
From Wikihomeopathy
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  • Laryngitis is an entity (Inflammation of the larynx)
  • Acute cases usually occur as part of a viral upper respiratory tract infection, other infections and trauma.
  • Chronic cases may occur due to smoking, tuberculosis, allergies, acid reflux, rheumatoid arthritis, or sarcoidosis.
  • Signs / Symptoms are Voice hoarseness / Hawking / Sensation of swelling in larynx / Dry or sore throat /Coughing
Viral causes Bacterial Fungal Trauma
  • RNV
  • INFL
  • PIV
  • ADV
  • COV-2
  • RSV
  • Group A streptococcus
  • Streptococcus pneumoniae
  • C. diphtheriae
  • M. catarrhalis
  • Haemophilus influenzae
  • Bordetella pertussis
  • Bacillus anthracis
  • MTB
  • Histoplasma
  • Blastomyces
  • Candida
  • Cryptococcus
  • Coccidioides

Differential diagnosis

  • Acute epiglottitis
  • Spasmodic dysphonia
  • Reflux laryngitis
  • Chronic allergic laryngitis
  • Neoplasm
  • Croup



  • Laryngitis + Sore throat, which occurs due to exposure to cold air.
  • The larynx becomes inflamed after being exposed to cold, and voice hoarseness is likely to occur.


  • Mild Rhinitis whic surprisingly end in hard painful Laryngitis


  • These homeopathic medicines are used for treating laryngitis, which occurs because of voice overuse.
  • Arg-met is used when the symptoms include hoarseness of voice, and a sore feeling in the larynx.
  • Arg-met is also used in cases of complete loss of voice, which is common among singers and public speakers.
  • Hawking is likely, and viscid mucus discharge is indicated.


  • Singer 's laryngitis


  • Laryngitis due to excessive voice use.
  • Patients whose voices become uncontrollable and uncertain.
  • Apart from a burning sensation, pain in the larynx when clearing the throat is also likely.


  • Voice hoarseness + Larynx pain
  • Larynx gets sore and painful + Throat redness + Dysphagia
  • Lump like sensation + Throat constricted feeling


  • Painless voice hoarseness.
  • Hawking of mucus


  • Painless voice hoarseness
  • Itching in larynx + Voice hoarseness


  • Laryngitis + Dry and irritating cough
  • Rough, scraping sensation is experienced in the throat + Voice hoarseness


  • Rough, burning pain in the throat + Hoarseness / Roughness of voice.
  • Cough results in gasping due to extreme pain


  • Laryngitis accompanied by violent tickling in the larynx, which leads to coughing.
  • Cough agg with talking and reading.
  • Voice hoarseness which agg at night.


  • Laryngitis + Voice Hoarseness / Voice interruption
  • Harsh coughs, sounds like a Saw / Dog barking/ A bell with a metallic sound
  • Laryngeal pain: He grabs his throat
  • Agg by
    • Touching the larynx
    • Singing, talking
    • Swallowing food.
  • Pain/ Irritability/ Dryness / Burning of larynx / Sensitive to touch during croup attacks (Phos)
  • Chronic larynx problems that have progressed to tuberculosis and cachexia
  • Infectious laryngitis: Dryness due to cold + Sneezing + Hoarseness + Nasal dryness + Phlegm gradually progresses to rattling. (Hep) (Hep ₳ Spong)






  • Singers Laryngitis: Ant-c, Arg-m, ARG-N, Mang
  • Announcer, presenter Laryngitis: ARUM-T, Carb-v, Still

Tissue Salt Remedies

  • FP: The first remedy for acute, Painful, inflammation of larynx which presents with Aphonia, esp caused by a
    • Cold / Damp exposure
    • Talking too much
  • KM: Aphonia due to Overuse of larynx (Talking, Shouting, Lecturing), Prolonged episodes of voice loss