Agar, Agaricus Muscarius

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Core theme

It is a Homeopathic remedy with three characters

  1. Jerking -Twitching, Chorea
  2. Numbness - Tingling / Electric like shocks
  3. Weakness - Trembling

EXTREMITIES - TWITCHING - Wrist - electric shocks, lik




  • It is a general characteristic and is seen all over the body in large or small muscles, Proximal and distal.
  • Electric like shocks is the most characteristic accompaniment.
  • Sleep on going agg/ Amel during deep sleep is he most important modality
  • Irregular, Angular, Uncertain exaggerated motions(Ign.); he reaches too far, staggers or steps too high, drops things, etc.
  • Fibrillar spasm here and there
  • Jerking in EYELIDS or tongue. Oscillating eyeballs
  • Shuddering. Nervous and restless.
  • Chorea. As of cold needles, a cold drop or a weight on parts.
  • Painful twitching, then parts stiff and cold
  • Indistinct, jerky speech.
  • EXTREMITIES - TWITCHING - sleep - amel
  • EXTREMITIES - JERKING - Lower limbs - sleep - going to; on
  • EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Toes - First – jerking
  • EXTREMITIES - PAIN - tearing - Fingers - Third / Fourth – jerking
  • EXTREMITIES - JERKING - falling asleep
  • EXTREMITIES - JERKING - sleep - amel
  • EXTREMITIES - TWITCHING - Lower limbs - sleep, on going to
  • Amel with manual labor
  • EXTREMITIES - TWITCHING - manual labor amel
  • EXTREMITIES - TWITCHING - Upper limbs - working hard with hands amel
  • Air: COLD. FREEZING. OPEN. Stormy.
  • Exhaustion: Mental.
  • Coition
  • Alcohol / Debauchery
  • Pressure
  • Touch
  • Morning
  • During menses
GenitoUrinary Skin Other disease
  • Tic: Turns head to and fro
  • Headache amel after stool or urine
  • Angle of mouth droops
  • As of a lump in epigastrium
  • Rumbling and fermenting in bowels
  • Hot flatus or semen; cold urine
  • Premature ejaculation
  • Palpitation during coition
  • Depressed after coition
  • BURNING-ITCHING IN SKIN; AS IF FROZEN; changing place on scratching.
  • Skin pains when cold. Chilblains.
  • Chills or sweats easily.
  • Sweats on alternate sides. Night sweats.
  • Itching, over affected part. Cold buttocks.
  • Angina pectoris has excessive pain only. Pressure or burning sticking from heart to left scapula.
  • Yawning; before pains or spasms; as a concomitant.
  • Isolated coughing attacks, then sneezing; as if from spine; easy expectoration of flocculi or balls of mucus.
  • Single vertebra sensitive to heat. Spine sensitive, seems short (Sul)
  • Restless arms.


Cerebral palsy

Developmental Disability

Upper Motor Neuron Disease

Cerebellar ataxia /

Difficult speech

It is a useful remedy to palliate CP symptoms
  1. Cerebellar ataxia /In-coordination
  2. Motor neuron imbalance
  3. Dynamic Complex involuntary movements
  4. Numbness
  • Neural development is arrested.
  • He learn Walking/ Talking Late/ Incomplete
  • MOUTH - SPEECH - difficult - chorea, from
  • MOUTH - SPEECH - difficult - typhoid fever; in: Ars, Lach
  • MOUTH - SPEECH - indistinct
  • MOUTH - SPEECH - stammering
  • MOUTH - SPEECH – thick
  • MOUTH - SPEECH - wanting - typhus fever; in: Apis, Ars, Op, STRONT-C
  • MOUTH - SPEECH - stammering - excitement: Caust, dig
  • MOUTH - SPEECH - difficult - spasms; from - tongue, from: Arg-n, cupr, lyc, Ruta, sec, Stram



  1. CJD
  2. GSS