Ars, Arsenicum Album
Ars in brief
- If wrong prescription causes confusion in the body system, think about these remedies: Ip, Sep, Ars, Calc, Sul
Mentality | Generality |
Security problems
Ownership is so strong in his character. So
- He afraid of Robbers / Ghosts so Fear of solitude
- Delusion of being persecuted
- Fear of being injured. Anxiety about health, despair of recovery, Weariness of life, Inclination to suicide, or excessive fear of death, which is sometimes believed to be very near.
- Fear of being rejected and forsaken feeling
- Hypochondriasis, fear of all disease esp impeding ones /Fear about health of his own relatives
All or non
He thinks if something should be good, why not better. He could not stop his perfectionism so he become
- Hesitant in his decisions
- Suspicious
- Obsessive
- Fastidious / Sensitive to details: Ars wants everything to be organized. He chooses his clothes carefully and sensitively.
King Rubrics
REST, Cannot, when things are not in proper place, cannot
Ars, Anac, Carc, Sep, Sul
- Sickness is an out of order condition and he says I wish to have rest, which I can’t achieve while this problem is with me.
- I could only get settled if you can remove this disturbance. While this problem is causing disturbance I can’t be all right. (Anac ₳ Ars)In order to differentiate the above remedies just keep observation on:
- How he says
- What he says
- Why he says
- When he saysArs patient may say:
- Doctor, you ask me to take rest and I also wish to have it, but how is it possible when there is so much disorder in my life. Like my son, he does not listen to me, my husband he never shows any affection to me. Also my problems are not getting cured. It is not possible for me to have rest when I see so much disorder around me.
- I will not rest till I come out of this problem. Please remove this disorder as soon as possible no matter how it could be possible. Any method, any strong medicine, I am ready to go for it.
- Similar rubrics
REST, desire for: aesc., alum., anac., arn., bell., brom., BRY., clem., coca., colch., eug., haem., kali-bi., lach., lyc., mez., morph., nux-v., op., ph-ac., sabad., stann., vesp.
Disturbed, Averse to being: I don’t like this situation of unsettlement
Torpor: I am tired of facing this problem every day. Gels is good here.
Ailment from embarrasement
CARRIED, desires to be fast
acon, ARS, bell, brom, cham, lob, rhus-t, verat
HELPLESSNESS, feeling of
aether, am-c, anac, ant-t, arg-n, ars. bamb-a, calad, cench, gels, germ, hecla, hell, hydrog, jasm, kali-br, lith-c, LYC, med, ozone, petr, phos, puls, rhus-t, sang, sep, stram, tax
- Ars feels helpless to manage the situation anymore, and then he has no other option but to take help
- Although he does not like to take from someone or from any therapy (Anac ₳ Ars)
alum, anac, androc, arg-n, ars, asar, aur, aur-ar, bar-ar, bufo, calc-p, calc-sil, CARC, con, cupr, graph, iod, kali-ar, kali-bi, kali-c, lac-ac, lac-c, lac-eq, lac-h, lob, med, morg-g, nat-ar, nat-c, nat-m, nat-p, nat-s, nux-v, oro-ac, phos, pip-m, plat, plb, PULS, sep, sil, sulph, thuj
- Ars is fastidious about maintaining the civil code – means they are very much conscious about their way of living in the society. (Opposite to Cham).
- Their house should be neat and clean, as it will carry a bad impression among people who visit them if they see their house in a bad condition.
- Ars is not eccentric. They believe in following the norms of living in a society.
- They are censorious about law and order and reproaches / Reprimand others for their mistakes . They want others to amend their mistakes or errors immediately.
- They see much disorder around them and cannot tolerate them.
- Ars does not want to project himself to a higher position but he feels that it is the right conduct.
- They are highly conscious about their dignity. Nobody should come to know that they are sick; they feel bad about moving about in society with a sick face. It affects them badly and can cause depression in them with the fear that their status will be harmed if someone will come to know about their problem, so they hide. (Ars ₳ Bell)
- He has lack of trust for his family members. (Mistrustful) (Anac ₳ Ars)
- At the time of need your family even your closest friend may refuse to help you or support you. They can leave you to die.Such feelings make him fearful, which causes a negative thinking towards life and for others. Due to this fear they get over conscious about their problem that even a mild fever makes them very much concerned about their health.
ANXIETY, hypochondriacal: AGAR, NAT-M, PHOS, SYPH
- They immediately call the doctor to ask if some step has to be taken before it aggravates further.
CAUTIOUS, anxiously cautious
am-c, bar-c, carc, caust, lyc, puls, sil, sulph
- Curious to know about his problem but fear to go for investigation as he had apprehension of some serious outcome.
- Asking repeatedly if, there is something serious and whether he is curable. He always had negative forebodings about his problems.
- He always remains under fear. A slight fluctuation in his problem makes him uncomfortable and negative thoughts again start coming into his mind.
- Despite Doctor's assurance he kept on asking about his problem.
- He is very doubtful about his condition, that it may betray him.
- He is very anxious about his family health but his anxiety is not supportive (Opposite to Cocc)
Respiratory system
- Palliative remedy for Asthma. Here Ars acts like Acon. His sunken eyes and tired face tell us about his dyspnea.
- His croupy coughs also emphasis of his bad situation.