Sehgal Categorized Rubrics
Reproaches others
The above feeling is common in some patients who visit for their problem and they tell the doctor that the reasons behind their sickness are family member, friends, colleagues or boss. The reasons could be wrong upbringing, negligence, or dominancy. Rubrics which can be referred for this cause of depression:
DELUSIONS; persecuted; he is (32): aids, anac, androc, ars, bell, calc, CHIN, choc, con, cycl, dream-p, DROS, falco-p, hydrog, hyos, ign, kali-br, loch, mere, nat-m, nux-v, posit, rhus-t, salx-f, spong, staph, stram, sulph, thyr, uro-h, verat, zinc. | Persecuted: Cause to suffer | ||
DELUSIONS; wrong; suffered has (6): adam, HYOS, loch, lyss, naja, posit | Wrong: Any harm or injury resulting from an error or misjudgement. | ||
DISCONTENTED; wrong; everything another does; is (1): Cham |
Reproaches himself
The above feeling is common in some patients who blame themselves for their depressive problem and tell the doctor it is due to their own mistake, error, or negligence that they are suffering today. Rubrics which can be referred for this cause of depression:
DELIRIUM; blames himself for his folly (1):Op |
Folly: Foolish act, a stupid mistake. He says, "I waited a long time for the problem to disappear. Now I am realizing that it was foolishness on my part to do so, as the problem has grown three folds | What is the point of stupidity here? The point of stupidity is to keep on ignoring even when the problem has grown two folds. For example, a patient knows that drinking even a glass of wine would bring suffering, and they try their best not to drink it. But one day when they visit a party, someone offer them wine or upon seeing the wine they thought of taking a half glass of wine. Next day, they suffer and that time it comes to their mind it was stupid on their part to do so. | |
DELUSIONS; neglected his duty; he has (13):AUR, cycl, dream-p, falco-p, hell, hyos, ign, lava-f, lyc, naja, nat-ar, ptel, puls. |
DELUSIONS; succeed; cannot; he does everything wrong (8):adam, anac, arg-n, nur, bapt, germ, nat-c, salx-f. |
DELUSIONS; unfit for the world; he is (1):aur, Plat |
Unfit: To deprive of the strength, skill, or proper qualities for anything; due to sickness unfit to perform their duty. |
CONTEMPTUOUS; self of; (7): agath-a, agn, aur, cop, falco-p, lac-c, thuj. . | We have only one common remedy for these two rubrics which is Aur. | ||
DELUSIONS; wrong; he has done (21):agath-a, aids, ars, aur, aur-ar, cycl, dig, falco-p, germ, hell, hyos, ign, lyc, mere, nat-ar, posit, puls, salx-f, sil, sulph, thuj. |
No desire for business
It has been seen that, during the sick state, a patient has no desire to work. They remain indifferent towards their income. They do not care how they are going to manage their finance and those dependent upon them. They may get agitated when asked to do something. Some patient has a feeling towards their business/ work/duty, but sometimes the body does not cooperate and sometimes mind. Rubrics which can be referred for this cause of depression:
BUSINESS; averse to (44):acon-1, agar, am-c, anac, androc, am, ars, ars-h, asar, aur-m, brom, chin-s, cimic, con, cop, fl-ac, graph, hipp, kali-ar, kali-bi, kali-br, kali-c, kali-i, kali-s, lac-ac, lack, laur, lil-t, lyc, mag-s, nat-ar, nat-c, nux-v, opun-a, ph-ac, phyt, puls, rhod, rhus-t, SEP, stann, sulph, syph, ther. |
On the contrary both are in the rubric BUSINESS talks of. So how could it possible that one time same patient is showing concern for business and other time they are neglecting it. This teaches us that we should not carry drug pictures in the mind, rather use the rubric to their merit. | Op
BUSINESS; neglects his (2):op, sulph. It is interesting to know that opium and Sul patients neglect their business. | |||
DUTY; aversion to domestic (4):cench, cit-1, falco-p, sul-i DUTY; no sense of duty (12):alum, ambr, anac, ars, CALC, coloc, hep, lach, mere, nat-m, sil, sulph. |
Sense: Feel, or consciousness Under the influence of sickness, it may be that a patient likes to look after things for which they are responsible and they try their best to handle or manage it somehow. There could be some patients who lose the interest towards their responsibility. It could be due to fatigue, some past grievances, lack of time, lack of money or it is too much for them. |
WORK; fatigues (20):abrot, achy, aeon, AUR, cocc, coff, CON, graph, hypoth, ign, lach, lyc, NAT-C, nux-v, pic-ac, sel, sil, staph, sulph, v-a-b. |
A healthy human being can work as they like and when they like, and after exerting for a long time the body needs some rest or break. Because of sickness, the same person who was able to work continuously for hours, starts feeling fatigue due to which they get irritated like a Sul | |
IRRITABILITY, exertion from or becomeIndifference and lies with eyes closed likeArg-n, Cocc, Sep |
AMBITION; loss of (12):am-m, apoc, ars, calc-sil, dios, dream-p, erig, nat-p, petr, polys, rob, sep. |
Loss: Diminution, something which was there but at present is not there. How ambition gets lost? |
DELUSIONS; sick; being; work; and for this reason will not (4): |
Sick: not in health. It is common that during sickness a patient does not feel like working or not capable of working depending upon the acuteness of the problem. | He is actually sick, but he pretend or exaggerate his sickness so that he does not have to work. | He likes to be in bed or postpone the things for next day. When asked that he is not so sick that he cannot work then why are he not working? He may reply/' He is so weak or not in a position to work." |
SADNESS; work aversion to; with (8):berb, bov, croto-t, dros, laur, mez, prun, zinc |
Lying in Bed
It is a common symptom for a patient to lie in bed for the sake of rest, fatigue or tiredness during sickness. But there are patients who keep on lying in the bed even when it is not needed. When asked why they are lying in bed, when they can work as the problem is not so serious, they may reply, "They do not feel like moving or there is a extreme desire to be in bed. Rubrics which can be referred for this cause of depression:
ANGUISH; lie down; must (3)mez, ph-ac, phel. |
BED; remain in, desires to (61 remedies)BED; remain in, desires to; morning (7)ferr-m, ferr-ma, hydrog, lac-c, oplo-h, sep, ulm-c. |
No wish to talk / Company
There are many patients who do not want to speak, talk or prefer any company. They like quietness or solitude. They want to be left alone. What is the reason for that? There are various reasons for it, like: 1. No energy 2. No topic 3. Do not want to talk / speak about their problem 4. It is a burden on their mind Rubrics which can be referred for this cause of depression:
COMPANY; aversion; avoids the sight of people (17):aeon, ars, calc, CIC, cupr, cur, cyni-c-g, ferr, gels, hydrog, iod, lac-d, led, nat-c, posit, sep, thuj. |
COMPANY; desires; treats them outrageously; yet (1): |
COMPANY; aversion; bear anybody; cannot (4): |
COMPANY; aversion; friends of intimate (7): |
ESTRANGED; from her family (21):am-c, anac, ars, choc, con, falco-p, hep, hydrog, lap-c-b, nat-c, nat-m, nat-s, nit-ас, nux-v, phos, plat, plut-n, posit, psor, sep, staph |
=== RESERVED (61): ===
aeth, alco, alum, alum-p, aq-mar, arg-n, arn, ars, aur, aur-ar, bell, bism, cact, calc, caps, carb�an, care, caust, cham, chin, clem, coloc, cycl, dros, euph, euphr, fl-ac, grat, hell, hydrog, hyos, ign, indg, ip, irid, lach, lyc, mag-c, mang, meny, mur-ac, nat-m, nit-ас, nux-v, olnd, op, petr, ph-ac, PHOS, plat, plb, puls, rheum, sabad, sabin, salx-f, sil, spong, stann, staph, verat. |
=== SADNESS; aversion; children to whom he is devoutly attached become burdensome (1): ===
=== SPOKEN, TO; averse to being; alone wants to be left (10): ===
ant-t, aur, bell, caj, dream-p, helon, hipp, iod, lil-t, sulph. |
UNFEELING; family; with his (3):falco-p, kali-i, lava-f. |
Anger easily
Rubrics which can be referred for this cause of depression:
=== FIGHT, wants to (104): ===
aego-p, alch-v, anac, ANDROC, apis, arn, atp, atro, aur, bell, bov, bung-f, calc-p, camph, canth, caras, CARC, caust, chir-f, citl-1, cocc, crot-c, culx-p, cygn-c, cypr, dendro-p, diox, dulc, dysp, dysp-c, dysp-f, dysp-n, dysp-o, dysp-p, dysp-s, elaps, ephe-v, erb, falco-p, ferr, gado-n, galeoc-c, granit-m, HALIAE-LC, harp, herin, hipp, holm, hura, HYOS, ign, lac-as, lac-cpr, lac-d, lac-eq, lac-f, lach, lac-leo, lamp-c, lith-c, lyss, med, mere, musa, nat-c, nat-p, nelu, neod-o, neod-s, nice, nux-v, onc-t, pass-d, past, peg-h, phas-c, pras-o, pyrus-c, querc-r, ros-d, sam, sam-c, sam-f, sam-m, sam-o, SCORP, sec, seneg, ser�ang, sia-c, stoi-k, succ, sulo-ac, tarent, teg-a, terb-o, thal-s, thlaspi, thul, thul-c, tub, tung, uran, verat-v. |
=== ANGER; throws things away (7): ===
androc, coff, coloc, hydrog, ignis, STAPH, tub. |
=== ANGER; violent; things don't go after his will (1): ===
thuj. |
ANSWERS; civil; cannot be (1): |
ATTACKS, others, desire to (1): lyss. + DELUSIONS, wrong has suffered = Lyss | |
=== BREAK, things, desire to (14): ===
androc, apis, bell, carbn-s, hura, hyos, irid, nux-v, sol-t-ae, staph, stram, sulph, tub, verat. |
CRUELTY; brutality; inhumanity (34):abrot, absin, ANAC, ars, bell, bry, canth, care, chin, choc, croc, cur, dream-p, falco-p, haliae-lc, HEP, hyos, kali-i, kali-p, Inch, lap-mar-c, lyss, nicc-c, nit-ас, nux-v, op, plat, plut-n, posit, sel, staph, stram, tarent, verat. |
=== CURSING; all; night and complains of a stupid feeling (1): ===
verat. |
agar, anath, androc, apis, bell, bufo, calc, camph, canth, carbn-s, care, cimx, con, cupr, cur, hep, hura, hyos, iod, lach, laur, lil-t, merc-i-f, mosch, nux-v, oena, op, phos, plat, plb, sec, sol-t-ae, staph, STRAM, stront, sulph, tarent, tub, verat. |
=== COMPLAINING; threatening; and (1): ===
tarent. |
=== EMBITTERED, EXASPERATED; offenses from slight (1): ===
ang. FIRE; wants to set things or house on (8): alco, ant-t, BELL, HEP, hyos, phos, staph, stram. |
HATRED; revenge; and (22):agar, aloe, am-c, anac, aur, calc, cic, falco-p, fl-ac, hep, hydr, lach, led, mang, mygal, NAT-M, nit-ас, op, ph-ac, phos, stann, sulph. |
QUARRELSOME; alternating with; silent sadness (1):con. |
RAGE; consolation; from (1):nat-m. |
RAGE; touch; renewed by (4): |
REBELS, against poultices (17):bor, bry, calc, carb-v, cham, lyc, mere, mur-ac, nit-ас, nux-v, phos, puls, rhus-t, sep, spig, staph, sulph. |
SNAPPISH (4):aran-ix, calc-p, CHAM, lil-t. |
REVERENCE; lack of (3):anac, coloc, verat. |
SPITTING, DESIRE TO; faces of people; in (13):ars, BELL, calc, cann-i, cann-s, cupr, cupr-ar, hyos, mere, phos, plb, stram, verat. |
VIOLENT; chases family out of house (1):verat. |
It is a normal feeling for a patient to get hopeless or have no desire to live. They want to die or ask for death from the God or Doctor. Why does a patient develop such a feeling? Such feeling appears, when all efforts of getting better get failed, there is no ray of hope from anyone or anywhere, in spite of best medicine no refractory result came.
Or There are some patients who in spite of making lots of efforts and not getting succeed in getting any relief remain positive, optimistic or hopeful that one day they are going to find a solution about their problem.
ANGUISH; suicide; attempts to commit (1):hep |
ANXIETY; suicidal disposition; with (10):aur, caust, dros, hep, mere, nux-v, plat, puls, rhus-t, staph. |
DELUSIONS; seized; as if (3):canth, hyos, phos. |
CUT, mutilate, slit others, desire to (2):lyss, posit. |
DELUSIONS; hang himself; want to (1):ars |
DEATH; desires (77):adam, agath-a, agn, alum, alum-sil, ambr, anh, ant-c, apis, aran, ars, ars-met, ars-s-f, AUR, aur-ar, aur-m, aur-s, bell, berb, calc, caps, carb-v, caust, chel, chin, clem, cortico, der, euph-c, gad, germ, glon, hep, hura, hydr, kali-bi, kali-br, kreos, LAC-C, lac-d, lach, led, lil-t, lyc, mere, merc-aur, mez, nat-c, nat-m, nat-s, nit-ас, nux-v, op, phos, phyt, plat, plb, plut-n, posit, psor, puls, ran-b, rat, rhus-t, rob, sec, sep, sil, spong, staph, stram, sul-ac, sulph, thuj, verat-v, vip, zinc. |
BED; jumps out of; wants to destroy himself but (1):chin. |
DEATH; desires; despair; from (1):kreos. |
DESPAIR; recovery; of (49):aeon, adam, agath-a, ALUM, aq-mar, ARS, aur-ar, aur-i, aur-s, bapt, bar-c, bry, CALC, calc-ar, calc-s, cann-i, care, caust, cham, chlol, cimic, coloc, germ, hell, hura, ign, kali-ar, kali-br, kali�c, kreos, lac-c, lach, lyc, mag-c, med, mere, nat-s, nit-ac, nux-v, plut-n, psor, salx-f, sep, sil, SYPH, ther, thyr, verat, zinc. |
DELUSIONS; disease; incurable has (18):aeon, adam, alum, arg-n, arn, cact, calc, chel, ign, lac-c, lach, lil-t, mag-c, nit-ac, plb, posit, sabad, stann. |
DISCONCERTED (2):brom, ign. |
DOUBTFUL; recovery; of (31):aeon, agn, alum, arn, ars, ars-h, aur, bry, calc, calc-sil, cecr, ign, kali-c, kreos, lac-c, lach, lept, lil-t, lyc, mere, nat-s, nit-ac, nux-v, ph-ac, phos, psor, puls, sep, stann, sulph, syph. |
INCONSOLABLE (28):aeon, ambr, ars, asar, brom, caust, cham, chin, coff, dig, kali-br, lyc, m-arct, nat-c, nat-m, nux-v, petr, phos, plat, puls, rhus-t, sep, sil, spong, stann, strain, sulph, verat. |
SADNESS; suicidal disposition; with (24):alum, AUR, calc, caust, chin, cimic, con, graph, hep, hydrog, ign, med, merc-aur, naja, nat-m, nat-s, op, psor, ran-b, sep, spig, STAPH, stel, sulph. |
SELF; torture (7):aeon, ars, bell, lil-t, plb, tarent, tub. |
STRIKING; himself, knocking head against wall and things (9):apis, ars, BELL, con, hyos, mag-c, MILL, rhus-t, TUB. |
SUICIDAL; despair about his miserable existence (1):sep. |
TEARS; things (20):agar, BELL, camph, canth, cimx, cupr, gink, hyos, ign, iod, kali-p, mere, nux-v, oena, op, phos, STRAM, sulph, tarent, verat. |
THREATENING (8):agar, choc, hep, polys, stram, TARENT, tub, valer. |
TORMENTS; everyone with his complaints (2):psor, ZINC. |
WEEPING; desire to weep; all the time (16):ail, ambr, camph, ferr, ip, kali-c, lyc, mere, merc-c, murx, neon, op, puls, samb, stram, thuj. |