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- Affectation
- Anger, pinched
- Antic playing
- Answering, refusing to: Hyos
- Astonished
- Begging
- Boaster
- Cautious
- Careful
- Carried, desire to be
- Clinging vs Carried desire
- Curious
- Deceitful
- Delirium, Bed escape, jump up suddenly / Escape attempts to, delirium during
- Delirium, crying for help: Canth, Stram
- Delusion, Large self seemed to
- Del, God, Communication
- Delusion, Pure, he is
- Delusion, Honest he is not
- Delusion, Help, calling for: Plat
- Delusion, Wealth, imagination: Agn, Bell, Calc, Cann-i, Kali-br, Nit-ac, Nux-v, Phos, Plat, Pyrog, Sul, Verat
- Desire, to be carried fast: Bell
- Dignity
- Fear dark
- Fear, Glittering objects
- Fear, injured being of
- Fear of being hurt
- Fear of suffering: Bry, Calc
- Feigning, sick to be: Tarent, Bell, Calc
- Frivolous
- Frown, indisposed to
- Gambling, passion, make money to: Bell, Calc, Lyc, Mag-m, Merc, Nat-c, Plat, Puls, Staph, Sul
- Hopeful: Acon, Ferr-ma, Hydr, Seneg, Tub
- Imitations
- Indifference, complain dose not
- Indignation
- Irritability, Pain during : Nux-v
- Irritability, questioned when
- Kleptomania
- Laughing, speaking when
- Mortification
- Naïve
- Noise, inclination to make: Bell
- Pompous: Bell
- Praying
- Quitted, cannot be
- Rage, touched renewed by
- Refuses, to take help: Cina, Sil
- Refuses, medicine to take: Lach
- Shirking, aid for
- Superstitious
- Suspiciousness
- Threatening
- Touched aversion to be
- Vanity
- Weeping, Carried when, Piteously, if taken hold or carried, child cries: Cina, Sil
- Well, says, he is, when he is sick: Arn, Op, Puls