Con, Conium Maculatum
Con in brief
- It is a remedy between Lyc, Nat-m
- If you see someone as if his volume has been turned down, Con is a good choice.
- Multiple problems that lead to progressive weakness (like Alzheimer's)
Neurological disease
- Vertigo
- Dementia
- Cranial nerves involvement such as Optic neuritis
- Coma
- Brain tumors, esp encephaloma
- Hyperacusis
Hearing - ACUTE, hearing
Hearing - ACUTE, hearing - noises, to
Hearing - ACUTE, hearing - perspiration, during
Ears - PAIN, ears - noises, from
Ears - PAIN, ears - sounds, sharp Cop, Sil
True Vertigo
- As if he is going around in a circle.
- As if the Everything / Bed is spinning around him
Vertigo -TURNING, on - bed, in BELL
Vertigo -TURNING, on - circle, sensation, as if turning in a : BRY, CYCL, PULS
Vertigo -TURNING, on - moving the head, or turning
Vertigo -TURNING, on - moving the head, or turning - quickly CALC
Vertigo -TURNED, as if bed turned about nux-v, plb, Puls, sol-ni
Accompanied by
- Reduces the muscle strength of the whole body
- Myopia
- As if Orbit/ Eyeball muscles being pushed forward
- Headache
- Uterine and ovarian problems
- Vertigo of the elderly (Phos)
- Lying down
- Slight movement of Head/ Eyes
- Esp to the left (Coloc)
- Esp on turning his head quickly
- Must remain completely calm and motionless.
- Vertigo when rolling over in bed
- Looking at moving objects
- Amel when closing his eyes
Vertigo -MOVING, the head BRY
Painless paralysis
- Weakness / Heaviness / Painless paralysis of limbs
- Esp lower limbs, thighs and knees
- Paralysis of limbs + Ataxia and walking disorder
Cranial nerves involvement
- Optic neuritis
- Facial paralysis
- Bel's palsy
- Eyelids paralysis
- Impaired understanding of content
- Difficulty in learning due to lack of motivation.
Mind - CONCENTRATION, general - difficult - studying, reading, while - learns with difficulty : AGAR, Anac, Ars, Bar-c, Lyc, Phos
Mind - AMBITION, general - loss of ambition : GELS , PH-AC
- Very similar to Phos apathy
- Sex Suppression
- Disappointed love (Nat-m)
- Alcoholism (Hyos, Anac)
- Loss of Reputation/ Position/ Property
- Senile dementia + Stupid words
Mind - DEMENTIA, madness - senile, foolish talking, with
- Breast (MMP mastitis)
- Lymphadenopathy
- Prostatitis, BPH
- MMP oophoritis
- Orchitis
- Mumps
- Mastitis + Axillary Lymphadenopathy
- During periods (lac-c, Kali-c)
- Sensitive / Painful breasts (Shooting pain)
- Painful congestion before menses, which hurts when taking a step
- Similar remedies in swollen glands: Calc, Psor
- Physical damage to glands (Aster), esp breasts
- BPH and is urinary problems : Puls, Dig, Staph, Apis
- Urgency, Retention, Drop by drop urination
- Stopping and connecting the flow of urine, which amel when standing
BLADDER - URINATION - interrupted - standing; urine flows better when
Diseases - PROSTATE, benign enlargement - elderly men, in: BAR-C, DIG , SABAL SEL
Bladder - RETENTION, of urine - prostate, from enlarged : DIG , STAPH
- Drop by drop of prostate fluid
- Cutting pain during ejaculation
- Increase in sexual arousal in such a way that it accompanies any stimulation.
- Ejaculates even with defecation.
- Testicular induration
- Testicular pain
MALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - tearing - Testes : PULS
MALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - pinching - Testes : SPONG
MALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - tearing - Penis
MALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - pressing - Testes - left
Long-term sexual suppression and its side effects, such as loss of sexual function
MALE GENITALIA/SEX - ERECTIONS - wanting - continence, from Phos
MALE GENITALIA/SEX - PAIN - Testes - erections, after mag-m. ox-ac.
MALE GENITALIA/SEX – HEMATOCELE arn. con. erig. Ham. ruta
MALE GENITALIA/SEX - ERECTIONS - easy, too: Phos. Pic-ac. Plat. Plb
MALE GENITALIA/SEX - ERECTIONS - incomplete - coition, during :GRAPH, LYC , SULPH
Irritating Cough
- Caused by spasms / Spastic Cough
- Caused by a dry point in Larynx (Act-sp) or Throat-pit /Chest/ Stomach (Iod)
- Nocturnal dry cough
- Cough forces him to sit up straight
- As soon as he lies down, he starts coughing
- Pregnancy cough (Caust, Kali-br)
Female remedy
- Suppression
- Problems caused by menstrual suppression (Irregularity, Scanty and delayed menses)
- Increased libido due to menstrual suppression
- Hard swelling of Cervix/ Uterine / Ovaries
- Con is a miasmatic remedy for large fibroids + Profuse bleeding and burning pains (Lap-a) (Con ₳ Lap-a)
- Cystic tumors esp Hard (Calc-f ₳ Con)
- Lecorrhea 10 days after menses (Borx, Bov)
- Burning, Bloody, Acidic Leucorrhoea
- Severe Leucorrhoea
- Thick Leucorrhoea
- Intermittent Leucorrhoea
Female - DISCHARGE, vagina - intermittent
Female - DISCHARGE, vagina - menses, during - after - ten days Hydr
Female - DISCHARGE, vagina - menses, during - after - two weeks
Menstrual problems
- Weak / Suppressed / Delayed /On and off / Short- term Menses
- Skin rash with Menses that stops with bleeding (Dulc)
- Menses stops with cold and washing hands in cold water (Lac-d)
- Cutting pain in Ovaries/ Uterus
Genital trauma
MALE GENITALIA/SEX - INJURIES: Arn. Calen, Hyper. mill. Rhus-t. Staph.
MALE GENITALIA/SEX - INFLAMMATION - Testes - contusion, from : ant-t. ARN. bar-m. Con. Ham. Puls. zinc.
MALE GENITALIA/SEX - SWELLING - Testes - injury, after : ARN. con. Puls. vario. zinc.
Mental problems
- Very similar to Phos / Hell apathy
Mind - INDIFFERENCE, apathetic - external things, to - impressions
- Indifferent but sensitive to bullying
Mind - INDIFFERENCE, apathetic - conscience, to the dictates of
- Indifferent + Bitter temper
Mind - INDIFFERENCE, apathetic – morose
- As if the volume was turned down (Brady kinesia, Bradyphrenia)
- Apathy / Depression /Confusion / Dumbness / Slowness / Reduced level of consciousness / Laziness
- Memory loss caused by sexual repression
MIND - THOUGHTS - vanishing of MIND - ANXIETY - sexual desire; from suppressed
- Depression + Hysteria
MIND - ANXIETY - hysterical
- Prolonged Conscience anxiety / Ethical carefulness (Nat-m)
MIND - ANXIETY - prolonged continence; from
- Rumination
MIND - ANXIETY - hypochondriacal
MIND - ANXIETY - thinking about it, from
- His anxiety does not have a specific modality
- Problems with superiors, quarrels, Bad-temper, irritable, Can't tolerate contradiction (Aur)
- He is afraid of being alone, but at the same time he avoids company (Kali-c, Lyc)
MIND - ANXIETY - driving from place to place
MIND - GESTURES, makes - fingers - picking at fingers KALI-BR
Herpetic eruptions
EYE - ERUPTIONS - About the eyes - herpes
EAR - ERUPTIONS - Behind the ears - herpes
FACE - ERUPTIONS - herpes – Cheeks
FACE - ERUPTIONS - herpes - Mouth - Around : NAT-M
Extremities / Back
BACK - ERUPTIONS - herpes - Cervical region
EXTREMITIES - ERUPTIONS - Upper limbs - herpes : BOV.k MERC.k
EXTREMITIES - ERUPTIONS - Upper limbs - herpes - crusty
EXTREMITIES - ERUPTIONS - Forearm - herpes : MERC.
EXTREMITIES - ERUPTIONS - Knee - Hollow of - herpes : ARS. GRAPH. NAT-M
Corrosive / Burning
SKIN - ERUPTIONS - herpetic - burning SKIN - ERUPTIONS - herpetic - corrosive : GRAPH. SIL
Crusty/ Moist / Itching/ Painful
SKIN - ERUPTIONS - herpetic – crusty
SKIN - ERUPTIONS - herpetic - itching
SKIN - ERUPTIONS - herpetic - moist
SKIN - ERUPTIONS - herpetic - patches : LYC. MERC.SEP. SULPH.
SKIN - ERUPTIONS - herpetic - scaly : CALC. MERC.
SKIN - ERUPTIONS - herpetic - stinging : CLEM. SEP.
SKIN - ERUPTIONS - herpetic - suppurating : MERC. RHUS-T. SEP.
- Optic neuritis (seeing all kinds of light, ring, thread and other things, blurred vision)
- Paralysis of the eye muscles (triptyline, staring, slowness of adaptation, thinks his eyes are closed, heaviness of the eyelids)
- Keratitis (Corneal ulcer, Photophobia, Tearing and burning with light, Corneal opacity)
- Eye strain
- Severe photophobia (Psor)
- Complications of over-studying in lamp-light
- After eye work, his mind does not work well
Con is the first choice in excessive accumulation of earwax
Ears - EARWAX, increased – red : mur-ac, Psor
Follow well remedies
- Phos is recommended after Con in
- Vertigo
- Dementia
- Progressive weakness
- Many and of course repressed emotions in Phos lead him to Con.
- Sil is recommended after Con in
- Glands involvement
- Closed and deep emotional repressions