Pilonidal Cyst

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Top Remedy


  • Pilonidal sinus with pus discharge (May be very offensive and fetid)
  • Pus can be scanty or copious
  • Pus can be thin, watery, or thick, jelly and sticky in nature.
  • Hardness, and swelling at the cleft of the buttock
  • Itching also appears mostly in the daytime.
  • It helps reduce swelling and aids in the expulsion of hair and pus from the cyst.
Pilonidal Sinus With Pus Discharge


  • It haste the process of pus formation and aids in complete recovery.
  • Its use prevents surgical intervention in most cases of pilonidal sinus.
  • Myristica also works in treating suppurative diseases like boils, abscesses, carbuncles, and anal fistula.
With Pain And Pus Formation


  • Its pus isn’t in the stage of oozing yet.
  • Throbbing, beating, stinging, or pricking pain
  • Once pus begins to come out there is relief from pain.
  • Mostly pus discharge is watery and blood-stained.
  • Offensive odour, like old cheese from the pus.
  • The skin above the cyst is highly inflamed, and hot.
  • It is also very sensitive and sore to the touch.
  • In the majority of cases, the pain gets worse at night.
  • Exposure to cold air also worsens the pain in some cases.
With Yellow Pus


  • Pilonidal Cyst when pus discharge has started to ooze from an opening.
  • The discharge is thick, and lumpy and may be bloody in some cases.
Painful Pilonidal Cyst And Pus Discharge


  • The infected area over the buttock cleft is sore and painful with pus discharge.
  • One feels pain as if the affected area has suffered beating.
  • The area surrounding the pus discharge point is red.
  • Fever + Stinging pain in the cyst.
  • Night agg
  • It is a great healing agent that heals skin infections with marked brilliance.
With Burning, Stinging Pain


  • Pus discharge is profuse, green-colored, blood-stained and sticky.
  • The affected area is sore, and painful to touch.
  • Itching may also be present.
  • Increased amount of offensive sweat on the body
  • Night agg
  • Warmth tends to agg all these symptoms.
With Bloody Discharge


  • The blood is thin and profuse.
  • Burning in the surrounding skin may also appear.
  • Phosphorus is an excellent anti-hemorrhagic remedy.
  • It is also useful in cases where healing has taken place in the past, and the problem has arisen again with a bloody discharge.
  • Pilonidal Cyst has colorless and fetid pus.
Milky-white Pus Discharge


  • The discharge has a putrid smell and it corrodes.
  • Burning, and stitching pain is felt in the affected area.
  • Warmth agg the complaint.
  • Fever alternates with chills, and heat may also arise.
  • It is also indicated when the cyst recurs periodically