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=== Rubrics ===
=== Rubrics ===
== Remedies ==
{| class="wikitable"
| rowspan="11" |'''<big>Endometrial Cancer</big>'''
=== [[Bufo, Bufo rana|Bufo]] ===
* Bleeding from vagina occurs in between periods.
* Blood is mainly clotted and offensive.
* Burning pains are often present in the uterine region.
=== [[Lil-t, Lilium Tigrinum|Lil-t]] ===
* Heaviness and a distended feeling in uterine region, with an extreme bearing down sensation.
* Enhanced sexual desire.
=== [[Lach, Lachesis Mutus|Lach]] ===
* Extreme heat flushes
* Palpitations.
=== [[Murx, Murex Purpurea|Murx]] ===
* Severe pulsating, sore or sharp pains are present in the womb.
* The uterus may be enlarged also.
* Extension of the pain from womb upwards towards the breast.
=== [[Kreos, Kreosotum|Kreos]] ===
* Vaginal discharges are very offensive and acrid, causing a violent corrosive itching of the genitals
* Bleeding from vagina after coition.
=== [[Hydr, Hydrastis Canadensis|Hydr]] ===
* Vaginal discharge is thick yellow and excoriating with erosion of the cervix.
=== [[Iod, Iodium|Iod]] ===
* She loseflesh even with a good appetite.
* Extreme weakness and emaciation
=== [[Sep, Sepia|Sep]] ===
* Pain in vagina during coition.
* Greenish or yellowish discharge from vagina
* A feeling of relaxation in pelvic organs with bearing down pains
=== [[Phos, Phosphorus|Phos]] ===
=== [[Arg-n, Argentum Nitricum|Arg-n]] ===
* Vaginal bleeding occurs very frequently in between periods.
=== [[Ust, Ustilago Maydis|Ust]] ===
| rowspan="4" |'''<big>Breast cancer</big>'''
=== [[Con, Conium Maculatum|Con]] ===
| rowspan="2" |
* Conium and Phytolacca are prescribed for hard lumps with pain in the breast.
=== [[Phyt, Phytolacca Decandra|Phyt]] ===
=== [[Hydr, Hydrastis Canadensis|Hydr]] ===
* Sharp cutting pains in breast predominate with retraction of nipple.
* Excessive emaciation and weakness
=== [[Aster, Asterias Rubens|Aster]] ===
* Not only early stages of breast cancer but also late stages when ulcerations
* At this stage, foul smelling discharges are evident + Intense piercing or stabbing pains
| rowspan="3" |'''<big>Stomach cancer</big>'''
=== [[Ars, Arsenicum Album|Ars]] ===
* Arsenic Album is a very beneficial Homeopathic remedy for burning type of pains in stomach of patients diagnosed with stomach cancer. Dark blood is present in vomitus and stool. The stool is also very offensive. The stool and vomiting get worse after eating or drinking anything. Extreme weakness and fear of death are present to the utmost degree. The patient requiring Arsenic Album usually craves for warm drinks.
=== [[Phos, Phosphorus|Phos]] ===
* Natural Homeopathic medicine Phosphorus is the best remedy when bright red blood appears in vomitus or stool. The stool is followed by extreme weakness. The painin the stomach getting relieved by taking cold drinks is a symptom of high value to use this Homeopathic medicine. The patient requiring Phosphorus usually shows a craving for ice creams, juices and cold drinks.
=== [[Lyc , Lycopodium clavatum|Lyc]] ===
* Acidity with sour and burning belching
* The stomach is always distended with gas.
* The patient also shows a loss of appetite with emaciation.
* A craving for hot food, hot liquids and sweets may be present.
| rowspan="3" |'''<big>Colorectal Cancer</big>'''
=== Alum ===
* Constipation of the severest form is present in patients of Colorectal Cancer.
* Stool remains in the rectum for long without any urge to pass it.
* Passage of stool requires great straining even if the stool is soft.
=== [[Aloe, Aloe socotrina|Aloe]] ===
* Persistent diarrhoea (loose stool)
* Stool is preceded and attended with cutting pains in rectum.
* Pains amel after passing stool.
* Stool may contain blood with burning in rectum.
* It may also pass involuntarily.
* Weakness, sweating and even faintness follow the passage of stool.
=== [[Nit-ac, Nitricum Acidum|Nit-ac]] ===
* Bright red bleeding from rectum during stool.
* This is associated with violent pain in rectum that continues for many hours after passing stool.
| rowspan="3" |'''<big>Lungs Cancer</big>'''
=== [[Acal, Acalypha Indica|Acal]] ===
* The blood from lungs is bright red and
* Usually worse in morning.
* This is accompanied by hard and dry cough.
* Emaciation, which increases gradually.
=== [[Bry, Bryonia Alba|Bry]] ===
* Rust-coloured sputa is spit out with dry cough.
* Pain in chest on coughing is usually present, mainly of stitching character.
=== [[Phos, Phosphorus|Phos]] ===
* Chest heaviness and oppression.
* Accompanied by burning in the chest.
* The sputa is bright red in colour.
* Excessive desire for cold drinks along with chest symptoms.
| rowspan="3" |<big>'''Renal''' '''cancer'''</big>
=== [[Chim, Chimaphilla umbellata|Chim]] ===
* Chimaphila is given to patients of renal cancer when the urine contains blood and mucus.
* A burning sensation accompanies urination.
* The person has to strain to pass urine.
=== [[Form, Formica rufa|Form]] ===
* Homeopathic medicine Formica Rufa works well when bleeding occurs while urinating with an increased urge for urination.
=== [[Solid, Solidago Virgaurea|Solid]] ===
* Solidago is the Homeopathic remedy that is recommended when there is pain in back in kidney region.
* Passage of urine is difficult and painful.
* The quantity of urine is scanty with blood.
| rowspan="3" |'''<big>Bladder cancer</big>'''
=== [[Equisetum, Equisetum hyemale|Equisetum]] ===
* The main complaint is constant fullness and pain in the bladder.
* Even after urination, there is no relief from pain.
* This is always accompanied by a frequent desire to pass urine at short intervals.
* The urine passes out in large quantities. Immediately after passing urine, however, the urge is renewed.
=== [[Clem, Clematis erecta|Clem]] ===
* Frequent urge to pass urine but the quantity of urine is very scanty.
=== [[Ter, Terebinthinae Oleum|Ter]] ===
* Homeopathic medicine Terebenthiniae is recommended when the urine contains dark or blackish blood.
* Burning pains in bladder are always associated.
| rowspan="2" |<big>'''Prostate cancer'''</big>
=== [[Sabal, Sabal serrulata|Sabal]] ===
* The main symptom is the constant desire to pass urine.
* The frequency of urine mainly disturbs the patient at night.
* The urine is discharged or passes out with much difficulty.
* The prostate is enlarged in almost all the patients in whom Sabal Serrulata is indicated.
=== [[Con, Conium Maculatum|Con]] ===
* Bladder is not emptied in one go.
* The urine flow is intermittent.
* The urine comes and stops and much time is utilized in emptying the bladder.
|'''<big>Liver and gall bladder</big>'''
=== [[Chel, Chelidonium|Chel]] ===
* The best Homeopathic medicine for treating liver and gall bladder diseases.
* Jaundice and other symptoms like pain in right side of upper abdomen are well marked.
* This is also accompanied by pain under the right shoulder in scapula.  
* The patient may also show a desire for hot drinks and hot food along with the other symptoms.
=== [[Chion, Chionanthus Virginicus|Chion]] ===
* Jaundice is accompanied by a thick coating on the tongue.
* The appetite is also totally absent.
* The stool is clay coloured.
=== [[Phos, Phosphorus|Phos]] ===
* Phosphorus is a Homeopathic remedy of great help for loose stool with extreme weakness.
* Vomiting and nausea are also experienced.
* There is a desire for cold drinks, ice creams and juices.
| rowspan="3" |'''<big>Pancreas</big>'''
=== [[Cadm-s, Cadmium sulphuricum|Cadm-s]] ===
=== [[Cean, Ceanothus Americanus|Cean]] ===
=== [[Hydr, Hydrastis Canadensis|Hydr]] ===
| rowspan="3" |'''<big>Oral cancer</big>'''
=== [[Ars, Arsenicum Album|Ars]] ===
* Dryness and burning in mouth.
* Saliva contains blood and there may be a metallic taste in mouth.
=== [[Merc, Mercurius Solubilis|Merc]] ===
|Merc Sol is the ideal Homeopathic remedy when there is an increased saliva in the mouth with a horribly offensive odour. Homeopathic medicine
=== [[Condurango]] ===
|Cundurango is useful when the corners of mouth show deep painful fissures in oral cancer.
| rowspan="3" |'''<big>Esophagus</big>'''
=== [[Carb-v, Carbo vegetabilis|Carb-v]] ===
=== [[Hydr, Hydrastis Canadensis|Hydr]] ===
=== [[Lyc , Lycopodium clavatum|Lyc]] ===
| rowspan="3" |'''<big>Larynx</big>'''
=== [[Ars, Arsenicum Album|Ars]] ===
=== [[Phos, Phosphorus|Phos]] ===
=== [[Phyt, Phytolacca Decandra|Phyt]] ===
| rowspan="3" |'''<big>Bone cancer</big>'''
=== [[Syph, Syphilinum|Syph]] ===
* Syphilinum is basically used for cancer of long bones where severe pains are present.
* Night aggravation of pains is an important indicator.
=== [[Hecla, Hecla Lava|Hecla]] ===
|Hecla Lava is the Homeopathic remedy for cancer of jaw bones.
=== [[Symph, Symphytum Officinale|Symph]] ===
* When the bones are broken due to cancerous affections.
* It can help in reuniting the bones.

Latest revision as of 05:38, 8 January 2024

Glandular cancer remedies


Related miasms


  • Hydr: Stomach Cancer emaciation
  • Calc-ars: Cancer of uterus, affections of spleen and mesenteric glands are often found associated.



Endometrial Cancer


  • Bleeding from vagina occurs in between periods.
  • Blood is mainly clotted and offensive.
  • Burning pains are often present in the uterine region.


  • Heaviness and a distended feeling in uterine region, with an extreme bearing down sensation.
  • Enhanced sexual desire.


  • Extreme heat flushes
  • Palpitations.


  • Severe pulsating, sore or sharp pains are present in the womb.
  • The uterus may be enlarged also.
  • Extension of the pain from womb upwards towards the breast.


  • Vaginal discharges are very offensive and acrid, causing a violent corrosive itching of the genitals
  • Bleeding from vagina after coition.


  • Vaginal discharge is thick yellow and excoriating with erosion of the cervix.


  • She loseflesh even with a good appetite.
  • Extreme weakness and emaciation


  • Pain in vagina during coition.
  • Greenish or yellowish discharge from vagina
  • A feeling of relaxation in pelvic organs with bearing down pains



  • Vaginal bleeding occurs very frequently in between periods.


Breast cancer


  • Conium and Phytolacca are prescribed for hard lumps with pain in the breast.



  • Sharp cutting pains in breast predominate with retraction of nipple.
  • Excessive emaciation and weakness


  • Not only early stages of breast cancer but also late stages when ulcerations
  • At this stage, foul smelling discharges are evident + Intense piercing or stabbing pains
Stomach cancer


  • Arsenic Album is a very beneficial Homeopathic remedy for burning type of pains in stomach of patients diagnosed with stomach cancer. Dark blood is present in vomitus and stool. The stool is also very offensive. The stool and vomiting get worse after eating or drinking anything. Extreme weakness and fear of death are present to the utmost degree. The patient requiring Arsenic Album usually craves for warm drinks.


  • Natural Homeopathic medicine Phosphorus is the best remedy when bright red blood appears in vomitus or stool. The stool is followed by extreme weakness. The painin the stomach getting relieved by taking cold drinks is a symptom of high value to use this Homeopathic medicine. The patient requiring Phosphorus usually shows a craving for ice creams, juices and cold drinks.


  • Acidity with sour and burning belching
  • The stomach is always distended with gas.
  • The patient also shows a loss of appetite with emaciation.
  • A craving for hot food, hot liquids and sweets may be present.
Colorectal Cancer


  • Constipation of the severest form is present in patients of Colorectal Cancer.
  • Stool remains in the rectum for long without any urge to pass it.
  • Passage of stool requires great straining even if the stool is soft.


  • Persistent diarrhoea (loose stool)
  • Stool is preceded and attended with cutting pains in rectum.
  • Pains amel after passing stool.
  • Stool may contain blood with burning in rectum.
  • It may also pass involuntarily.
  • Weakness, sweating and even faintness follow the passage of stool.


  • Bright red bleeding from rectum during stool.
  • This is associated with violent pain in rectum that continues for many hours after passing stool.
Lungs Cancer


  • The blood from lungs is bright red and
  • Usually worse in morning.
  • This is accompanied by hard and dry cough.
  • Emaciation, which increases gradually.


  • Rust-coloured sputa is spit out with dry cough.
  • Pain in chest on coughing is usually present, mainly of stitching character.


  • Chest heaviness and oppression.
  • Accompanied by burning in the chest.
  • The sputa is bright red in colour.
  • Excessive desire for cold drinks along with chest symptoms.
Renal cancer


  • Chimaphila is given to patients of renal cancer when the urine contains blood and mucus.
  • A burning sensation accompanies urination.
  • The person has to strain to pass urine.


  • Homeopathic medicine Formica Rufa works well when bleeding occurs while urinating with an increased urge for urination.


  • Solidago is the Homeopathic remedy that is recommended when there is pain in back in kidney region.
  • Passage of urine is difficult and painful.
  • The quantity of urine is scanty with blood.
Bladder cancer


  • The main complaint is constant fullness and pain in the bladder.
  • Even after urination, there is no relief from pain.
  • This is always accompanied by a frequent desire to pass urine at short intervals.
  • The urine passes out in large quantities. Immediately after passing urine, however, the urge is renewed.


  • Frequent urge to pass urine but the quantity of urine is very scanty.


  • Homeopathic medicine Terebenthiniae is recommended when the urine contains dark or blackish blood.
  • Burning pains in bladder are always associated.
Prostate cancer


  • The main symptom is the constant desire to pass urine.
  • The frequency of urine mainly disturbs the patient at night.
  • The urine is discharged or passes out with much difficulty.
  • The prostate is enlarged in almost all the patients in whom Sabal Serrulata is indicated.


  • Bladder is not emptied in one go.
  • The urine flow is intermittent.
  • The urine comes and stops and much time is utilized in emptying the bladder.
Liver and gall bladder


  • The best Homeopathic medicine for treating liver and gall bladder diseases.
  • Jaundice and other symptoms like pain in right side of upper abdomen are well marked.
  • This is also accompanied by pain under the right shoulder in scapula.  
  • The patient may also show a desire for hot drinks and hot food along with the other symptoms.


  • Jaundice is accompanied by a thick coating on the tongue.
  • The appetite is also totally absent.
  • The stool is clay coloured.


  • Phosphorus is a Homeopathic remedy of great help for loose stool with extreme weakness.
  • Vomiting and nausea are also experienced.
  • There is a desire for cold drinks, ice creams and juices.




Oral cancer


  • Dryness and burning in mouth.
  • Saliva contains blood and there may be a metallic taste in mouth.


Merc Sol is the ideal Homeopathic remedy when there is an increased saliva in the mouth with a horribly offensive odour. Homeopathic medicine


Cundurango is useful when the corners of mouth show deep painful fissures in oral cancer.








Bone cancer


  • Syphilinum is basically used for cancer of long bones where severe pains are present.
  • Night aggravation of pains is an important indicator.


Hecla Lava is the Homeopathic remedy for cancer of jaw bones.


  • When the bones are broken due to cancerous affections.
  • It can help in reuniting the bones.