Autism entities

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  • Autism is a Neuro-Developmental disorder belonging to ASD
  • Its symptoms first appears during infancy or childhood, and generally follows a steady course without remission.
  • It is distinguished not by a single symptom but by a characteristic triad
  1. Impairments in social interaction
  2. Impairments in communication
  3. Restricted interests & repetitive behavior

Autism Characteristics

Sensory integration Joint attention Stereotypes Immaturity in social relationships Speech problems
  • Disorder in neurobiological process of information processing including integration and interpretation of sensory information.
  • Sensory integration clearly focuses on three functions
  1. Tactile
  2. Vestibular: Ataxia
  3. Proprioception: Sensory Ataxia
The two main prerequisite skills for joint attention are:
  1. Following eye gaze
  2. Identifying intention
  • Restricted, repetitive behaviors (RRBs) includes stereotypic movements or routine interests and rituals.
  • Its pathology is structural or functional defects of cortical-basal ganglia circuits.
  • It is different from myoclonus, tic and jerking.
  • It appears when the cognitive inhibition is decreased, therefore reflexes would appear
  • I think its miasmatic similar is seizure.
  • Less eye contact and turn-taking
  • Disability in Face expression/ Pointing at things
  • Difficulty in Making / Maintaining friendships
  • Unusual gestures
  • Diminished responsiveness, and vocal patterns that are not synchronized with the caregiver.
  • Reverse pronouns
  • Joint attention
  • Autism causes disorders in the field of Language / Speech, but not in Phonologic disorders
  • Although some autistics have problems in Understanding / Producing language and considered as MR, but Aspergers do not have speech problems. [1]
  • Echolalia is a type of apraxia and both are considered as tics.
  • Autistics do not have a problem in producing sounds and articulating them, but they have unusual vocal tics or repetitions (Similar to Tourette's)

Sign / Symptoms

0 to 6 months 6-12 months 12-24 months older children
  • Flaccid body tone
  • Lack of responsiveness or attentiveness
  • Lack of excitement in presence of parents
  • Lack of anticipatory posturing on being picked up
  • Vacant, unfocused gaze
  • Less than normal activity
  • Specific motor deviations
  • Eye squint mannerism
  • Predominantly irritable mood, little smiling
  • More somnolent than typical child
  • Seeming hallucinatory excitement
  • Appearance of self absorption
  • No visual pursuit of people
  • Avoiding mother’s gaze
  • Resisting being held, arching torso away from parents
  • Autism/stereotypes/motor mannerisms; hand-flapping, finger-dancing movements, rocking, spinning, aimless, unmodulated hyperactivity
  • Plastic expressions that do not communicate affect or intention
  • Labile facial expressions that shift from grimaces to squints
  • Fragmented, uncoordinated body movements
  • Child doesn’t approach parents
  • Child keeps distance from parents
  • Constricted, flattened affect
  • Little or no purposeful activity
  • Facial expression that doesn’t convey meaning
  • Failure or normal language development
  • Hand flapping
  • Toe walking
  • Turning in circles
  • Rotating/spinning things in circular motion
  • Echolalia
  • Fear of loud noise
  • Aversion to solid food
  • Repeats the same words or phrases over and over.
  • Does not know how to make friends, play and connect with people.
  • Uses language incorrectly
  • Does not pick up on other people’s expressions, tone, and gestures.
  • Show no interest in what is going around them.
  • Follows rigid routine
  • Cannot tolerate to be touched, carried, or to be held.
  • Cannot understand feelings, has trouble in talking about feelings
  • Does not share interests or achievements with others
  • Repeat the same action or movement again and again.
  • Does not understand simple directions, questions, or statements
  • Does not make eye contact.
  • Unusual attachments to toys or strange objects such as keys, light switches, or rubber bands.
  • Give unusual reactions to sounds, smells, sights, textures, may show sensitiveness to loud noises.
  • Aversion to change.

The ability to engage in gaze is critical to establishing reference. Also, the ability to specify intention is necessary to learn the language and pay attention to others. So language development including understanding, producing and learning vocabulary is almost impossible without joint attention Therefore, the main rubrics of joint attention disorder are:

  • Cognition impaired
  • Aphasia
  • Concentration, impaired


Autism related Encephalitis [2]

The possibility of an autoimmune encephalitis in ASD is biologically reasonable because ASDs have specific comorbidities related to immune system involvement such as allergies and autoimmune diseases.

In an animal study, the neurotoxic effects of the injection of immunological mediators in the cerebral ventricles of mice were investigated, and the social communication disorder of the mice was clearly proven after the injection. [3]

Three kind of Autoimmune encephalitis is considered: [4]

  1. Potassium channel complex antibody associated Encephalitis (Miasm: CJD)
  2. NMDA receptor Encephalitis (Miasm: JE)
  3. Hashimoto’s Encephalitis

NMDR encephalitis & Autism

69% of autistics have some degree of encephalitis, esp NMDR encephalitis.

This association is evidenced by the sharing of the following symptoms:

  • Seizures
  • Hypertention
  • Stereotypical movements
  • Aphasia
  • Cognitive problems
  • Psychosis

Cerebellocortical loops

Cerebellar involvement in cognition, as well as in sensorimotor control, is increasingly recognized and is thought to depend on connections with the cerebral cortex. Anatomical investigations in animals and post-mortem humans have established that cerebro-cerebellar connections are contralateral to each other and include the

  1. Cerebello-thalamo-cortical (CTC)
  2. Cortico-ponto-cerebellar (CPC) pathways

Overall, all these findings support that the cerebellum has indeed an important role in cognition which is done by Cerebellocortical loops.

New understanding of the cerebellar connectivity in humans in vivo would provide essential information for determining the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in a number of clinical conditions. Indeed, an increasing number of investigations suggest that the abnormal functioning of these loops may subtend major neurological conditions including dystonia, ataxia, hemiplegia, stroke and autism.[5] [6]

There are two types of circuits that originate from cerebellum and ends in cortex. First one ends in PFC and the other to the sensory-motor cortex

In ASD, these two circuits become Overactive / Underactive which means cerebellum is probably involved in ASD.

It is not bad to check these two circuits separately without dependence on each other. On closer inspection, I realized that these are not two circuits.

The cerebellum circuit is connected to the cortex sensor, which is responsible for reducing the perception of sensory stimuli caused by our own body, for example, you cannot tickle yourself, or the decrease in the activity of this circuit in schizophrenics causes hallucinations. How about autism? Myself: increasing the activity of this circuit causes a decrease in the perception of sensory stimuli caused by the person's own body.

Cerebulocortical pathways, which leaves an important question in front of us. Is the miasmatic equivalent of cerebellar ataxia?

NO, Cerebellum has two different function. Its first known function is Motor/ Balance and Cognition / Language. In cerebellar ataxia Motor function is disturbed but we have another disease of cerebellum (CCAS) which is specifically involved in cognitive problems.

With this reasoning, with the mentioned symptoms, only the JE miasm comes with high power.

Perhaps the best example can be found in Cerebellar Cognitive Affective Syndrome. CCAS is caused by damage to the posterior lobe of the cerebellum, it has four characteristics that overlap with autism, and recently its Developmental type has also been discovered, which strongly overlaps with autism. cerebellar vermis and para-vermian area is the main center of its pathology

Autism Black Box
Disease Entities Miasms Remedies
  • Aphasia
  • Seizure esp Kozhevnikov
  • Ataxia / Incoordination
  • Psychosis
  1. JE: If psychosis is present
  2. TBE:
  3. VZV

Autism Black Box

ASD Aphasia Seizure esp


Ataxia /


Cerebellar Ataxia Psychosis
Asperger --- +++ +++ +++

(Atypical autism)

HF Autism

Radar rubrics

  • Autism, children in
  • Mind- Ritualistic behavior
  • MIND - TALKING - slow learning to talk: agar. AGRA.  aloe bar-c. Bell. borx. calc-p. calc. caust. mag-c. med. NAT-M. nux-m. op. ph-ac. phos. plb. sanic. sil. sulph. thuj. tub.
  • GENERALS - DEVELOPMENT - arrested: Agar. aloe ant-c. bac. Bar-c. bar-m. bar-p. bar-s. borx. bufo CALC-P. Calc. Carc. caust. cupr. des-ac. hypoth. kreos. lac-d. lyc. med. nat-m. nep. ol-an. ph-ac. Phos. pin-s. rad-br. Sil. sulfa. syph. thym-gl. thyr. toxo-g. tub. vip.
  • MIND - GESTURES, makes - automatic: anac. anh. bell. calc. cann-i. falco-pe. hell. hydrog. hyos. lyc. mag-c. Nux-m. phos. polys. sil. Stram. syph. tab. tub. Verat. zinc.
  • GENERALS - DEVELOPMENT - slow : bar-c. bufo calc-p. cupr. mag-m. sil. sulph. toxo-g.
  • Indifference, relation to
  • Indifference, others, toward
  • Indifference, company, society to
  • Indifference, family to
  • Awkwardness, drop things
  • Childish behavior
  • Walking, toes
  • Incoordination
  • Flabby feeling
  • Dogmatic


  1. PHOS
  2. Agar, Caust, Calc
  3. Sil, Op, Nat-m, Cupr
  4. Bufo, Thuj, Ant-c


Suggested remedies are:

Carc, Calc-p, Agar, Cupr, Bar-c, Aeth, Coff, Lyss, Borx, Lyc, Stram, Hydrog, Helium, Hell, Thuj, Bufo, Med, Puls, Bell, Ign, Nat-m, Phos, Tarent, Sacch-a, Hyos, Ther, Sil

Rare remedies: Falco-pe, Aq-mar


  • Strong relation between CNS and GI
  • Restless, anxious; disconnected; uneasy and violent
  • Inability to think, Attention deficit
  • Anguish, Crying
  • Expression of uneasiness and discontent


  • Singing, shouting, muttering rhymes and prophesies, talk but does not answer;
  • Loquacious, Talk unintelligent, continuously changes topics.
  • Twitching in muscles is a marked symptom, involuntary jerking when they are awake
  • Aversion to work. Does not want to do his daily households.
  • Indifference, Mental confusion.
  • Vertigo and delirium, followed by profound sopor with decrease reflexes.
  • Great mental excitement and incoherent talking
  • They are mentally and physically awkward


  • Autism with low IQ (Weak memory, idiotic child)
  • Shyness / Low self-confidence.
  • Aversion to strangers, hides himself behind chair.
  • Physically dwarf stunted growth.
  • Tendency of recurrent tonsillitis.
  • Very sensitive to cold air/ weather.
  • Childish; grief over trifles; irresolute; do not grow and develop.
  • They are backward physically and mentally.


  • Child is mild, yielding and sensitive to reprimands.
  • Hyperactivity is not marked
  • May have interest in art work like drawing, singing, colouring etc.
  • Affectionate and sympathetic patient.
  • Family history of cancer or strong history of diabetes and coronary artery disease in both paternal and maternal families.
  • Child if often slow but agreeable and caring.
  • Very effective in autistic children, who are talented but are obsessive, compulsive, stubborn, and also have sleep-related issues.
  • They may also have addictive disorders.


  • Anemic children who are peevish and irritable.
  • Strong desire to go out /Traveling / Motion desires
  • Recurrent tonsillitis or adenoiditis. Pain on opening of mouth.
  • Mouth breathing
  • Infants want to nurse all the time and vomits easily.
  • Craving for salted smoked meat.


  • Low muttering speech.
  • Very suspicious.
  • Talkative; obscene; jealous; foolish.
  • Great hilarity; inclined to laugh at everything; deep stupor.
  • Quarrelsome; uncovers body; purposeless movements; no love for near once.


  • Child moves purposelessly, esp moving his hands (Hand flapping, fidgety hands)
  • Loss of memory; can pronounce any word told, but cannot speak otherwise;
  • Night delusions; horrid illusions.
  • Great problems during mother pregnancy esp losing family members, dependency to them and delusion of being guilty.


  • child, esp in public places
  • Obstinate, domineering, does not share things.
  • Dictatorial toward his parents/ brother/sisters and Mild/ Anxious or even timid in school /publics places /Doctor office
  • Anticipatory anxiety
  • Desire for sweet and warm food. Intolerance for cold drinks.
  • Weak, emaciated, precocious children.
  • Anger violent, irritable child.
  • Aversion to company, but needs someone in house.


  • Very affectionate, friendly child.
  • Yielding, mild, cheerful patient.
  • Desire for cold drinks, ice-cream and fruit juices.
  • Constipation, Hard stool.
  • Restless, fearful, fear of loud noises and external impressions.
  • Fear when alone,
  • Fear of thunderstorm, Startling easily


  • Obstinate child, concern about everything.
  • Intelligent (good in academics), sensitive to reprimands, obedient. (Carc ₳ Sil)
  • Fixed ideas for everything.
  • Profuse sweating in palm and soles.
  • Obstinate constipation.
  • Defective nutrition, can not assimilate what he eat.
  • Very sensitive to cold weather.
  • Autism after vaccination. (Sil ₳ Thuj)


  • Hyperactive / Extreme restless / Must keep in constant motion
  • Sudden mood changes
  • Aversion to company; Disconnected.
  • Destructive behavior
  • Likes bright colors.
  • Like Heavy metal music and dance and his restlessness amel with loud / rhythmic .


  • Reduced sensitivity to pain and temperature stimuli. (Hell ₳ Op)
  • They are slow and under active and seems to be depressed most of the time.
  • Some of these children may also have muscular weakness.


  • Sensitive to noise esp shrill


  • Child is very obsessive, angry, and is inflexible, tense
  • Very aggressive towards their parents
  • They may even exhibit malicious behaviors
  • They averse to touch or being approached


  • A child or a patient who tends to swing wildly from a stable good mood to a destructive mode
  • These children also exhibit behaviors of suspiciousness and quickness to act on their compulsion.
  1. Maria Mody, PhD* and John W. Belliveau, PhD, Speech and Language Impairments in Autism: Insights from Behavior and Neuroimaging. N Am J Med Sci (Boston). Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 Dec 13.
  2. Janet K. Kern,1,* David A. Geier,1 Lisa K. Sykes,2 and Mark R. Geier1, Relevance of Neuroinflammation and Encephalitis in Autism, Front Cell Neurosci. 2015; 9: 519.
  3. Kazim S. F., Cardenas-Aguayo Mdel C., Arif M., Blanchard J., Fayyaz F., Grundke-Iqbal I., et al. (2015). Sera from children with autism induce autistic features which can be rescued with a CNTF small peptide mimetic in rats. PLoS ONE 10:e0118627 10.1371/journal.pone.0118627
  4. Janet K. Kern,1,* David A. Geier,1 Lisa K. Sykes,2 and Mark R. Geier1, Relevance of Neuroinflammation and Encephalitis in Autism, Front Cell Neurosci. 2015; 9: 519.
  5. Woodward ND, Giraldo-Chica M, Rogers B, Cascio CJ. Thalamocortical dysconnectivity in autism spectrum disorder: An analysis of the Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange. Biol Psychiatry Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging. 2017 Jan;2(1):76-84. doi: 10.1016/j.bpsc.2016.09.002. PMID: 28584881; PMCID: PMC5455796.
  6. Palesi, F., De Rinaldis, A., Castellazzi, G. et al. Contralateral cortico-ponto-cerebellar pathways reconstruction in humans in vivo: implications for reciprocal cerebro-cerebellar structural connectivity in motor and non-motor areas. Sci Rep 7, 12841 (2017).