Anger over trivial things
- They are averse to conversation and could be offended by the most harmless words.
- They turn violent and abusive during anger episodes.
- Strong will, fault finding nature, ambition and workaholism.
- Angry disposition after loss in business.
- Seizure due to anger outbursts
Suppressed anger + Violent outbursts
- They may throw or break things during their anger outbursts.
- History of Mental/ Physical abuse, Humiliation
- Staph often gets angry and acts harshly, but only partially because he quickly regrets and controls himself. (Lyc ₳ Nux-v)
Offended feeling + Anger suppression
- Offended feeling + Anger suppression (Feeling of being damaged in his honor and pride)
- Anger suppression could cause Tiredness and Restlessness
Anger when contradicted
- Sensitive to contradiction which leads to a sudden, explosive outburst from them
- They may be melancholic in nature, suffer lack of self-worth and a very low self-esteem.
- Hopelessness and self reproaching behavior
- Chronic depression/ Suicidal thoughts
AILMENTS from Anger with
- Fright
- Indignation
- Silent grief
- Suppressed anger
Anger + Destructiveness
- Tendency to throw things when angry.
- Strike themselves or others in anger.
- Impatience, obstinacy and high levels of irritability
- They may be impulse, lack emotional control and be excessively restless
Anger in children
- Very irritable and loses temper easily
- Obstinate, fretful and restless
- Want many things at the same time and get Cross /Angry if their demands are not met.
- Seizure due to anger outbursts
- Discontented, Wrong, everything another does is (1)
- Discontented, Surrounding with: Merc, plat
- ANSWERS; civil; cannot be (1)
Anger, alternating with quick repetance