Nit-ac, Nitricum Acidum

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Nit-ac in brief

  • It is suitable for individuals who have yellow discoloration, who are of spare habits and who have a tendency to catch cold or diarrhea.
  • Bad effects of, maltreated syphilis and gonorrhoea.
  • Nit-ac is a very common used, deep-acting remedy. That 's why Hahnemann introduced it as the only psoro-psycho-syphilitic remedy.
  • It is widely used in the process of many viral diseases, cancers, digestive problems such as IBD, Fissure.
  • Nit-ac special location is Orifices (Mouth, Genital, Anus)
  • His special pain is Sticking pains, as from splinters. (Hep ₳ Nit-ac)
  • Pains appear and disappear quickly (Bell ₳ Nit-ac)
  • Blisters and ulcers in mouth, tongue, genitals; bleeds easily.
  • Fissures, with pain during stool, as if rectum were torn
  • Offensive discharges
  • Take cold easily and disposed to diarrhea
  • Cachexia: Excessive weight loss + Physical irritability (Ars ₳ Nit-ac)

Four main axis of Nit-ac

  1. Hypochondriasis / Anxiety (Ars)
  2. Anger/ Hatred and offended (Nat-m)
  3. Slow growth HPV-like eruptions / Tumors and Deep pathology (Thuj) (Nit-ac ₳ Thuj)
  4. Combination of Anger + Aggression (Merc)
  • Note that in clinical experiences, often Nit-ac is not spiteful and hypochondriacal at the same time.


  • His reaction to Anxiety / Insecurity is a self-centered and belligerent behavior that gradually causes chronic mistrust + long-lasting anger and eventually hatred.
  • His reaction to any adversity has two axes: Anxiety & Anger
  • As if his self-centered and winning look are a sign of his intellectual independence.
  • He hates the past , He is angry about today and is completely pessimistic about the future.
  • Contemptuous: Hateful face, sharp look. The desire to humiliate others is seen in his face expression (Twitching in the corner of his left lip)

Stabbed from behind:

  • Somewhere in his life, he has faced a severe crisis, for example, a trusted friend left him behind and he was greatly offended, and as a result, a deep grudge and hatred was formed. (Nat-m ₳ Nit-ac)
  • Cancer has a lot to do with hatred. This relationship is evident in Nit-ac.


Mucus membranes

Proctitis Gingivitis, stomatitis PID , Herpetic eruption Urethritis
  • Tenesmus, Aching /Burning / Shooting pain up to a few hours later
  • Stool urgency
  • Not emptying completely
  • Spasmodic constipation / Painful Rectal prolapse
  • Dry / Irregular stools
  • Feeling of tightness
  • Painful hemorrhoid / Fissure.
  • Splinter-like pain after defecation, that continues up to an hour (Rat, Peon)
  • Painful Plague
  • Corrosive / Painful mouth esp on tongue
  • Geographic tongue
  • Hairy Leukoplakia (EBV, HPV)
  • Bloody / Foul-smelling / Green-Brown / Thin / Thick / Stretchy / Burning / Stringy / Offensive / Flesh-colored leukorrhoea
  • Chronic Cervicitis (Ulcer) (Hep, Merc,Thuj)
  • Leukorrhea which ends in Cervical ulcer
  • Vesicular rash, ulcers and penile chancre with foul smell (Kreos)
  • Hair on genitals falls out (Nat-m, Zinc)
  • Thick yellow secretions
  • Burning / Stinging pain when urinating
  • Scanty urine
  • Cold / Cloudy urine
  • Dark / Offensive urine
  • Hematuria
  • Albuminous urine
Periostitis Tonsillitis, Parotiditis Conjunctivitis , Blepharitis , Chemosis, Iritis, Keratitis Rhinitis
  • Severe and stinging pain
  • Exostosis
  • Bone destruction (Foot soles, fingers, knees and head).
  • Dryness, Hawks mucus constantly
  • Pain stitches into ears
  • White patches and sharp points
  • As from splinters
  • Swallowing agg
  • Double vision
  • Sharp, sticking pains
  • Ulceration of cornea
  • Discharging ophthalmia
  • Photophobia, Constant lachrymation
  • Neonatal ophthalmitis
  • Inflammation and burning catarrh
  • Watery and bloody coryza



  • Any effort and activity is associated with extra uterine bleeding (Calc)
  • Menses early, profuse, like muddy water, with pain in back, hips and thighs.


  • Itching, swelling and burning, shooting pains
  • Swelling and burning, wounds and cracks in the vagina and penis.
  • Painful intercourse (Nat-m, Sep)


  • Dry, eroded and cracked skin with zig-zag and irregular margin.
  • Skin cracks ulcerate easily and are extremely sensitive to pain and touch.
  • There may be suppurated.
  • The skin is extremely unhealthy and may have large jagged warts at various places.
  • Itching which are worse on undressing.

Some points

  • Very sensitive to noise, as the rattle of wagons over pavements (Coff, Nux-v) (Nit-ac ₳ Nux-v)
  • Loves fat and salt (Sul).
  • Short breath on going upstairs (Ars, Calc).
  • Cough during sleep (Cham).


  • Agg evening and night
  • Agg cold climate, and also hot weather.
  • Amel while riding in carriage (Reverse: Cocc)


  • Complementary: Ars, Calad, Lac-c, Sep
  • Inimical: Lach


  1. EBV, HSV-2
  2. MTB


  • MIND - DESPAIR - rage, bordering on - cursing and imprecations, with