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* ANXIETY, chest, from stitching in (ruta
* ANXIETY, chest, from stitching in (ruta
* ANXIETY, cold drinks am. (acon)
* ANXIETY, cold drinks am. (acon)
First degree rubrics
{| class="wikitable"
|Anger, interruptions from: Cench, Cham, Cocc, Dulc, Graph, Hell, Nux-v, Spong
* Cessation of activity many times in between before its completion.
* Strong displeasure felt at the breaks experienced to in smooth functioning of anything.
* My ailments are a source of obstruction in every type of my activity. 
* I cannot shave properly because I can't raise my hands up to my face. I can not eat properly as I can't move my jaws. 
* I can't walk properly as my knees don't bend. Definitely all this annoys me."
|'''Anger, touched when''': Ant-c, Cham, Cina, Iod, Lach, Tarent
* Coming into contact with the fingers or hands or any part of someone's body
* Sometimes touch is pleasant and sometimes unpleasant, may convey friendly feelings or evil designs and invite reaction accordingly. This is about physical touch. There is another more important in this context where words and thoughts touch the mind and provoke strong displeasure and a desire for retaliation.
Versions: -- ""
* Because of my ailments, ideas come to mind that if I die what will happen to my children. 
* There is none to look after them.  They are so small and innocent that they will require love and affection of someone. 
* These sentiments move my mind violently to argue that I have never thought of doing any wrong to others then why all this suffering for me and my children.
|'''Anticipation, complaints from'''
* Anticipation: Trying to foresee or realize before hand.
* Troubles arising when trying to foresee problems. Becoming tense when thinking, if such and such problems comes how to solve it.
* I am going out station. There if my trouble aggravates and I am not confident that I shall be able to manage it so I suggest that you must be me some medicine as stand by so that I can meet the emergency
|Business, talks of
* Exchanges information etc. about business through speech with others.  It shows business being the main concern in one's mind.
|My people have wrong impression about me.  Actually nothing worries me I simply try to know and exchange information, with others about my work.  As to the progress made in the projects left by me unfinished etc
|'''Anxiety, others for'''
|Feeling concerned about others mostly ignoring self.
* I am never bothered much about my own difficulties. I just can't see others in trouble.
* Although I may not be able to help them
|'''Bed, desire to remain in'''
* Liking to remain in bed, most of the time even when it is not the time to be in bed.
* If I am told to remain in bed for all the twenty-four hours. I shall be happy. 
* I can do anything but only by laying in bed. The jobs which require standing or sitting position on uncomfortable to me
|'''Business, incapacity for'''  
|Feeling of incapability for business or lack of power of performance for business.
|My work do interest me but I do not feel, I have the required energy to accomplish it. Therefore I cannot do it
* Wanting something but knowing not what.
* That this why rejects those very things desired by him a moment before.               
# This much I am sure that there is some relief after taking your medicine. But I can't tell exactly in what respect of in what proportion.
# Doctor I can tell you only this much that I require medicine and I am not well and nothing more than this because I myself do not know in detail as to what is exactly my problem.  So is try to prescribe without asking anything more about my sickness."
* Being careful while doing things, lest something goes wrong.
* To compare the meaning of cautious with carefulness: one can be cautious before anything happens and careful while doing something .
* There was a patient who would always bring in writing the minutest details about his sickness and even while reading them to me he will try  to recollect and add if he found that something was left. When he was told that those details were not needed by me, he replied, " You may take it as my carefulness I feel you must get complete information about my sickness, to give the right medicine . In case you do not give full attention to what I say, I would not be able to trust your medicine.
|Cares, full of
* To remain concerned all the time about one or the other thing. To be never free from worry.
|I think as if all the worries of the world are meant for me . All the time my mind is occupied by one or the other worry
|39.    '''Cares, full of trifles about'''           A
Meanings :- Trifles (n): things of little importance.
Interpretation :- To worry even for matters of very little importance.
Versions :- "It is only the minor things that worry her more.  I am surprised why it should be like that.  To her all it looks necessary.
== Second degree rubrics ==
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!Meanings/ Interpretation
|Frivolous, alternating with A'''bsorption: Arg-n'''
| colspan="2" |
* Two states are interchanging between A'''bsorbed''' and  Unseriousness
* About his problem sometime becomes serious & the other un-serious.
* With me the problem is that two types of ideas keep on interchanging in my mind. 
* One moment I will become serious about my problems and go deep into the matter and at the other I will tell myself there is nothing to be serious about anything, why are you bothering so much".
|'''Absorbed''', as to what would become of him: Dulc, Nat-m
| colspan="2" |
* Remains asked about his fate
* I remain buried in thoughts if the same state of my health continues what will happen to me in the remaining period of my life. 
* I have yet to live many more years.
|Admonition agg
| colspan="2" |
* Act of cautioning advising or encouraging is not approved
|Any word uttered to caution or advice or even encourage him in his efforts is going to have adverse effect in his mind.  Instead of taking to correctives, he will try to stick to his ways with greater vigour
| colspan="2" |A false appearance or assumption of a state, quality or manner or showing off one's abilities accomplishments, position, status or possession etc.
Interpretation :- because there is a desire to remain in the limelight.  This is done by way of projecting one's prominence in appearance, quality or manner which in reality are not original and are artificially acquired.  This in other words is ''self projection'' to satisfy one's ego without harming or cheating others but with a tinge of exaggeration of one's qualities, etc.
# It is apparent from his face and actions that the patients is in great distress, and is not able to bear the pains. Yet he is trying to show that he is not much bothered about it.  That he is a man of perseverance."
# He is having high fever. He has called for you for the medicine. He is looking at your face. If he finds that you are taking his case with all seriousness he will try to behave as if he is not much worried and will try to take credit that how lightly he can take the matter which is otherwise very  grave. But from your appearance if he finds that you are not taking things we all seriousness he will become serious and will try to behave in such a manner as to impress upon you that his case requires serious attention. Although he is strong enough to bear it.
| colspan="2" |
* One who shows affection or characterized by affection.  Lovable.
* One who attracts everyone by manners and behavior in such a way that they feel attached to him.  One who love and is loved by every one.
* He is really a very lovely child. He behaves so attractively that no one can restrain himself from doing him a favor.  When I entered his room just to examine him he sprung up from his bed within no time to fetch a glass of water for me. I was so impressed by his gesture that I could not restrain myself from kissing him.  I was definitely inclined to examine him more closely
|Amusement , desire for  
| colspan="2" |Wishing to have some sort of amusement.  May not insist on it but will like if he gets it
* Today I am not feeling well, and I just do not want to do anything except that I should have something to hold my mind pleasantly. 
* It may be music, a song, a pleasant company full of interest or just a stroll in some park to have a look at beautiful flowers etc
|'''Anxiety, alternating with indifference'''
| colspan="2" |
* Feeling uncomfortable as to what will happen and not bothering for whatever may come, these two states of mind frequently interchange between one & another.
* Sometimes the thought worries me who knows what is in store for me. Whatever or not I shall be lucky enough to get cured
* Sometimes the same thought comes but does not bother me as if I feel no concerned about my health.This is how these thoughts in my mind interchange between one another, continuously.
|'''Anxiety, business about:''' Arn, Bry, Calc, Nux-v, op, Sul...
| colspan="2" |
* Business: occupation or profession.
* Discomfort about something unknown in connection with business.
|Nothing else is worrying me except that if I do not get relief speedily then who knows what will happen to my job. There are chances of loosing it also.
|An excessive desire to gain and hoard wealth.
Versions: -" ."
|Once a patient told me about his behaviour while spending. He related that he was a man of lakhs yet he would not like to part with the money which once entered his safe, or the purse.  For instance, he added that for making payment for my medicine he would wait for certain fresh receipts and would not touch collections already received and revealed further that this tendency was generally the cause of dispute between him and the members of his family
|Cares, full of domestic affairs about
|To remain full of worries concerning household affairs.
Versions:- "
* Except matters concerning home, nothing else enters my mind. I cannot help that. I know it is too much, but I also know that it is unavoidable."
* " Are you really fed up with it ?" "No, No, who else will look after it . After all home is home . I have to worry about it."

Revision as of 11:25, 21 February 2024

First encounter


  • Inciting others: Hyos
  • Flattering
  • Reverence, those around him: Croc, Coloc, Ham, Hyos, Lac-h, Nat-m, Nux-v, Plat, Puls, Sil, Sul
  • Grateful
  • Affectation
  • Predominating
  • Reverence of those around him: Cocc, Hyos


  • Embarrassment ailments after

  • Curious
  • Deceitful
  • Delirium, Bed escape, jump up suddenly / Escape attempts to, delirium during


  • Delusion, Large self seemed to
  • Del, God, Communication
  • Delusion, Pure, he is
  • Delusion, Honest he is not
  • Delusion, Help, calling for: Plat
  • Delusion, Wealth, imagination: Agn, Bell, Calc, Cann-i, Kali-br, Nit-ac, Nux-v, Phos, Plat, Pyrog, Sul, Verat


  • Frown, indisposed to
  • Gambling, passion, make money to: Bell, Calc, Lyc, Mag-m, Merc, Nat-c, Plat, Puls, Staph, Sul



  • Kleptomania
  • Laughing, speaking when

Self character


  • Sadness, Mortification after: Carc, Ign, Puls, Spong, Staph
  • Ailment from, mortification, indignation with: Staph
  • Discontent, Reserved displeasure
  • Ailment from honor wounded
  • Touched, aversion to be
  • Indignation

  • Pompous: Bell
  • Lier
  • Naked desire to be
  • Naïve
  • Noise, inclination to make: Bell
  • Touched aversion to be
  • Greed
  • Greed, grasping greedly with both hands anything offered him: Hyos
  • Hopeful: Acon, Ferr-ma, Hydr, Seneg, Tub
  • Imitations


  • Prejudiced, traditional
  • Quiet, wants to be
  • Quitted, cannot be
  • Quarrelsome, without angry Bell, Caust, Dulc, Staph
  • Superstitious
  • Suspiciousness
  • Talking, business of
  • Vanity
  • Disturbed, averse to being
  • Reveal, secrets: Hyos
  • Rage, touched renewed by
  • Threatening
  • Weeping, Carried when, Piteously, if taken hold or carried, child cries: Cina, Sil


  • Refuses, medicine to take: Lach
  • Well, says, he is, when he is sick: Arn, Op, Puls
  • Indifference, complain dose not
  • Feigning, sick to be: Tarent, Bell, Calc
  • Carried, desire to be
  • Clinging vs Carried desire
  • Desire, to be carried fast: Bell
  • Light, desire for, positive: Gels
  • Horrible things, affect profoundly
  • Deliriums, well, Declarer he is: Apis, Arn
  • Well, says, when very sick
  • Delusion, Well


  • Torpor
  • Confusion of mind, muscles refuse to obey the will when attention is turned away: Gels, Hell, Lil-t, Tarent

Fear, Suffering

  • Fear, being hurt: Arn, Carc, Chin, Hep, Kali-c, Nat-m, Rhus-t, Ruta, Spig, Symph

  • Del, Objects Glittering: Bell
  • Calculating inability: Bell
  • Sensitiveness alternative with Indifference : Bell
  • Dignity

Warm- cold

  • Affectionate / Friendly
  • Care full of
  • Warm app mental symptoms: Lach

Complaining, injury of imaginary

  • ABSENT-MINDED, spoken to, when (am-m)
  • ABSORBED, as to what would become of him/her (nat-m)
  • ABUSIVE, children insulting parents (am-m, nat-m)
  • ADULTEROUS (calc
  • AFFECTATION (stram
  • AFFECTIONATE, (carb-an
  • AILMENTS FROM, anger, anxiety, with, fright, with and silent grief, with (gels
  • ANGER, answer, when obliged to (nat-m
  • ANGER, cold after taking (calc
  • ANGER, easily (gels, valer
  • ANGER, eating am. after (am-m
  • ANGER, former vaxations about (carb-an
  • ANGER, past events, about (carb-an
  • ANGER, talk indisposed to (am-m
  • ANGER, waking, on (sanic
  • ANSWERS aversion to answer (nat-m
  • ANTAGONISM, with herself (lac-c
  • ANTICIPATION, complaints from (gels
  • ANXIETY air in open am. (valer
  • ANXIETY, alternating with indifference, (nat-m
  • ANXIETY, business, about (calc
  • ANXIETY, chest, from stitching in (ruta
  • ANXIETY, cold drinks am. (acon)

First degree rubrics

Anger, interruptions from: Cench, Cham, Cocc, Dulc, Graph, Hell, Nux-v, Spong
  • Cessation of activity many times in between before its completion.
  • Strong displeasure felt at the breaks experienced to in smooth functioning of anything.
  • My ailments are a source of obstruction in every type of my activity. 
  • I cannot shave properly because I can't raise my hands up to my face. I can not eat properly as I can't move my jaws. 
  • I can't walk properly as my knees don't bend. Definitely all this annoys me."
Anger, touched when: Ant-c, Cham, Cina, Iod, Lach, Tarent
  • Coming into contact with the fingers or hands or any part of someone's body
  • Sometimes touch is pleasant and sometimes unpleasant, may convey friendly feelings or evil designs and invite reaction accordingly. This is about physical touch. There is another more important in this context where words and thoughts touch the mind and provoke strong displeasure and a desire for retaliation.

Versions: -- ""

  • Because of my ailments, ideas come to mind that if I die what will happen to my children. 
  • There is none to look after them.  They are so small and innocent that they will require love and affection of someone. 
  • These sentiments move my mind violently to argue that I have never thought of doing any wrong to others then why all this suffering for me and my children.
Anticipation, complaints from
  • Anticipation: Trying to foresee or realize before hand.
  • Troubles arising when trying to foresee problems. Becoming tense when thinking, if such and such problems comes how to solve it.
  • I am going out station. There if my trouble aggravates and I am not confident that I shall be able to manage it so I suggest that you must be me some medicine as stand by so that I can meet the emergency
Business, talks of
  • Exchanges information etc. about business through speech with others.  It shows business being the main concern in one's mind.
My people have wrong impression about me.  Actually nothing worries me I simply try to know and exchange information, with others about my work.  As to the progress made in the projects left by me unfinished etc
Anxiety, others for Feeling concerned about others mostly ignoring self.
  • I am never bothered much about my own difficulties. I just can't see others in trouble.
  • Although I may not be able to help them
Bed, desire to remain in
  • Liking to remain in bed, most of the time even when it is not the time to be in bed.
  • If I am told to remain in bed for all the twenty-four hours. I shall be happy. 
  • I can do anything but only by laying in bed. The jobs which require standing or sitting position on uncomfortable to me
Business, incapacity for   Feeling of incapability for business or lack of power of performance for business. My work do interest me but I do not feel, I have the required energy to accomplish it. Therefore I cannot do it
  • Wanting something but knowing not what.
  • That this why rejects those very things desired by him a moment before.               
  1. This much I am sure that there is some relief after taking your medicine. But I can't tell exactly in what respect of in what proportion.
  2. Doctor I can tell you only this much that I require medicine and I am not well and nothing more than this because I myself do not know in detail as to what is exactly my problem.  So is try to prescribe without asking anything more about my sickness."
  • Being careful while doing things, lest something goes wrong.
  • To compare the meaning of cautious with carefulness: one can be cautious before anything happens and careful while doing something .
  • There was a patient who would always bring in writing the minutest details about his sickness and even while reading them to me he will try  to recollect and add if he found that something was left. When he was told that those details were not needed by me, he replied, " You may take it as my carefulness I feel you must get complete information about my sickness, to give the right medicine . In case you do not give full attention to what I say, I would not be able to trust your medicine.
Cares, full of
  • To remain concerned all the time about one or the other thing. To be never free from worry.
I think as if all the worries of the world are meant for me . All the time my mind is occupied by one or the other worry
39.    Cares, full of trifles about           A

Meanings :- Trifles (n): things of little importance.

Interpretation :- To worry even for matters of very little importance.

Versions :- "It is only the minor things that worry her more.  I am surprised why it should be like that.  To her all it looks necessary.

Second degree rubrics

Meanings/ Interpretation Versions
Frivolous, alternating with Absorption: Arg-n
  • Two states are interchanging between Absorbed and Unseriousness
  • About his problem sometime becomes serious & the other un-serious.
  • With me the problem is that two types of ideas keep on interchanging in my mind. 
  • One moment I will become serious about my problems and go deep into the matter and at the other I will tell myself there is nothing to be serious about anything, why are you bothering so much".
Absorbed, as to what would become of him: Dulc, Nat-m
  • Remains asked about his fate
  • I remain buried in thoughts if the same state of my health continues what will happen to me in the remaining period of my life. 
  • I have yet to live many more years.
Admonition agg
  • Act of cautioning advising or encouraging is not approved
Any word uttered to caution or advice or even encourage him in his efforts is going to have adverse effect in his mind.  Instead of taking to correctives, he will try to stick to his ways with greater vigour
Affectation A false appearance or assumption of a state, quality or manner or showing off one's abilities accomplishments, position, status or possession etc.

Interpretation :- because there is a desire to remain in the limelight.  This is done by way of projecting one's prominence in appearance, quality or manner which in reality are not original and are artificially acquired.  This in other words is self projection to satisfy one's ego without harming or cheating others but with a tinge of exaggeration of one's qualities, etc.

  1. It is apparent from his face and actions that the patients is in great distress, and is not able to bear the pains. Yet he is trying to show that he is not much bothered about it.  That he is a man of perseverance."
  2. He is having high fever. He has called for you for the medicine. He is looking at your face. If he finds that you are taking his case with all seriousness he will try to behave as if he is not much worried and will try to take credit that how lightly he can take the matter which is otherwise very  grave. But from your appearance if he finds that you are not taking things we all seriousness he will become serious and will try to behave in such a manner as to impress upon you that his case requires serious attention. Although he is strong enough to bear it.
  • One who shows affection or characterized by affection.  Lovable.
  • One who attracts everyone by manners and behavior in such a way that they feel attached to him.  One who love and is loved by every one.

  • He is really a very lovely child. He behaves so attractively that no one can restrain himself from doing him a favor.  When I entered his room just to examine him he sprung up from his bed within no time to fetch a glass of water for me. I was so impressed by his gesture that I could not restrain myself from kissing him.  I was definitely inclined to examine him more closely
Amusement , desire for   Wishing to have some sort of amusement.  May not insist on it but will like if he gets it
  • Today I am not feeling well, and I just do not want to do anything except that I should have something to hold my mind pleasantly. 
  • It may be music, a song, a pleasant company full of interest or just a stroll in some park to have a look at beautiful flowers etc
Anxiety, alternating with indifference
  • Feeling uncomfortable as to what will happen and not bothering for whatever may come, these two states of mind frequently interchange between one & another.
  • Sometimes the thought worries me who knows what is in store for me. Whatever or not I shall be lucky enough to get cured
  • Sometimes the same thought comes but does not bother me as if I feel no concerned about my health.This is how these thoughts in my mind interchange between one another, continuously.
Anxiety, business about: Arn, Bry, Calc, Nux-v, op, Sul...
  • Business: occupation or profession.
  • Discomfort about something unknown in connection with business.
Nothing else is worrying me except that if I do not get relief speedily then who knows what will happen to my job. There are chances of loosing it also.
Avarice             An excessive desire to gain and hoard wealth.

Versions: -" ."

Once a patient told me about his behaviour while spending. He related that he was a man of lakhs yet he would not like to part with the money which once entered his safe, or the purse.  For instance, he added that for making payment for my medicine he would wait for certain fresh receipts and would not touch collections already received and revealed further that this tendency was generally the cause of dispute between him and the members of his family
Cares, full of domestic affairs about To remain full of worries concerning household affairs.

Versions:- "

  • Except matters concerning home, nothing else enters my mind. I cannot help that. I know it is too much, but I also know that it is unavoidable."
  • " Are you really fed up with it ?" "No, No, who else will look after it . After all home is home . I have to worry about it."