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  • Constipation is a bowel dysfunction that makes bowel movements infrequent or hard to pass.
  • The stool is often hard and dry.
  • Other symptoms may include abdominal pain, bloating, and feeling as if one has not completely passed the bowel movement. Complications from constipation may include hemorrhoids, anal fissure or fecal impaction. The normal frequency of bowel movements in adults is between three per day and three per week. Babies often have three to four bowel movements per day while young children typically have two to three per day.



Related diseases

First Class Remedies


  • Constipation in an irritable and active baby who was fed meat a little early.
  • Acute constipation of children caused by the consumption of Fast-food (by the child or mother)
  • Constipation + Ineffective urging, peristaltic movement disorder (IBS)
  • Reverse peristaltic movement: The more he pushes, the worse the condition becomes
  • Painful constipation

Children - CONSTIPATION, children ALUM, BRY, CALC, LYC, OP

Children - CONSTIPATION, children - constipation, infants : ALUM., BRY, CALC, NAT-M , OP

Children - CONSTIPATION, children - constipation, infants - active, irritable infants, or those who have been prematurely fed on meat

Children - CONSTIPATION, children - constipation, infants - artificial food, after  

Children - CONSTIPATION, children - constipation, infants - desire, with apparent frequent, and effort to stool - caused by stimulating food taken by mother or nurse

RECTUM - CONSTIPATION - difficult stool - painful stool - children; in


  • Constipation of Sul, Bry and Alum is due to the inactivity / slowness / paralysis of rectum/ anus.


  • Constipation is due to fissure and involvement of the rectal mucus membrane.
  • A spasmodic constipation with painful rectal prolapse, dry and irregular stools.


  • Constipation is due to extreme dryness of the intestinal mucosa and stool accumulation


  • Neonatal constipation
  • Post op Constipation



  • Infant constipation (Op, Alum, Calc, Bry)
  • Constipation related to emotional problems
  • The child feels defecation, but during defecation, the stool returns back (Caust)


The child feels defecation, but during defecation, the stool returns back (Caust)

Children - CONSTIPATION, children - holding back stool, from Caust. Nat-m


Good remedy for anti doting Constipation after administration of Nux-v or Lyc

Children - CONSTIPATION, children - nux vomica or lycopodium, after Verat.


Hard and lumpy stools

Children - CONSTIPATION, children - stool in hard lumps ant-c.


Infant constipation caused by teething

Children - CONSTIPATION, children - constipation, infants - dentition, during


Constipation in children with parasites

RECTUM - WORMS - complaints of worms - accompanied by - constipation - children; in

Tissue Salt Remedies

  • KM: Constipation + white Coated tongue and pale face
  • NP: Constipation + Occasional diarrhea in children. KP is a reliable laxative
  • FP: Constipation + Anemia + Pale Face + Flushing Heat + Heart Palpitations + Hemorrhoids
  • SIL: As if his rectum has lost its strength. Sweaty feet or paralyzed hands
  • NM: Constipation / Bowel Dryness in Obese people + Sleepiness + Sourness + Allergic Conjunctivitis