Ankylosing Spondylitis

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  • AS is a type of arthritis characterized by long-term inflammation of Spine and Pelvic joints
  • AS is a systemic rheumatic disease, meaning it affects the entire body.
  • Occasionally areas affected may include other joints such as the shoulders or hips, eye and bowel problems may occur as well as back pain.
  • Joint mobility in the affected areas generally worsens over time.
  • Causation is unknown
  • There is no known cure for it

Signs and symptoms

Extra Sign/ Symptoms


  • Signs and symptoms often appear gradually, with peak onset between 20 -30 years of age.
  • Initial symptoms are
    • Chronic dull Pain / Stiffness in the lower back or gluteal region, agg in morning
    • Progressive loss of spinal mobility and chest expansion
    • Weight loss, fever, or fatigue
    • Pain is often severe at rest and improve with physical activity.
    • Hips / Shoulders / Knees / Ankles / Feet / Heel Arthritis
    • Less commonly ectasia of sacral nerve root sheaths.
  • Anterior uveitis causing eye pain, redness, and blurred vision. (About 30%)
  • Aortic valve inflammation
  • Lung fibrosis

Top Remedies

Top Remedies Main Core Modalities


  • Best remedy Esp in sacrum and hips.
  • Sacral Inflammation/ Pain
  • Marked stiffness in the lower back.
  • Marked stiffness in the lower back.
  • He has to make repeated efforts for rising from seat.
  • Sensation as if the back would break.
  • Aching pains
  • Back pain agg rising from a seat and on stooping.


  • Constant pain in the spine.
  • Low back Pain attended with Heat / Burning in spine.
  • Neck pain and stiffness.
  • Feeling of lameness in the back
  • Sensation as if the back would break.
  • Intense pain in the neck along with stiffness.
  • Neck feels tender to the touch.
  • Cervical spine that radiates to the shoulders.
  • Early morning agg of neck Pain /Stiffness


  • Intense back stiffness
  • Back stiffness agg in morning or due to inactivity and amel by walking.
  • Sitting agg the stiffness.
  • Back stiffness that agg from taking rest.
  • Pain in the lower back is also severe along with stiffness.
  • Back pain which amel by hard pressure

Second class Remedies

Marked hip pain


  • Hip pain may be cramping, drawing or tearing in nature.
  • Hip pain extends down to Knee/ Leg / Feet (Maybe)
  • Sensitivity to touch the affected hip (Maybe).
  • Amel by lying on the affected side.
  • Pressure on the affected hip .
  • Warmth amel
  • Sitting, Standing, Being in motion agg
  • Rest amel
Motion agg


  • Stiffness + Backache
  • Intense stiffness, He has to sit and walk in a stooped posture.
  • Maintaining an upright posture while sitting/walking is difficult.
  • Agg on motion or walking
  • Stooping, standing and sitting agg
  • Only absolute complete rest amel
Touch sensitive


  • Burning sensation in the spine
  • Feeling of tightness in the back muscles.
  • Marked stiffness in the back
  • Sensation as if the back would break.
  • Sensation of a cold or hot needle piercing the back.
  • The sensitivity of the spine is severe in the morning
  • Agg on stooping
  • Agg during daytime exertion
Back weakness


  • Pain is present in the lower back, hips, and the thighs.
  • Difficulty in turning in bed from a backache
  • Sharp pain in back extending up and down.
Lying on back amel


  • Difficulty in stooping,
  • A pulsating sensation in the back and
  • Pain in the sacrum
  • He may also need firm support on the back.
  • Lying down on back , esp on a hard surface.
Cervical/ Back Pain/ Stiffness


  • A contracted sensation in the neck is present
  • Neck is sensitive to touch.
  • Pressure agg the pain in the neck
  • Any motion of the head and hands agg neck pain
  • Exposure to cold air agg


  • Restlessness + Back pain
  • Back pain agg from rest
  • Pain amel from motion
  • Warm Application amel
Sacral Pain Radiating Down the Thigh


  • Back/ Cervical spine is sensitive to pressure and touch.
  • Feeling of weakness in the back
  • Cervical back pain spreading to the shoulder and between the scapulae
  • Pain amel from touch
Sacral Pain from Walking a Short Distance


  • Stitching pain in the sacrum when standing,
  • Weakness / Lameness in the small of the back
  • Tightness / Stiffness / Soreness in Nape of the neck / Lower cervical spine
  • Dorsal back between the shoulders and the lumbar region
  • Standing agg
Stiff Neck


  • Marked stiffness in the neck
  • Pain in the neck and the back, between scapulae
  • Neck pain radiates down the sacrum.