Second class remedies
Concomitants / Modalities
Burning Pain in Throat
- Regurgitation of acrid matter, water brash, heartburn,
- Esophagitis
- Foul / Sour taste/ Hot burning sensation in Esophagus / Pharynx
- Eructation of Sour/ Acrid fluid/ Intense nausea
- Retching / Vomiting of slimy mucus tingled with blood.
- Burning agg upon swallowing.
- Swallowing is difficult and painful.
- Weakness
- Irregular / Frequent pulse
- Trembling / Coldness of extremities
- Oppressive anxiety + Stomachache
Sour Taste in Mouth
- Regurgitation of sour substances + Flow of sour, watery fluid from the mouth.
- Foul odor from the mouth + Nausea. (Maybe)
- Sour, bitter belches, vomiting of sour, bitter slime and heartburn (Maybe)
- Burning from the food pipe extends to the throat.
- Continued loud belching esp after eating + Cough/ Nausea.
- Burning sensation / Acrid eructation / Heartburn/ Acidity / Hyperchlorhydria.
- Feeling of pressure over the stomach +Vomiting of food and mucus.
- Sour Eructation / Vomiting.
- Swelling over pit of stomach
- Pica: Craving for indigestible things like chalk, coal, pencil
- Craving for eggs
- Milk disagrees
Bloating + Heartburn
- Sour, offensive belching that gets worse after drinking or eating
- Burning sensation in the throat and dysphagia
- Even the simplest of food tend to trigger the condition.
- Slow digestion causes excessive Flatulence esp in upper part of abdomen.
- Rancid / Loud Eructions, but do not give any amel
- Asthmatic breathing with water-brush.
- Constrictive pain extending to chest with acidity.
- Aversion to meat, fat and milk.
- Desire for salty things.
- General Slowness/ Sluggishness / Lack of reaction
Acid Reflux + Cough
- Vomiting usually appears from coughing.
- Throat is sore and raw
- Swallowing may be painful.
- Burning in the throat, esp at night time
- Regurgitation of food + Heartburn and sour belching
- Heart burn + Flatulence without Nausea / Vomiting
- Stomach is generally out of order + Coated Tongue with creamy fur
- Gastric cough that agg at night time and prevents sleep
- Acidity after Rich / Spicy food / Alcohol
- Polycrest of modern lifestyleGastralgia, pain goes into back and chest
- Nausea/ Violent retching
- he feels if he vomits, he will get relief.
Acid Reflux + Laryngitis (Hoarse Voice)
- Hard, dry, racking cough
- Heartburn, Sour belching, Sour taste in the mouth
- Vomiting of food or sour, Acidic liquid
- Acid peptic disorders (A.P.D)
- Regurgitation of ingesta
- Water-brash + Esophagus spasm
- Belching after eating.
- Gastritis + Burning extending to throat.
- Craving for Cold Drink / Food, which amel Burning / Heartburn temporary
- Hungry soon after eating
- Craving for Salt/ Acid / Spicy things.
- Spitting of blood without nausea
- Vomiting; water is thrown up as soon as it gets warm in the stomach.
Acid Reflux from Fatty Food
- Heartburn and water brash.
- Belching of food, bitter taste in mouth,
- Nausea and a sensation of having a lump (Maybe)
- Putrid / Bad / Sour-bitter taste in the morning on walking
- Sensation as if food had lodged under the sternum
- Water-brash / Acidity / Heartburn and eructation tasting of food
- Dyspepsia due to Fatty foods/ Pork/ Pastry / Mixed diets.
- Fatty food like creams, pastries, and ice creams trigger the acid reflux
- Dryness of the mouth + No thirst, only a desire to moisten the mouth
- Tongue coated with thick rough white fur
- She is chilly, but agg from heat
- Agg in the evening.
Acid Reflux + Intense Sour Belching
- Sour vomiting and nausea
- Sour vomiting mostly appears after eating.
- Heartburn / Gastralgia
- Water causes coldness of the stomach; must be mixed with liquors.
- Marked debility /Weakness esp the digestive tract
- Craving for stimulants / Fresh food
- Aversion to the smell of coffee.
- Recurring aphthae in Mouth / Throat