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=== Related disease ===
* [[Parasomnia|Parasomnias]]
* [[Somniloquy|Sleep talking]]
* [[Somnambulism|Sleep walking]]
* [[Panic attacks]]
* [[Nightmare disorder|Nightmare]]
* [[Exam remedies]]
== Remedies ==
== Remedies ==
{| class="wikitable"
|'''<big>Due to Stress/ Worries</big>'''
=== [[Kali-p, Kalium Phosphoricum|Kali-p]] ===
* Sleeplessness during the latter part of the night
* [[Nightmare disorder|Nightterrors]] in children causing disturbed sleep
* ''M''ainly during the latter part of the night ([[Kali-p ₳ Nux-v]])
* Excessive yawning, a sad, gloomy disposition,
* Extreme fatigue both on mental and physical level and sudden waking from sleep in children due to night terrors
|Due to Constant Thoughts
=== [[Coff, Coffea cruda|Coff]] ===
=== [[Coff, Coffea cruda|Coff]] ===
* Early waking from sleep with difficulty to fall asleep again
* Disturbed sleep from excessive dreams
* He remains restless at night, tossing from side to side or wakes up frequently.
* His active mind prevents him from sleeping that makes him restless and nervous.
* Palpitations and nervousness may attend.
* Children who are playful at night and are sleepless.
* Insomnia during the phase of convalescence (i.e., during recovery from some illness)
* Nervous insomnia due to excitement of good and bad news
* Nervous insomnia due to excitement of good and bad news
* His active mind prevents him from sleeping that makes him restless and nervous.
* He  is restless or wakes up frequently.
* High mental sharpness
* High mental sharpness
|From Grief, Depression
=== [[Ign, Ignatia Amara|Ign]] ===
=== [[Ign, Ignatia Amara|Ign]] ===
=== [[Lyc , Lycopodium clavatum|Lyc]] ===
* Cares and worries
* Sadness, weeping, brooding
* She may get entirely absorbed in profound grief that leads to sleeplessness.
* Other attending features are a desire to be alone, tearfulness, and sadness with deep sighs.
* Excessive brooding, moaning, and an indifferent behavior to everything
|during First Half of Night
=== [[Puls, Pulsatilla pratensis|Puls]] ===
* A fixed thought keeps revolving in the mind that prevents sleeping.
* She stays awake and restless during the first half of the night.
* An extreme restlessness is present along with sleeplessness.
* She eventually falls asleep during the late hours (towards dawn).
* She wakes up feeling tired and may experience excessive yawning and sleepiness during the daytime.
|During Latter Half of Night
=== [[Nux-v , Nux Vomica|Nux-v]] ===
=== [[Nux-v , Nux Vomica|Nux-v]] ===
* ''He'' have no trouble falling asleep, but wakes up around 3 – 4 am after which sleep becomes difficult.
* During daytime, intense drowsiness, tiredness and weakness appear.
* Sleep is not sound, and the person often wakes from sleep
* Sleeplessness linked with an excessive Coffee/ Alcohol / Tobacco.
* Sleeplessness due to gastric troubles
|Insomnia Linked with Anxiety
=== [[Ars, Arsenicum Album|Ars]] ===
* There is [[Disease Mania remedies|anxiety about Health]],  Future and or his family’s well being.
* An extreme restlessness may be present.
* He continually tosses and turns in the bed at night.
* The restlessness also prevails during daytime with continual movement from one place to another, with a feeling of weariness of the eyes.
|<big>'''Due to Frightful Dreams'''</big>
=== [[Cham, Chamomilla|Cham]] ===
* He wakes suddenly with a start and become weeping or fearful.
* These episodes occur several times at night resulting in disturbed sleep.
* He is sleepless till about 2:00 am.
* Sleeplessness from illusions of sight and hearing
* He may be highly irritable and sleepy during the day.
|<big>'''Sleepy but Unable to Sleep'''</big>
=== [[Op, Opium|Op]] ===
* She may remain awake for long,
* There is restless at night with constant tossing and tumbling in bed.
* He may have acuteness of hearing, and small noises may disturb the person and cause sleeplessness.
|<big>'''Night insomnia + Daytime Drowsiness'''</big>
=== [[Calc-c, Calcerea carbonica|Calc]] ===
* She may sleep for a short duration, and experience sleeplessness post 2 am.
* Heated sensation, agitation and pulsating in the head appears due to insomnia.
* Often feels exhausted in the morning with a desire to sleep, and the head may feel heavy.
|'''<big>Due to [[GERD, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease|GERD]]</big>'''
=== [[Robinia, Robinia Pseudoacacia|Robin]] ===
* GERD symptom
* Symptoms like heartburn and sour belchings become worse at night, disturbing the sleep.
* GERD and its acid reflux symptoms
|'''<big>Due to Chronic [[Pain remedies|Pain]]</big>'''
=== [[Rhus-t, Rhus toxicodendron|Rhus-t]] ===
* ''C''hronic pain in the joints or back (mostly during rest time).
* Worsening of pain during rest interferes with sleep
* He keeps on tossing in bed with restlessness from pain.
|<big>'''Due to [[Restless legs syndrome|Restless Leg Syndrome]]'''</big>
=== [[Zinc, Zincum Metallicum|Zinc]] ===
* They keep on moving them constantly, and this uneasiness is worse at night.
* The lower limbs also feel heavy.
* In some cases drawing pain and cramping in legs arises.
* Formication of feet at night may also attend.
|<big>'''In [[Old age|Elderly People]]'''</big>
=== [[Passi, Passiflora Incarnata|Passi]] ===
|''He'' remains wakeful and restless at night.
* Mental worries may also be present with insomnia.
* This medicine is also indicated for insomnia in infants.
|<big>'''In [[Children remedies|Children]]'''</big>
=== [[Cina]] ===
* ''T''he child cannot sleep and tends to scream and kick off bedclothes.
* The child is cranky, irritable and restless.
* Children who sleep for a very short time, or in cases where a child experiences night terrors and wakes up screaming and frightened.
|<big>'''Due to menopause'''</big>
=== [[Senec, Senecio Aureus|Senec]] ===
=== [[Senec, Senecio Aureus|Senec]] ===
* Suffers from insomnia due to prolapse of uterus and irritability caused by menopause
* Suffers from insomnia due to prolapse of uterus and irritability caused by  
=== [[Croc, Crocus Sativus|Croc]] ===
=== [[Croc, Crocus Sativus|Croc]] ===
* [[Hysteria remedies|Hysterical]] insomnia
* [[Hysteria|Hysterical]] insomnia
=== [[Lyc , Lycopodium clavatum|Lyc]] ===

Latest revision as of 11:12, 27 January 2024

Related disease


Due to Stress/ Worries


  • Sleeplessness during the latter part of the night
  • Nightterrors in children causing disturbed sleep
  • Mainly during the latter part of the night (Kali-p ₳ Nux-v)
  • Excessive yawning, a sad, gloomy disposition,
  • Extreme fatigue both on mental and physical level and sudden waking from sleep in children due to night terrors
Due to Constant Thoughts


  • Early waking from sleep with difficulty to fall asleep again
  • Disturbed sleep from excessive dreams
  • He remains restless at night, tossing from side to side or wakes up frequently.
  • His active mind prevents him from sleeping that makes him restless and nervous.
  • Palpitations and nervousness may attend.
  • Children who are playful at night and are sleepless.
  • Insomnia during the phase of convalescence (i.e., during recovery from some illness)
  • Nervous insomnia due to excitement of good and bad news
  • High mental sharpness
From Grief, Depression


  • Cares and worries
  • Sadness, weeping, brooding
  • She may get entirely absorbed in profound grief that leads to sleeplessness.
  • Other attending features are a desire to be alone, tearfulness, and sadness with deep sighs.
  • Excessive brooding, moaning, and an indifferent behavior to everything
during First Half of Night


  • A fixed thought keeps revolving in the mind that prevents sleeping.
  • She stays awake and restless during the first half of the night.
  • An extreme restlessness is present along with sleeplessness.
  • She eventually falls asleep during the late hours (towards dawn).
  • She wakes up feeling tired and may experience excessive yawning and sleepiness during the daytime.
During Latter Half of Night


  • He have no trouble falling asleep, but wakes up around 3 – 4 am after which sleep becomes difficult.
  • During daytime, intense drowsiness, tiredness and weakness appear.
  • Sleep is not sound, and the person often wakes from sleep
  • Sleeplessness linked with an excessive Coffee/ Alcohol / Tobacco.
  • Sleeplessness due to gastric troubles
Insomnia Linked with Anxiety


  • An extreme restlessness may be present.
  • He continually tosses and turns in the bed at night.
  • The restlessness also prevails during daytime with continual movement from one place to another, with a feeling of weariness of the eyes.
Due to Frightful Dreams


  • He wakes suddenly with a start and become weeping or fearful.
  • These episodes occur several times at night resulting in disturbed sleep.
  • He is sleepless till about 2:00 am.
  • Sleeplessness from illusions of sight and hearing
  • He may be highly irritable and sleepy during the day.
Sleepy but Unable to Sleep


  • She may remain awake for long,
  • There is restless at night with constant tossing and tumbling in bed.
  • He may have acuteness of hearing, and small noises may disturb the person and cause sleeplessness.
Night insomnia + Daytime Drowsiness


  • She may sleep for a short duration, and experience sleeplessness post 2 am.
  • Heated sensation, agitation and pulsating in the head appears due to insomnia.
  • Often feels exhausted in the morning with a desire to sleep, and the head may feel heavy.
Due to GERD


  • GERD symptom
  • Symptoms like heartburn and sour belchings become worse at night, disturbing the sleep.
  • GERD and its acid reflux symptoms
Due to Chronic Pain


  • Chronic pain in the joints or back (mostly during rest time).
  • Worsening of pain during rest interferes with sleep
  • He keeps on tossing in bed with restlessness from pain.
Due to Restless Leg Syndrome


  • They keep on moving them constantly, and this uneasiness is worse at night.
  • The lower limbs also feel heavy.
  • In some cases drawing pain and cramping in legs arises.
  • Formication of feet at night may also attend.
In Elderly People


He remains wakeful and restless at night.
  • Mental worries may also be present with insomnia.
  • This medicine is also indicated for insomnia in infants.
In Children


  • The child cannot sleep and tends to scream and kick off bedclothes.
  • The child is cranky, irritable and restless.
  • Children who sleep for a very short time, or in cases where a child experiences night terrors and wakes up screaming and frightened.
Due to menopause


  • Suffers from insomnia due to prolapse of uterus and irritability caused by

