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Mental Sign/ Symptoms

General Sign/ Symptoms


  • Joy / Laughing hysterical: Nux-m, Ther
  • Lighter, his body has become: Gels
  • Chlorosis: Yellow face + Nausea: Tarent
  • Constantly changing symptoms: Carc, PULS
  • Fainting: Acon, Cham, COCC, Dig, IGN, Mosch, Nat-m, Nux-m, Nux-v, Sumb, ...



Modalities Certain time Menses Certain constitutions

Digestive tract

Respiratory tract

Neurological system


  • Coughing: Cocc , Gels, Ign , Kali-br , Nux-m, Plat , Verat
    • Modalities:
      • Menses before: Plat
      • Menses during: Hyos , Plat
  • Dyspnea: Acon, Ars , Asaf , Cact, Cedr, Gels, Ign, Lob, Mosch
  • Rhinitis: Kali-p , Lach , Sabad , Sel , Sil , Sumb
  • Snoring: Mosch
  • Throat suffocation: Cact
  • Voice lost: Gels , Hyos , Ign , Nux-m , sep
  • Spinal cord Pain / Burning: Kali-br
  • Tingling / Numbness : Gels , Ign
  • General paralysis IGN, Acon, Asaf , Caust, Cham, Cimic, Con , Mag-m , Mosch , Nux-m , Nux-v , Phos , Plb, Tarent, Valer

  • Attacks: absin, carbn-s
  • Cannot Move any part of body: ter
  • Toothache: IGN. Sep
  • Tongue stiffness: Sep
  • Ludicrous: Tarent
  • Men: Carc, Croc, Mosch
  • Nervous aphonia: Acon , Arg-n, Caust, coll, crot-h, gels, hydr-ac, ign, Merc, nux-m, ox-ac, phos, puls, Spong


Urinary-genital system


Back/ Extremities

  • Vision becomes stronger at night: Ferr
  • Loss of vision : Gels
  • Back, Cervical spasm: Cimic
  • Tendons: Sec, Valer, Zinc
  • Fingers: Zinc

First class remedies

King remedy Ign
  • She is very sensitive to emotional stimuli
  • Her face turns red when she is excited
  • Laughter and crying
  • Laughter that ends in disgust and globus hystericus
A lump coming from the stomach to the throat Asaf
  • Agg with nervous excitement
  • Stomach / Intestines Bloating, which causes a feeling of Pressure/ Spasm /heaviness in breathing/chest (Asaf ₳ Mosch)
  • Anxiety, esp with physical restlessness (THER, Carc , Con), (Asaf ₳ Ther)
  • Hysteria due to suppression of discharges (Asaf ₳ Lach)
  • Intestinal complaints
  • Hysterical asthma
  • Hysterical Dizziness / Weakness / Fainting / Paralysis
  • Headache
Hysteria with Sleepiness Nux-m
  • Indigestion + Severe bloating even after eating a little
  • Scanty / Suppressed menses
  • History of abortion
  • Hysteria during menses
  • Fainting + Chilly
Hysteric Abdominal Cramps / Contractions + Hiccups + Loud eructations Mosch
  • Globus hystericus: Suffocating / Hysteric spasm / Throat constriction (Laryngismus)
  • Chest spasm + Asthma + Palpitations + Dyspnea
  • Alternation of laugh and cry
  • Hypersexuality Before/ During menses (Mosch ₳ Plat)
  • Hysteric man
  • Insomnia
  • Hysterical headache
  • Weakness / Fainting / Paralysis
  • Proud / Arrogant / High self-confidence.
  • Attacks of hysterical laughing, loud and somewhat violent and rude, bordering on insanity.
  • Premenstrual hysteria (Caul, Cimic, Cocc, Con, Elaps, Gels, Hyos, Ign, Mag-m, Mosch, Nux-m, Nux-v, Plat, Senec, Vib.)
  • Hysterical cough in women, related to her menses

Constitutions - HYSTERICAL, constitutions - hemorrhoidal patients, who cry easily, are pale, easily fatigued - suffer from wandering pains, are inclined to spasms

Extreme restlessness + Constant movement Tarent
  • He has to keep moving even though it makes him sick to move
  • She is a showman and extrovert, that makes you restless. She sighs and constantly looks around to see the reaction of others
  • Hysterical laughter, hysterical delirium, crying
  • Amel with music
  • Sexual desire increased (Plat ₳ Tarent)
  • MIND - Hysteria -Sighing-amel
  • MIND - LAUGHING – hysterical: Asar , Calc , Hydrog , Kali-p , Nux-m , Puls
  • Hysteric Eructation / Paralysis/ Faintness /Headache
  • Intolerance to Touch / Pressure

Second class remedies




  • Self-Reproaching Hysteria


  • Hysterical fear of misery + Crying amel

MIND - FEAR - misfortune, of - hysteria, weeping amel : Aster



  • Menses Before / During

MIND - HYSTERIA - menses - before



  • Hysterical anger caused by grief
  • Feeling of Tightness / Suffocation/ Compression in the chest
  • Amel by lying on back and raising the shoulders
  • Agg by lying down without a pillow
  • Hypochondriasis



  • Hysteria + Uterus - complaints of (Helon)
  • Hystric Back / Neck pain