Nat-c, Natrum Carbonicum

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  • It is a Hahnemann proved remedy
  • It is one of the antipsoric remedies of the Chronic Diseases.
  • Hahnemann used it for anxiety and sadness.
  • All natrums need relationship but with a single person or with very few people (Sankran)
  • He feels rejected or betrayed in relationships and this feeling makes him indifferent to mankind.

Similar remedies

Selflessness - Misanthropy

  • Nat-c presents an amazing contrast of selflessness and misanthropy.
  • This contrast is not seen Nat-m because Nat-c is not irritable and closed unlike Nat-m.
    • Nat-c is a Sympathetic remedy. He involves with others problems so deeply that he doesn't see himself anymore (Selflessness)
    • On the other hand he may enter Misanthropic phase which is completely diverse.

Diagnostic feature

  1. Weakness caused by mental activity like Pic-ac and Kali-p
  2. Extreme sensitivity to sound esp music esp piano
  3. Indifference / Aversion to mankind. This indifference is for all family members, loved ones, friends, relatives and strangers.
  4. He develops anxiety and fear of facing people and maintains a distance from them.
  5. They often hide their negative feelings and always try to put on a happy face for others, while internally they feel rejected, betrayed.


Murphy considers these four prescriptions: Infertility, Catarrhal Sinusitis, Sunburn and Bright's disease.

Diseases - BRIGHT'S disease, kidneys


Diseases - SINUSITIS, infection, nose - post-nasal catarrh

Diseases - SUNSTROKE


Tumors or hard swelling of glands

  • Enlargement of the glands with indurations, axillary, inguinal, abdominal, salivary.
  • Esp suitable for prostate enlargement in older men.
  • Chronic enlargement of parotids and tonsils.

GI tract

  • GI complaints after grief or in drunkards
  • Stomach disorders from the simplest food.
  • Strong aversion or intolerance of any kind of milk even mother’s milk.
  • Both eating agg and eating amel  
  • All-gone and empty Sensations / Pains in abdomen which amel after eating.
  • Ravenous Appetite, but after eating fullness sensation and diarrhea comes
  • Stool is yellow, loud eructations, belching, hiccough are all there but give no relief. is
  • Gushing / Forcible Stool
  • GI problems due to anxiety or fear of eating.
  • Depression after eating (Boerickes)
  • Extreme thirst but not unquenchable.


  • Vesicular eruptions in patches and circles (Zona, Herpes labialis, Herpes preputialis)
  • Eczema and various skin complaints. If it is applied locally it produces cracks and dryness of skin.
  • Dry eruptions, moist eruptions, ulcers,
  • Warts are painful and bleeding.
  • Any skin complaint around nose and lips. 
  • Generalized dryness of skin with tendency to cracking.



  • Company, or a certain person.
  • Mental exertion
  • Before / After eating
  • Cold, heat, thunderstorm, etc.
  • Chilly
    • Sensation of coldness
    • Aversion to open air and indoors
    • Covering ameliorates
    • Body and extremities agg in winter/ Head agg in summer


  • Closed rooms, covering
  • After eating

All discharges are offensive, putrid whether stool, vomiting, expectoration, leucorrhoea etc.


  • MALE GENITALIA/SEX - SEXUAL DESIRE - increased - legs were crossed, while
  • MALE GENITALIA/SEX - SEXUAL DESIRE - increased - stool, during: Nat-s
  • MIND - LOQUACITY - exhausted, until