Other Sign/ Symptoms
Top remedy
- Yellowish green in color or is milky white
- Large lumps
- Blood stained
- Offensive: Foul vaginal discharge in case of gonorrhoea infection
- Excessive vaginal itching/ Burning
- Vaginal discharge gets profuse after urinating.
- Agg: Before and after menses.
- Leucorrhea at the menopause age with excessive hot flushes, perspiration, and weakness.
- Burning or griping in the uterus is present.
- Menstrual irregularities of various kinds
- Dyspareunia
- Pelvic pain and bearing down sensation in the pelvis as if pelvic organs would come out from vulva is marked
Milky White Colored
- Agg on lying down.
- It causes itching and burning in vagina.
- Vaginal discharge + Backache and weakness.
- Gonorrhoea with thick mucus discharge milky white in color.
Watery Transparent Leucorrhea
- Natrum Mur is usually prescribed for vaginal discharge which is watery transparent. It is very profuse and attended with weakness. Abdomen pain and bearing down pains may attend it. Itching in vagina may occur too. Besides, it can also be used when thick white vaginal discharge occurs in place of menses.
Offensive Leucorrhea + Violent Itching + Dyspareunia
- Leucorrhea is Yellow / Yellow stain on the linen.
- Offensive, itching, corrosive leucorrhoea
- The condition gets worse between periods.
- Standing and walking agg Leucorrhea
- She feels better while sitting or lying down.
- Burning in the genitalia is felt along with pain.
- Bleeding after intercourse.
- Pain is also felt while urinating.
- It is highly recommended for vaginitis cases.
Leucorrhea + Severe Burning
- Profuse vaginal discharge with severe burning.
- The discharge is very profuse and even runs down till the heels.
- Leucorrhea is transparent, may be ropy as well.
- Itching is also felt in genitals.
- Washing the private parts with cold water helps to relieve symptoms.
- Vaginal discharge gets worse during day and after menses
- She is physically and mentally exhausted after menses.
- Chronic constipation and go without passing stool for many days.
Egg White Leucorrhea
- Leucorrhea is attended with a feeling as if warm water is flowing.
- Leucorrhea is worse for two weeks between the menstrual cycle.
- Swelling of labia may attend it.
Leucorrhea + Lower Abdomen/ Pelvic Pain
- Along with Sep, it is top Leucorrhea remedy
- White or yellow Leucorrhea
- It is attended with griping, pinching or labor like pains in abdomen.
- Burning in vagina is present.
- Lower back feels weak.
Milky White /Yellow Leucorrhea
- Itching and burning in vagina.
- Weakness is also marked along with the above symptoms.
- Leucorrhea agg from exertion and also while urinating
- Resistant Milky Leukorrhea, esp in girls (Cann-s, Merc, Puls, Sep) which sometimes leads to Cauterization / Cryo therapy needs (Ars, Sul)
- Thick and gushing Leukorrhea (Am-c, Borx, Calc-p, Cop, Ferr, Kali-m, Puls, Sep)
Excessive Greenish Leucorrhea
- Intense itching and burning in private parts.
- The discharge is worse at night.
- Its use is also indicated for blood-stained vaginal discharge.
- Acrid/ Excoriating/ Itchy discharges that cause a burning sensation in the vagina
- Leucorrhea agg upon urination.
- Stitching uterine pain may be present.
- Stinging ovarian pain.
Thick Yellow/ Ropy Leucorrhea
- Yellow, thick and ropy and hangs down in long strings.
- Excessive vaginal itching is always felt.
- The discharge gets worse immediately after menses with a lot of weakness.
- During intercourse, soreness is felt in the vagina, after which bleeding from vagina may also occur.
Leucorrhea + Backache
- Sharp, cutting pain in the lower back with a feeling as if the back would break.
- The vaginal discharge is yellow with burning and itching in the vulva.
Profuse Gushing Leucorrhea
- It may be present day and night.
- The color of discharge is white and is accompanied by excessive weakness in the back.
- Weakness worsens on walking and sitting.
Intensely Painful Periods
- Leucorrhea of acrid nature
- Fish-like odor Leucorrhea
- Excruciating pain the pelvic area along with ovarian pains
- Pain amel with pressure.
- Menstrual bleeding is copious, dark and offensive.
PID + Heavy Periods
- Menses are Profuse/ Gushing / Bright red colored + Dark clots
- Blood may have an offensive odor.
- Motion agg the blood flow.
- Pain in the sacral back extending to pubes before menses.
- Endometritis / Oophoritis following childbirth or an abortion.
PID + Metrorrhagia
- Leucorrhoea of white or watery mucus may be present.
- A weak sensation in the abdomen with leucorrhoea.
- Profuse uterine bleeding
- Weakness after menstrual bleeding.
- Ovarian pain (esp left-sided).
- Ovarian pain esp during menses.