- Anger, irascibility
- Abusive, insulting
- Anger, Trifles
- Anger, Violent
- AILMENTS from Anger with
- Fright
- Indignation
- Silent grief
- Suppressed anger
Guilty Feeling
- Anxiety, conscience, as if guilty of a crime
- Delusions - crime
- Delusions - criminal
- Cheerful, gay, mirthful death, while thinking of
- Death, desires alternating with laughing thoughts joy, give him
- Suicidal, disposition throwing himself
- Killed , desires to be
- Suicidal disposition, throwing himself, height from a: Acon, Arg-n, Ars, Bell, Camph, Gels, Hyos, Ign, Lach, Nux-v, Staph, Stram, Sul
- Fear, death, Desire with
- Mania, Suicidal, sexual symptoms with (1)
Deception causes grief and mortification (1)
Hopeful, Disease in long lasting (1)
Hopful (Excitement, Hope, as in joyous)
Absent persons
Excitement, absent persons, about
Anger, absent person: Aur, Kali-c, Lyc
Highly Excited
- Excitement, absent persons, about
- Ennui, entertainment, amel (1)
- Excitement, pain, during
- Excitement, Hope, as in joyous: He is so logical. He has some hope on your treatment, but if you cannot treat him, he is not surprised, since death is the end of all creatures and I am ready to die
Smiling, Involuntary (Bell, Lyc) when speaking (Aur ₳ Bell)
- ABSENT - MINDED, unobserving
- Abstraction of mind
Concentration - difficult; Unobserving
- Love, disappointed
- Disappointment
- Abused being
- Business failure of
- Contradiction
- Money, from losing (Pecuniary loss)
- Scorn, being scorned
- Sexual excesses
- Violence /ABUSED, violence, from
- Sadness, friends, as if having lost affection of
- Sadness, Diverted from thoughts of himself, desire to be: Aur, Camph
- Sadness, Misfortune as if from: Calc, Phos, Puls, Sul
- Discontented, reserved displeasure: Ign, Nat-m, Staph
- Shrieking, screaming, shouting menses, after
- Confidence want of, others, have none in him, which makes her unhappy, and thinks: Aur, Ham
- Complaining
- Howling
- Moaning
- Sighing
- Weeping
- Ailments from shame: Aur, Ign, Nat-m, Op, Staph, Sul
- Ailments from, remorse: Arn, Aur
- Delusion, is reproached
- Anxiety - salvation
- Insanity - mortification
- Honor, Strong sense of (1)
- Ailments from rejected of being
- Delusion, reproach, he has has neglected duty and deserves (1)
- Del, neglected, Duty
- Fear, duty, to neglect his
- Delusions - wrong
- Reproaches - himself
- Ailment, Reproaches
- Contemptuous, Self to: Agn, Thuj
- Anguish, Self destruction, leading to (1)
Intolerant to contradiction
- Contradiction, is intolerant of agg
- Ailments - contradiction
- Anger - contradiction
- KiII - contradict
- Weeping - contradict
- Question, Speaks continentally answer without waiting for an (1)
Company aversion
- Company, aversion to; presence of other people agg. the symptoms
- Company, aversion to, desire for solitude
- Fear people / Misanthropy
- Spoken, To; averse to being; alone wants to be left: Ant-t, Aur, Hell, Iod, Lil-t, Sul
- Despair, others, about
- Weeping meeting people when (1)
- Weeping, laughing and meeting people, when
- Suspicious, Solitude
- Sadness, Company
- Suicidal , disposition pain, from
- Jumping impulse, window, pain makes her so desperate that she would like to
- Anguish, pain, during
- Excitement, pain, during
- Despair, Pains, with
Work Mania
- Industrious
- Activity; desire
- Busy
- Occupation - amel
- Work mental - desire
Delusions - neglected, Duty
- Amativeness
- Fancies, Lascivious
- Nymphomania
Mania, Suicidal, sexual symptoms with (1)
Philosophical despair
- Delusion, unfit for the world, he is: Aur, Plat
- Del, Obstacle in his way (1)
Despair, Religious despair of salvation
- Conteptuous; self of; (7) Agn, Aur, Lac-c, Thuj
- Delusion; unfit for the world; he is (1) Aur, Plat
Forsaken feeling
- Delusions, alone of being
- Delusions, Friend, affection of, he has lost the
- Ailments, friendship, deceived
Del, Neglected, friends, his: Ars, Cyc, Hell, Hyos, Ign, Lyc, Puls, Staph
Alternating states
- Sadness alternating with Physical energy (1)
- Death, desires alternating with laughing thoughts joy, give him
- Laughing alternating with death desire (1)
- Anger alternating with cheerfulness: Aur, Ign, Nat-m, Op, Stram
Other Rubrics
- Answering, Questioning in (1)
- Mathematics, inability for astronomy (1)
- DELUSIONS, heart, turning around
- FOOLISH, behavior, morning on waking
- GESTURES, convulsive, thinking of motion, when
- HIDE, children, desire to
- STUPEFACTION, automating with convulsions
- TALK, general questions, in (ANSWERS, questions, in)