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Related rubrics: Female remedies
Debilitating disease
- Anemia: ars-i. ars. caust. ferr-ar. ferr-r. graph. Kali-c. kali-p. kali-perm. mag-c. nat-m. ovi-p. Puls. Senec.
- Weakness : NUX-M
- Diabetic attack during: Uran-n
- Cancer : Con ,Kreos, Lyc
- Tuberculosis : Lob, Lyc,. Senec, solid, ust
Mental causes
- Anger suppression + Indignation: Cham, Coloc, Staph
- Emotions: Cham, Cimic, kali-m, Lach, mosch
- Fright: Acon. act-sp. bry. calc. cimic. coff. coll. gels. IGN. Kali-c. Lyc. NUX-M. nux-v. Op. Rhus-t. verat.
- Grief: IGN, nat-m
- Chagrin: acon, Chin, COLOC, puls, Staph
- Disappointed Love: hell, IGN, nat-m, ph-ac
- Mental shock :Ign, Nux-v
- Vexations : Acon, act-sp, Cham, Chin, cimic, coll, COLOC, lyc, op, puls, Staph, verat
Cold & Wet
- Cold : Acon. Act-sp. aral. bell-p. bell. bry. Caj. calc. Cimic. Coc-c. Con. Dulc. graph. hell. nux-m. nux-v. Plat. podo. Puls. Rhus-t. senec. Sep. Sil. sulph.
- Cold, water: Acon. Ant-c. bell-p. bell. calc. cham. cimic. Con. Dulc. graph. lac-c. Lac-d. phos. Puls. Rhus-t. sulph. Verat-v. xan.
- Putting feet in Cold water: Acon. Dulc. Graph. Hell. Nat-m. nux-m. PULS. RHUS-T. Senec. Xan.
- Putting hands in Cold water: Calc, Con, Lac-d
- Wet : Acon. Bell-p. Calc. Dulc. graph. Hell. nux-v. Puls. Rhus-t. Senec.
- Thunderstorm: Nat-c
- Bathing: Aeth. Ant-c. Calc-p. cupr. Nux-m
- Cold Bath :Acon. ant-c. kali-m. mosch
- Warm Bath: Aeth
- Bry, Cycl, Nux-m
- Excessive dancing : Cycl. Sabin
- Walking, on: KREOS
- Fever : Cimic
- Chill : Bell-p. bell. dulc. nux-m. puls. sep. Sil. Sulph
- Heated, after being: Bry, Cycl
- Heated, after being ironing, : Bry, Sep
Other causes
- Milk, from drinking: lac-d, Phos
- Suppression of feet perspiration: Cupr
- Injuries: Coloc
- Breast milking: Puls, Rhus-t
- Nurse, after ceasing to: Sep
Menses suppressed suddenly: Acon
First class remedies:
- When Nat-m, which is selected correctly, does not work
- Suppressed period, with long delay and low volume due to various reasons such as Anemia and Panic attacks
- After the menses ends, it starts again (Lyc, Calc, Lach)
- Due to hysteria
- Due to Panic attacks
- Due to hysteria, Due to cold / Chill
- Suppressed period, with long delay and low volume
- Amenorrhea + Severe loss of libido (Helon)
- Due to hysteria
- Due to Anemia
- Suppressed period, with long delay and low volume
- Menses suppression in obese girls
- Swelling and sensitivity to touch during menses
- Headache, shivering and feeling cold and colic before menses
- After the menses ends, it starts again (Lyc, Calc, Lach)
- Suppressed period, with long delay and low volume
- After the menses ends, it starts again
- Suppressed period, with long delay and low volume
- After the menses ends, it starts again
Suppressed period, with long delay and low volume
Suppressed period, with long delay and low volume