Calc ₳ Lyc ₳ Sul

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  • Lyc should not be prescribed IMMEDIATELY AFTER Sul.


Sul Lyc Calc


Can be worse at any time of the day.
  • 12 noon to 4 o'clock in the afternoon
  • Evening and before midnight.
  • Between 4 -8 PM
  • After midnight
  • Before noon.
  • Before midnight (like Sul)


  • Sul and Lyc are hot and agg by heat, which does not prevent patients from being cold.
  • Sul is more Sensitive to change of weather, Temprature and season than Calc / Lyc
  • Sul and Lyc are thirst for fresh air. They are improved in the fresh air and worsened in a warm room.
  • He is a COLD and agg by cold.
  • Sensitive to moisture
  • He is neither amel nor agg by lack of oxygen. It is only agg outdoors when the atmosphere is cool.


  • Sul is agg in the Standing position and bending forward
  • He tends to lean against something and sit down
  • he is agg on getting up from a seat
  • Lyc agg in the LYING POSITION
  • Pain is relieved by the warmth of the bed (unlike Calc)
  • He agg when he lies on his side, whether on his right side or his left side
  • Amel when he stands up straight.
  • Agg when he turns over in bed.
  • Calc is better when LAYEN
  • His pain agg by heat of the bed.
  • Hanging down affected limb agg
  • Amel when he holds that limb up.
  • Generally better when standing upright (Unlike Sul)


Amel or agg
  • Agg at the beginning of the movement and amel by continued movement (Like Rhus-t, Puls, Sep, Phos)
  • Do not prescribe Rhus-t too hastily in front of this well-known modality
  • Agg by movement.


  • All three agg after meals.
  • Lyc and Sul agg after just a few mouthfuls of food. They are QUICKLY SATISFIED.
  • Sul is often worse long after meals.


  • Sul is often agg when going to sleep (Like Lach)
  • He is always very bad when waking up (Like Lach, Lyc, Nux-v)


  • He is very sensitive to pressure.
  • Agg when he lies on his sick side.
  • Sometimes he is even relieved by the pressure.


  • Sul/ Lyc: Very sensitive to touch (Chin, Lach)
Superficial contact is pleasant to Calc


  • Sul / Lyc ( Esp Sul) amel when there is a flow, any elimination or an eruption.
  • Agg, particularly when there is loss of organic fluid.
  • Amel when he is constipated (Like Merc and Psor)

Physical aspect

  • Thin, stooped and tends to lean against something, to sit.
  • He lets himself go, his clothes are not neat and are dirty except when he has a wife Ars who takes care of him.
  • He is thin and has poorly developed muscles.
  • He is physically weak and his weakness does not allow him to achieve what his mind designs. (Merc resembles him in his dictatorial side, is much more powerful than him)
  • He is short, thick, fat and round.
  • Its tissues are soft.
  • He seems strong and yet he is not.


  • He has unhealthy, poorly washed skin and exudes a bad odor.
  • His face is covered with Acne, blackheads, pimples of all kinds.
  • The upper lips/ Eyelids / Ears / Nostrils are too red. (Sul's orifices)
  • Yellowish, esp at the temples, emaciated, wrinkled, looking older than its age.
  • Its expression is very mobile, sometimes agitated with tics (Ars).
  • Eyes are hollow and ringed with blue. The face turns red after meals. The teeth are yellow.
  • In acute states, the forehead wrinkles at the root of the nose, Nasal fluttering (Ant-t, Phos)
  • His facies . is round, greasy, chalky and sweaty.
  • The upper lip is swollen and the pupils are dilated (Like its acute complement Bell)


Left side
  • Right side:
  • From right to left: Opposite to Lach from left to right
  • Right side


Sul Lyc Calc

Main theme

  • He is essentially IRRITABLE .
  • He has a bad temper and responds with aggression to aggression.
  • He is ANGRY. He explodes at the slightest annoyance. (Merc, Puls)
  • However, despite his naughty appearance, Lyc is also a coward. Like Calc, it is filled with apprehension.
  • Sometimes he is sad, esp in the morning.
  • He is FEARFUL. He is full of apprehension. He is afraid of everything, of losing his mind, of being ruined, of contagious diseases, of being observed, etc...


  • Sul does not really look for company, without hating it. He is as good in society as when he is alone.
  • He is a being who belongs to the dilated type, who is turned outward, which means that he generally succeeds well in life.
  • He is a rather curious patient.
  • He hates company, crowds, and yet he cannot bear to be truly alone. The ideal condition for him is to be alone in a room, but with the presence of an intimate in a neighboring room.
  • Calc is quite sociable. He often seeks company, which gives him an air of good nature.


  • He is lively in his reactions, but he is lazy and careless.

  • He is a nervous-bilious.
  • He is very lively.
  • He is always revolted, indignant, ready to get angry.
  • He is quite lymphatic and hates being disturbed in his habits.
  • He is slow to take action, but he is perseverant in his undertakings.
  • He is generally loyal to his doctor. But make no mistake, he despite the slowness of its reflexes, is often quite male and is capable of aggression and of responding violently to aggression.
  • Sometimes has a bad temper, more often he is gentle.




  • His secretions are IRRITANT and have a bad odor.
  • Urine is frequent, but small in quantity.
  • Menses are late, scanty and short-lived.
  • Leucorrhea is acidic and irritating.
  • His secretions are dense, viscous and hyperacid.
  • Lyc urinates often and little at a time.
  • He is more likely to retain urine than incontinence.
  • Urine often leaves a deposit of RED SAND. (Characteristic)
  • Periods are usually late.
  • Leucorrhea is most often acidic.
  • Milk is scarce.
  • His secretions. are acidic, ABUNDANT AND SAFE.
  • Periods are early, heavy and last too long.
  • The Baby Calc. gives off a SAFE SMELL like Rheum and Hep babies.


Sul Lyc Calc

Burning / Heat

+++ +++ -

Cramp / Colic

+ +++ +++


+++ + +++

Bursting / Splitting

+ - +


+++ - -


+ - +++


+++ +++ +++


+++ + +++


+ +++ +

Numbness, insensitivity

- +++ -


+ + -

Searing Pain

+++ - -

Sting - Throbbing

+++ - -