Carc, Carcinosin

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Core them

  • Carc is Malleable, Precocity and sensitive remedy according to Narendra Mehta (
  • It is the center of Cancer miasm of Sankran
  • Carc is the most important Suppression remedy along with Staph. (Carc ₳ Staph)
    • Like Staph, he had Prejudiced / Censorious / Dictatorial parents who always suppress him.
  • Carc is obsessed with getting approval due to the fear of being reprimanded, blamed (fight).
  • Perfectionism : It is completely internal. It is as if the inner parent is very strict and will never be satisfied.


  • Very talkative, polite, intelligent and caring child whose parents are very satisfied with them. (Like Sil)
  • However, his parents often point out their child's weaknesses to you and worry about him
  • The parent does not give him the right to live until the child reaches maturity.
  • Carc 's parent does not allow the child to compete with others.
  • He is perfectionist in everything (Aur ₳ Carc) Good taste/ Well dressed, Tasteful and stylish (Ant-c ₳ Carc)
  • Gentle (unlike Aur and Nux-v) and sympathetic (Phos, Nat-m) and at the same time sensitive and maybe offended easily (Ign,Puls)
  • Fear of quarreling: He feels that he does not have the strength to face violence, so he is afraid of the arrogance of others and fighting makes him feel bad. (Lyc, Nat-m, Germ, Mag-c)

MIND - AILMENTS FROM – quarreling

Mind - ANXIETY, general - cruelties, after hearing of Calc , Cic

Similar remedies


  • He becomes anxious when he cannot control his emotions (Arg-n, Med)

Mind - ANXIETY, general - is lost, with feeling that

Mind - ANXIETY, general - night - children, in control over senses

  • Physical symptoms

Generals - ANXIETY, physical - ailments, from anxiety

Mind - ANXIETY, general - ailments, from anxiety

Mind - ANXIETY, general - fits, with

Mind - HYSTERICAL, behavior - sleep, with disturbed, and anxiety

Sleep - DISTURBED, sleep - anxiety, from

Sleep - INSOMNIA, sleeplessness - anxiety, from

  • Mental symptoms

Mind - ANGER, general - anxiety, with

Mind - ANXIETY, general - fear, with

Mind - ANXIETY, general - hurried, feeling, with

Mind - ANXIETY, general - weariness, of life, with

Mind - ANXIETY, general – hysterical : THER.

Mind - ANXIETY, general – intense : Ars, Ars-s-f , Merc.mp1

Mind - ANXIETY, general – terrible ars.mp1 carc.mp1 vesp.mp1

Mind - ANXIETY, general - exaggerated

  • Anxiety about Pain, Cancer (Ars)

Generals - ANXIETY, physical - pains, from the : ARS

Generals - ANXIETY, physical - pains, from the - cancer, of

Mind - ANXIETY, general - diseases, about : ARS , NIT-AC , PHOS

Mind - ANXIETY, general - health, about

Mind - ANXIETY, general - health, of relatives: HEP

Mind - ANTICIPATION, ailments from - excitement, with : ARG-N

  • Attached feeling / Children anxiety

Mind - ANTICIPATION, ailments from - anticipating for his relatives

MIND - ATTACHED - strongly to others carc. nat-s.

Mind - ANXIETY, general - children, in

  • Financial issues

Mind - ANXIETY, general - business, about : NUX-V , RHUS-T

  • They have a tremendous anxiety about health, and a great fear of disease, esp cancer.

Suppression remedies

  • They accept their disappointments and also their domination with a kind of resignation, and tend to accumulate all the grief within, without expressing their sensitivity. (Ign)
  • Sexual abused: Staph is more important in this issue, Carc rarely mentioned here. Both are best suppression remedies (Carc ₳ Staph)

Cancer miasm

  • According to Sankran, cancer miasm falls between the sycosis and syphilis miasms.
    • The sycotic fixity
    • The syphilitic Destructiveness
  • Its main feeling is that one’s survival depends upon performing tasks which one feels incapable of performing.
  • He stretches himself to the utmost in the hope of success, because to him failure means death and destruction.
  • They set high standards or goals for themselves that are near impossible to achieve and drive themselves to try and accomplish them. In that sense, they reach out for perfection, and almost finish themselves in doing so.
  • The need for perfection makes Carc people sensitive to reprimands, and fastidious in every sphere of life to the point of being faultless.


Malleable Precocity Sensitive / Artist
  • They are expose to prolong period of domination, fear, unresolved grief.
  • They are able to be hammered or pressed into shape without breaking or cracking it.
  • It is easily influenced, pliable, yielded, whatever way other wants.
  • Carc is very intelligent, conscientious, sensitive and easily influenced by parents, gets himself adjusted as the wish of parent.
  • They are good in adaptability so they can become good in drawing, art, at the same time if they get bad company they may became destructive, disobedient, kleptomanic.
  • They always influenced by someone mostly parents.
  • This is not inheritance of the child. Carc having developed certain abilities or inclinations at an earlier age than usual. This because he has molded in his childhood by his parent.
  • He has given too early responsibility as per his age.  They are very social, strong sense of responsibility, particularly in children. 
  • Industrious, intellectual, cannot tolerate injustice.
  • Like adult children has power to introspection. 
  • Cautious, censorious and critical.
  • They take care of adults, anxiety about health of loved person, about family members.
  • They are very sensitive children so they cannot see any sadness or suffering of others.
  • Carc has good power of adaptation and easily influenced so he can be a good in drawing, dancing, study, sports etc. but new creativity which is inborn is not present.
  • Carc has good sense of dancing with rhythm. There are two remedies for strong sense of rhythm in dancing Carc and Sep
  • Dancing amel, Dancing desire for  children (Fl-ac, Sep ).
  • Carc only remedy for sensitive to arts, drawing and literature.
  • Unlike mineral remedies, which merely want order in everything , Carc patients often show an interest towards artistic things like music, dancing and painting.
  • They show mental Sensitivity/ Irritability of a plant like Puls, Ign.
  • They are sympathetic, very warm and humane, Love for nature and animals/ Passionate/ Fanaticism. (Like Phos)


Absent minded, abstraction of mind, temper tantrum,

Diagnostic features

  • Abused childhood  (Stram, Thuj)
  • From domination by others, a long history of (Carc, Foll, Lyc, Sep)
  • Ailments from fright or fear long lasting only Carc
  • From too early responsibility only Carc
  • Responsibility strong children, in
  • Anxiety health, about loved persons: Carc, Hep, Merc
  • Destructive
    • Destructiveness, cruelty, kleptomania,
    • So Carcinocin may be trained as terrorist.
    • Carcinocin child has rage ( Petroleum Phosphorus).
  • Desires but aggravates: Coffee , Eggs ,Fruit  , Meat , Milk , Rich , Salty food and Sweets


  • Abuse, Domination by others
  • Admonition, Consolation; Conversation
  • Anger, Vexation suppressed, Wounded honor, Reproaches, Rudeness of others
  • Bad news, Shock
  • Disappointment, deception
  • Fright, Grief, Sorrow, Care, Emotional suppression, Homesickness
  • Too early responsibility
  • Music
  • Bathing esp in sea
  • Sweets desires but agg;
  • Moon; Moon agg. and


  • Consolation
  • Dancing; Music:
  • Thunderstorm, Traveling, Open air, Seashore air
  • Lying in knee elbow position




  • MIND - HELPLESSNESS; feeling of - emotional level; on
  • MIND - HELPLESSNESS; feeling of - mental level; on
  • MIND - HUMILIATED; feeling - punishment; from
  • MIND - HUMILIATED; feeling - rape; after
  • MIND - HUMILIATED; feeling - sexual abuse; after
  • MIND - HUMILIATED; feeling - sexual abuse; after - shame; from
  • MIND - FASTIDIOUS - work; in his
  • MIND - FEAR - anorexia from fear: Ign
  • Sensitive to reprimands.
  • Offended easily, takes everything in bad part.
  • Ailments from anticipation.
  • Sympathy, compassion.
  • Suicidal disposition
  • Consolation, kind words aggravate
  • Disobedient, cruelty