
Second Remedies
Thrombotic / Ulcerative hemorrhoids
- Congested, Painful H which is agg during and after stool
- Prolonged pain after stool (Nit-ac, Rat)
- Touch agg: He should hold his hips apart with his hands to relieve the pain.
- Rectum, hemorrhoids, touch agg, nates apart, must hold
- The pain gets better by cleaning the rectum
- RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS - cough, agg
- RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS - menopause; during
- Complication of hemorrhoid suppression
- RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS - menses - suppressed, during
- RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS - moisture; oozing
- RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS - parturition agg