Psor, Psorinum

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Good starter

  • One of the best starter remedies s in chronic diseases
  • Good remedy for weakness in recovery period of acute diseases (Carb-v, Sul, Tub), esp when child has lost fluid.
  • Allen suggests Psor in chronic diseases where the correct remedy was not effective.
  • Psor has the same position in chronic disease that Sul in acute ones.

GENERALS - CHRONIC DISEASES, to begin treatment: calc, calc-p, Nux-v, puls, Sulph, tub

GENERALS - CHRONIC DISEASES, to begin treatment - scarlet fever; after

GENERALS - LOSS - fluids, of - children; in (Nurslings)


  • Lack of reaction after severe acute diseases. Appetite will not return.
  • The patient is extremely chilly and hungry and offensive.
  • Psor is located between Sul , Syph , Hep , Tub and Arn
  • Allen: Give Psor to a patient for whom Sul was a good remedy but did not work (Psor ₳ Sul)
  • Excellent remedy in the septic and foul-smelling condition that occurs during the recovery period (Pyrog)
  • Psor is Hurried like Sul + Flatulence like Olean, Aloe + Constipation even with loose stools like Alum, Chin, Nux-v
  • Radar suggest Psor in mania along with Hyos, Lach and Stram

Itch Remedy


  • Classic Psor with a severe throat infection with greatly swollen tonsils which was intense burning, scalding, cutting pain and offensive odor from the mouth.
  • Profuse sticky saliva and the child kept hawking frequently to loosen cheesy balls. 
  • A bad infection that need Antibiotics but could be treated by Psor efficiently.
  • Here Psor peculiarity is the itchiness in folds, where the skin is thin, for example, behind ears, between fingers, around navel, anus, perineum and mouth. Itchiness agg with scratching, also by heat of bed and undressing.
  • Unbearable itching, he scratches until bleeding
  • Pruritis: Itchy skin without rash
  • Urticaria

    Dermatological disorders - urticaria andioedema  APIS

    SKIN - ITCHING - despair from itching

    SKIN - ERUPTIONS - itching - warmth - bed; of - agg.

    SKIN - ITCHING - warm - bed; on becoming warm in

Skin looks dirty

  • Unwashed, offensive, oily, due to overactivity of sebaceous glands and improper functioning of cutaneous glands.
  • Skin could be very dry with intense itching, scaling, cracks, lot of desquamation. Fungal infections like oral and genital candida (thrush), ringworm, herpes especially of the lips.
  • There is inevitably a history of a skin condition, esp scabies,or occurring in the parents or siblings and which have been treated with ointments.
  • It is indicated in parasitic infestations like pinworms, nits, fleas, headlice.
  • Hirsutism esp on Face (Na-m, Sul, Calc)

Itch in chronic disease

  • Psor is indicated for complaints continuing for a long time esp caused by itch suppression
  • Allergic reactions of long standing like asthma, Hay fever, skin, nose and  eye reactions to pollens, dust, feathers, detergents, oils or chemicals in chilly patients call for Psor
  • Infant / Childhood complaints like nappy rash, Measles, heat rash, nasal catarrh, painful teething, susceptibility to colds, fevers, night terrorssleeplessness in children, irritated behavior, offensive otorrhoea need Psor with the guide of itching

Mental Itch

  • Psor has Night pruritus: Itch violently at night and remain drowsy during the day
  • She becomes quarrelsome, prefers solitude and is afraid of the future because she is afraid, anticipating that everything she undertakes shall be a failure.
  • The attitude is pessimistic, full of despair since she has fixed ideas regarding the situation.
  • This anxiousness (Cold interior) gives her the impression of external coldness and even in hot weather, she wishes to be well covered.
  • The word “itch” has an undertone of persistence, progression, continuation in frequent intervals

ITCH leads to despair

  • Mental Itch to do things, when obstructed with dark clouds of doubt, fear, anxiety, anticipation or disappointment gives rise to the intense gloom.
  • Patients that told you "When the business is a little low, I get this kind of depression. Financially, I am comfortable, I don’t have to worry and nothing can go wrong drastically. I know this is just a phase, but somehow I am not able to come out of it. I get a bad feeling that, what if business does not pick up, then what shall happen?
  • Itching leads him to complete despair / Insomnia /Terrible sleep (Nat-m)


  • Fear and despair about future
  • Thinks he is a loser/ Miserable
  • Desperate and pessimistic, he may even think of suicide
  • Feelings of intense loneliness and being forgotten.
  • Concerned about his health, so that he is completely hopeless about recovery.
  • Tiredness and restlessness at night (Ars)
  • He blames himself for his anxiety. (Nux-v, Puls, Lyc)

Chilly patients

  • This distorted perception of the weather (loosely translated into surrounding), continues into the mental delusion of doom,
  • Fear of “the chill” symbolizing the slack phase in work which explains the important rubric
  • Fear of poverty, prosperous although
  • Delusion poor he is; sick he is;  life is a burden, doomed he is.
  • Cold and weak patients

Mind-Body In-coordination

  • Even when things are not too bad, he can’t help but be in a state of despair and inability to come out of it
  • He was indifferent to all the ‘joys’, indifferent to his surroundings with indolence and aversion to work.
  • These Rubrics imply that the mind and body are not in sync, so he cannot work optimally.
    • Head separated from body
    • Body parts divided
    • Arms separated from body
    • Body parts absent

Other Skin entities

  • Psor has multiple skin problems like Sul such as Acne, eczema, psoriasis and Herpetic rashes.
  • Esp on skin folds and behind the ears
  • Greasy skin, esp on the face
  • His hair is tangled / stuck together / frizzy and lusterless (Lyc, Bar-c, Sars, Tub)
  • His scalp has foul-smelling secretions.

Herpetic rashes

ACUTE DISEASES - Dermatological disorders - superficial mycotic infections: graph, Hep, Mez, nat-m, Petr, puls, rhus-t

File:Circinate path.png
Circinate patch
  • On the Scrotum / Groin
  • Red/copper colored patches
  • Fine wet crusts
  • Hollow ring patches

SKIN - ERUPTIONS - herpetic - circinate

SKIN - ERUPTIONS - herpetic - patches

EYE - ERUPTIONS - Lids - scaly herpes

Scaly rashes, Scabies

  • Desquamation behind the ear with sticky and smelly secretions (Graph)
  • Dry and rough skin and small scales, esp on head

SKIN - ERUPTIONS – desquamating


SKIN - ERUPTIONS - herpetic - scaly

ACUTE DISEASES - Dermatological disorders - psoriasis

It is the second remedy for (Acute /Chronic) scabies after Sul

ACUTE DISEASES - Dermatological disorders - scabies

SKIN - ERUPTIONS - scabies - suppressed - merc and sul; by

  • Heat agg (Onset of itching on entering the bed)
  • Severe itchiness
  • Pimple-like rash

Purulent rash

  • Little but continuous secretions that are sticky and smelly (Graph, Mez)
  • The rash quickly ends is pus (Hep)
  • Profuse sweating after acute diseases, which makes him feel better (Calad, Nat-m)


  • The psoriatic eruptions disappears in summer only to occur in winter.
  • Dirty, rough, scabby and greasy skin
  • Nape of the neck, scalp, folds of the skin and groins are typically affected.
  • Sever itching which agg by heat of bed. He scratch it till raw and bleeds.
  • Psoriatic after long lasting grief.


Thin and hungry

  • He is very hungry and eats regularly, but he is still weak.
  • He is so hungry that it disturbs his sleep.

    STOMACH - APPETITE - increased - night


  • Chronic / Recurrent Offensive Mucous discharge such as nose (sinusitis) , expectoration, menses , eye, ear discharges
  • Stool/ Flatulence / Anus

Ear / nose / throat disorders - otitis medi

SKIN - ULCERS - discharges - offensive - putrid

  • He hawks and expels piecemeal and foul-smelling phlegm (Kali-m)

Other disease

File:Psor eruption 1.png
Scrotal desquamating eruption



  • Open air Agg (Calad, Nat-m)
  • Sitting up straight Agg (Laur) /Lying down Amel
  • Amel by opening the arms to the sides (Opposite to Ars)

Accompanied by

  • Cough after suppressing itching or eczema
  • Alternation of asthma with skin rashes

    RESPIRATION - ASTHMATIC - alternating with - eruptions

  • Chest pain / Palpitations + Dyspnea

CHEST - PAIN - Heart - accompanied by - respiration; difficult


  • Restless thin /Bony child with skin rashes
  • A child who is restless and hyperactive day and night needs Tub
  • Child's restlessness during skin rash

    MIND - RESTLESSNESS - eruptions - with - children; in

  • Nocturnal urinary incontinence Infant diarrhea

    RECTUM - DIARRHEA - children; in-nurslings

  • He does not sleep day and night and cries constantly (Jal), but he is refreshed in the morning. (Allen)
  • A child who is good and plays during the day but is restless all night (opposite to Lyc)

MIND - IRRITABILITY - children, in - good all day, cross all night : Jal

MIND - RESTLESSNESS - children, in - night - morning fresh and lively; but in the

SLEEP - SLEEPLESSNESS - children, in - fretful from bedtime to morning; next day lively

MIND - TALKING - sleep, in - children, in

MIND - WEEPING - children, in - night

MIND - WEEPING - children, in - night - toss all night: Rheum

MIND - IRRITABILITY - night - children; in - babies; in sick

MIND - IRRITABILITY - children, in - sleepless - day and night

MIND - IRRITABILITY - sleeplessness, with - children, in

SLEEP - SLEEPLESSNESS - children, in – babies: carc


  • Ocular migraine
  • Optic neuritis: Headache after Spot-flying flies/ Blurred vision / Even blindness (Lac-d, Kali-bi, Cycl)
  • He feels hungry during headache and gets better by eating (Anac, Kali-p)
  • Headache caused by suppression of rash
  • Menses during headaches that improves with nosebleeds (Meli)
  • Headache caused by exposure to air drought.

GI tract

  • Wakes up in the middle of the night with hunger (Cina, Sul, Lyc)
  • Sore throat with the smell of rotten eggs (Arn, Ant-t, Graph)
  • Sudden morning diarrhea + Urging (Sul, Aloe)
  • Diarrhea, esp during teething or after acute / severe diseases
  • Chronic constipation caused by rectal inactivity (Sul)
  • Dark stools, very smelly and runny, which is worse at night (Podo)

Wait, Not repeat

  • Psor should not be given in very high doses at the outset. A dose of 30 or 200 (one dose or triple split dose) should be given followed by waiting for a fortnight or a month. Slowly, the potencies could be stepped up, waiting longer each time.
  • Psor is a very deep acting remedy that elicits change and symptoms for many months. 
  • There is often a delay of 9-10 days before any change appears. 
  • Psora is not a blockage that is quickly removed after a few doses of 200 or 1000.
  • Repeating Psor could be harmful so be careful


  • MIND - DESPAIR - itching of the skin, from
  • MIND - FEAR - cancer; of
  • MIND - FEAR - evil; fear of
  • MIND - FEAR - misfortune, of
  • MIND - FEAR - neglected, of being
  • MIND - FEAR - walking - of walking - street; across a busy
  • MIND - DEATH - conviction of - after fever, epistaxis amel