Anac, Anacardium Orientale

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Anac Pathological pathway

Parental repression ------Fastidious / Suspicious/ Egotism ------- Antagonism ---------Inability to make decisions/ Helplessness Or Cruelty

Is he a murder?

  • The image of this remedy in Matria Medica books is completely exaggerated and shows a murderer / prisoner who has Personality disorder. This would be a good image for homeopathic students in order to train remedy characters but this would not be useful in practice.
  • In prescribing we should look for Antagonism, Low self confidence, Hesitation and Violence


  • There is a fight inside them against their own thoughts.

ANTAGONISM with himself: anh, ant-t, aur, bar-c, cann-i, cann-s, caps, irid, kali-c, lac-c, lach, lyss, naja, op, sep, sil, verb

  • There are always two options running simultaneously to fulfill a wish or work. So they believe that they are not capable of doing anything right.

DELUSIONS, right, does nothing: anac, arg-n, aur, nat-c

  • Therefore they are angry from themselves, Abusive and cursing. They feel too stuck to bring themselves out of a situation. They curse themselves.

    REPROACHES, himself

CARESSED, caressing, husband and child, then pushes away

  • Low self confidence and anticipating to be failed. He told himself: "Should I do or not do this work”. He believes that everything he does is wrong.

ANTICIPATION, examination before

WILL, contradiction of: acon, anh, ant-t, aq-mar, aur, bar-c, cann-i, cann-s, caps, irid, kali-c, lac-c, lach, lyss, naja, op, paro-i, sep, sil, verb

DELUSIONS, succeed, he cannot, does everything wrong: anac, arg-n, arn, aur, bamb-a, bapt, bar-c, gels, naja, nat-c, nat-m, ozone, phos, sulph

BUSINESS, averse to: NAT-M, SEP, ...

Antagonism VS irresolution

  • If someone has tow opposite decision at the same time. He is strong enough to mention his decisions changed impulsively.
  • He is not left with no choice but to go back and forth in one of the ways and this made him angry from himself.
  • This would push him in the way of splitting between intellect and emotion, sensation of duality and finally psychosis.
  • Being abused by his parents would be a good start of Anac pathology
  • Puls, Bar-c and Sil have irresolution in making decision due to their low self-confidence but Anac has Antagonism (Anac ₳ Puls), (Anac ₳ Bar-c) (Anac ₳ Sil)


  • He is fastidious about his free movement. When he gets sick he is mainly concerned about Mobility of his body. He fears that due to the problem there can be danger to his mobility (Anac ₳ Bell)

FEAR, paralysis of: am, asaf, bapt, bell, kali-p, med, syph


  • He has apprehension about his survival in the future once he becomes immobile.
  • He suspects that no one will help him when due to the problem he gets bedridden or not able to help himself.
  • He has lack of trust for his family members. (Mistrustful) (Anac ₳ Ars)


  • They so concerned about the mobility, since if they become immobile then they have to depend upon others, which is not tolerated, as it will make their position lower in relation to others.
  • If they require help, they won’t ask. And if somebody tries to help they feel bad about it. A patient says, “My friend so many times has offered his help but I have always refused to take the help. I don’t know but in spite of the fact that he is my best friend, I can t take help from him. I don’t want to feel low before him.(Plat)
  • They want help but they can’t take it.” They should take help or not.

THOUGHTS, two trains of thoughts: acon, anh, ant-t, aur, bar-c, cann-i, cann-s, caps, irid, kali-c, lac-c, lach, lyss, naja, op, paro-i, sep, sil, verb


  • On one side in their mind they think that there is nothing wrong in asking help from others, but on other side they think how can they ask for help as it will put them low” – they should not ask for help

    WILL, two wills, feels as if he had

  • Divided between the two thoughts they get confused and feel helpless to reach to a conclusion. Nothing / Anyone can help them in a situation


Abusive, Violence, Cruel

  • Anac is a nervous and cowardly person. On the other hand he is ill-nature, obscene and a blasphemer.
  • He constantly suffers from completely opposite impulses which make him so irritable
  • Anac's child severely abuses animals or depicts violence in his paintings.
  • Combination of a tendency to violence and an inability to make decisions
  • Anac says, ‘since this problem has started I am noticing a remarkable change in my behavior. Earlier I used to be religious and mild. I used to talk nicely with others and give respect to my elders. Now I have become impolite.



Exam remedy

  • Low Confidence: They have studied well but before the exam but they feel confused and unable to take the exam,due to lack of self-confidence. Their uncertainty is so severe that one does not even know whether to take the exam or not!
  • Fatigue due to excessive mental work: He feels tired and can no longer work / concentrate (Brain-fag) and becomes very irritable.This is an acute use of Anac before the test and we should not look for its natural symptoms.
  • Memory weakness: Poor memory, so that immediately forgets names. (Lyc, Med) Suddenly lost his memory. He is very much in trouble with this forgetfulness. His confusion and forgetfulness are incompatible with his job.
  • Irritability, cruelty: They are angry from themselves (Anac ₳ Nux-v)


  • He has impulses from insatiable eating and seeks impulses to lose weight, so he stimulates himself to raise
  • The combination of gastrointestinal and neurological symptoms undoubtedly ends in bulimia.
  • Especially if the person feels a lot of permanent weakness in his stomach that gets better with eating.
  • Feeling of antagonism in his will
  • Naturally, when he gets sick, he eats to get better
  • Then he has a dilemma and tries to vomit


  • Anac follows the rubric Monomania, which means partial madness.
  • Obsession revolves around failure, accomplishment, religion, and extravagance.
  • Part of his divided will tends to do something that is not accepted by the other part of his will. Therefore he feels internal impulse to do irrational things, which means Compulsion with obsessive origin.


  • "Schizo" means Split and "phern" means mind.
  • Split does not mean multiple characters, but it does mean the processing of the mind from emotion. This is what happens in Anac.

Affect disorder

  • He can not express his feelings naturally and appropriately, he is very apathetic or very strong.
  • The logical process of his thinking is also disturbed and he suffers from various illusions /delusions:
  • Certain people have control over his thoughts and actions.


  • He thinks he is persecuted and should kill someone
  • Hearing hallucinations are usually greater and stronger than visual hallucinations, which increases his paranoid face and makes him suspicious of his friends /relatives. It's as if people are talking about him.
  • His bizarre behaviors such as gestures and movements show that his world is far from reality
  • Anac 's main delusions revolve around the devil, Metamorphosis and Duality.
  • Fixed Ideas about the Sense of Duality.

    MIND - CONFUSION of mind - identity, as to his - duality, sense of



  • MIND - HEMORRHOIDS; after suppressed (Boger): ant-c, arn, ars, bell, caust, cupr, fl-ac, hyos, ign, lach, lyc, nux-v, phos, sep, sulph, verat, zinc
  • MIND - FASTIDIOUS - prove himself; he has to: cupr
  • MIND - DELUSIONS, Devil, Sits in his neck
  • MIND - DELUSIONS, Devil, speaking, in one ear, promoting to murder, angel in the other ear
  • MIND - DELUSIONS, Devil, whispers blasphemous words