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  • Vitiligo is a skin disease that causes the skin to lose its color.
  • Specific causes are unknown but studies suggest a link to immune system changes.
  • Vitiligo results from the destruction of epidermal melanocytes by autoreactive cytotoxic T cells.
  • It seems that vitiligo is a part of Autoimmune disease named APS
  • Vitiligo usually associated with diseases like Thyroid abnormality, Pernicious anemia, SLE, diabetes mellitus,IBD, RA, etc.
Signs / Symptoms Related disease Causes Rubrics
  • The only sign of vitiligo is the presence of pale patchy areas of depigmented skin
  • Rarely itching in the absence of sunburn.
  • Patches are initially small, but often grow and change shape.
  • They are most prominent on the face, hands, wrists, around body orifices, such as the mouth, eyes, nostrils, genitalia and umbilicus.
  • Some lesions have increased skin pigment around the edges.
  • They may experience depression and similar mood disorders.
  • Koebner phenomenon: Damage to the normal skin frequently results in an area of depigmentation.
  • Inflammatory Vitiligo has an erythematous raised border similar to the one sometimes seen in pityriasis versicolour.
  • 6.25-38% of patients have family history for vitiligo
  • Vitiligo is considered as an autoimmune disease due to:
    • The presence of melanocytes auto-antibodies.
    • Associated with other autoimmune disorders.
    • Auto-antibodies in first degree relatives of patients
    • Associated with HLA – DR4, HLA-DR1.
    • Melanocytes Destruction
  • Face- Discoloration, White Spot: Ars, Merc, Nat-c
  • Genitalia- Spots- Scrotum, White: Merc, Thuj
  • Extremities, Discoloration, Upper Limbs, White, in Spot: Apis
  • Extremities, Discoloration, Thigh, White, in Spot: Calc
  • Extremities, Discoloration, Thigh, White Spot: Calc.
  • Extremities, Discloration, Ankle, White, in Spot: Calc.
  • Extremities, Discloration, Foot, White In Spot: Apis
  • Skin, Discoloration, White, Spot: alum, am-c, ars, aur, berb, calc, carb-an, coca,  merc, nat-c, nit-ac, phos, sep, sil, sulph.


Skin Peculiar Constitutional Sign / Symptoms


  • White spots can appear anywhere on the body.
  • Free perspiration over the head, neck and chest.
  • Intolerance to cold weather.
  • Certain peculiar cravings for eggs, lime, pencils
  • Tendency to catch cold easily.
  • Weakness of bone may also be found. Easily fatigued by exertion
  • Chronic constipation and obesity
  • A number of fears esp fear of misfortune, of contagious disease, of losing reason and of insanity.


  • Skin is dry, dirty and rough.
  • Skin complaint alternating with respiratory complaints like asthma
  • Warm applications over skin and warm drinks are highly desirable and amel him
  • Burning sensations in varying body parts
  • Skin oversensitive, suppressed eruptions.
  • Brownish white spots in skin.
  • White patches; dry, rough skin.
  • Extreme exhaustion
  • Many Fears and anxieties  about health, trifles and others.
  • Marked restlessness is often seen on both mental and physical
  • Fastidiousness
  • Person demanding extreme neatness and order in everything


  • Selected constitutionally in vitiligo
  • Indifferent Attitude
  • Skin is delicate/ Dry
  • Indifferent approach towards life and family.
  • They lack interest in doing any work.
  • Tendency to avoid both Physical or mental labor is present .
  • Constantly depressed with marked irritability, weeping tendency, desire to be alone and an aversion to consolation or sympathy.
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Around menopausal age with tendency to hot flushes.


  • Sil is also selected constitutionally in vitiligo
  • Skin is pale and waxy
  • Tendency to eruptions with pus formation in various body parts;
  • Pale, and waxy skin + Tendency to excessive perspiration hands and feet;
  • Tendency to catch cold on frequent basis; lean, thin physical makeup .
  • The main mind symptom are timidity and an under-confident nature.
  • Under-confident, fear public speaking, are timid and bashful.
  • Obstinate behavior and stubbornness may also indicate its use .


  • A lot from skin troubles, itchy skin with long term use of ointments
  • Their mind is constantly occupied with various theories and plans.
  • They suffer from mental fatigue and absent mindedness.
  • They take little or no care for their physical appearance
  • Burning sensations in various body parts+ White spots on skin.  
  • An extra ordinary craving for sweets

Banerji protocols

First line
  • Ars C200, BD for 3 months

If fail:

  • Mez C6, BD
  • Sul C200 one dose every 10 days
  • Ars C1000 one dose every 7 days
Second line Ars-s-f 6X, BD for 3 month

Other Remedies


  • Greasy/ Oily esp on hairy parts.
  • Dry eruptions esp on the margins of the hairy scalp and bends of points
  • Skin-raw, red, inflamed,


  • Zig-zag, irregular edges, base look like raw flesh.
  • Exuberant granulations,
  • Forehead Papules: Large jagged, Bleeds on washing
  • Sensitive splinter like pains
  • Agg: Evening, night, cold climate also in hot weather.


  • Leucoderma and squamous syphilitic diseases.
  • Sciatica and pain around the knee.
  • Associated with sense of needle pricks from within outwards in the chest and esp right side also on forehead


  • Unhealthy skin; brown or brownish white spots here and there
  • AMMI VISNAGA – Relieves issues of Vitiligo and reduces associated anxiety. Associated with treatment of spasmodic bodily movements and in the treatment of angina pectoris.
  • PSOROLIA COR – It helps in the treatment of Leukoderma, Leprosy and skin diseases. It is also helpful for treating the scorpion sting and snake bites as it has antibacterial and antioxidant properties.