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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a mental disorder of the neurodevelopmental type.

Other symptoms

ADHD Subtypes

Inattention Hyperactivity Emotional dysregulation / Mood lability
Sign/ Symptoms
  • Makes careless mistakes
  • Failing to complete tasks
  • Difficulty in maintaining focus on one task or play activity
  • Decreased sustained attention (Frequently easily distracted)
  • Trouble in sitting still
  • Cannot quietly engage in leisure activities or play
  • Talks too much
  • Hurry, Frequently interrupts or intrudes others' conversations or activities
  • Problems with social skills / Interaction
  • Problems with Forming / Maintaining friendships
  • Difficulty in processing Verbal / Nonverbal language which can negatively affect social interaction.
  • Difficulties in managing anger
Entities Concentration/Cognition difficult Hyperactivity Anger = Disruptive behavior = Disinhibition = Impulsivity

ADHD Black Box

Concentration/Cognition difficult +++ +++ +++
Hyperactivity +++
Anger +++ +++ +++
Behavioral change +++ +++ +++
Seizure +++


Low concentration

Abusiveness / Impulsive/ Hyperactive


  • 14% –
  • Fearful, shy
  • Obstinate
  • Worse for being offered consolation when sad
  • Flabby muscles,
  • Profuse sweating
  • Late teething


  • 11%
  • Tyrannical behavior in familiar situations
  • Poor sense of self worth, Low self confidence + Concentration difficult


  • 10%
  • Dislike of washing, Foul-smelling secretions
  • Skin problems
  • Symptoms are worse from the warmth of bed


  • 6% –
  • Irritable, oversensitive
  • Ambitious, put themselves under stress,
  • Fits of rage
  • Impatient


  • 6% –
  • Symptoms are worse for being alone, short attention span,
  • Fearful
  • Weak


  • 6% –
  • Intense emotions, cannot bear to see others suffer, rebellious,
  • Compulsion to control


  • Low self confidence
  • Concentration difficult


  • Extremely abusive and complaining / Cry continuously
  • Capriciousness / Extremely restless/ Obstinate / Rude
  • Child cannot tolerate if anyone tries to speak to him.
  • Violent when anyone interrupts him.


  • Abusiveness, Very cross and irritable and hates when touched.
  • Don’t want to be carried, talked to or touched.
  • They may turn away from strangers.
  • The child bores his face in his mother’s lap and cries incessantly.
  • Child desires many things but rejects everything when offered.
  • Suffer from worm infestations.


  • Abusive, Excessively irritable and crossed/ Bad-tempered with no cause
  • Any attempt to please the child fails. Nothing seems to satisfy him.
  • There is much brooding and the child doesn’t want to speak.
  • The child gets angry when someone looks at him.


  • Angry, Mood swings: Crankiness alternate with submissive behavior.
  • Impulsivity+ Shirke /Scream / Curse /Physically violent when angry.
  • Unusual tendency to Tear /Cut things during bouts of anger. 
  • The child may sit in an awkward position and become totally incommunicable.


  • Abusiveness/ Very quarrelsome /Impulsivity /Desire to Strike / Bite
  • Constant grumbling and muttering due to irritation.
  • Extremely impatient and talkative.
  • Child make fun of children and is extremely
  • Unusual tendency to find fault/ Insulting others
  • The child may be insensitive to others feelings. Dejection and Despair.


  • Abusive children who are extremely weepy and cross.
  • The child may be suppressed for a long time. There may piling up of the emotions. Suddenly, the child just explodes with angry bouts. 
  • Prefers to be left alone to cry. Refuse to be consoled / Consolation agg
  • There is much awkwardness and hasty behavior.
  • Child gets irritated with trifles


  • Hyperactivity + Impulsivity+ Abusive


  • Hyperactivity + Impulsivity + Marked impatient and restlessness


Mood swing

Banerji protocols

First line
Second line
Third line
  • Lach C200 ones dose every 3 days
  • Hyos C6 BD

Main Cores [1]

Concentration Impulsive behavior Hyperactivity Anger
  • Bar-c
  • Lyc
  • Calc
  • Sul
  • Nux-v
  • Caust
  • Hyos
  • Verat
  • Cham
  • Tub
  • Cina
  • Ant-c
  • Nat-m
Hyos Nat-m Tub Tarent Cham Cina Ant-c Med Verat
Abusive Yes And Weeping Yes Interrupted agg Yes Cursing
Speek Talkative

Insulting others Constant Grumbling Muttering

Silent Shirking


Physical aggressive

Bite / Strike

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Looked at agg Yes Yes
Touched/ Carried agg Yes
Mood Swing Yse Yes
Awkward/ Hasty Yes Yes
Capriciousness Yse Yse Yes
Apathy / Sad Yes Yes

Consolation agg
