Puls, Pulsatilla pratensis

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Female remedies

Menstrual suppression
  • She feels like she's getting her menses, but it doesn't starts anyway.

Female - MENSES, general - appear, as if would

Female - MENSES, general - feels, like coming

Female - MENSES, general - suppressed - asthma, with

Female - MENSES, general - suppressed - convulsions, with : CALC-P , VERAT

  • Menstrual suppression caused by Vexations / Bathing / Humidity esp wet feet (Puls ₳ Rhus-t)

Female - MENSES, general - suppressed - vexations, from : COLOC

Female - MENSES, general - suppressed - wet, from becoming - getting feet : RHUS-T


Female - MENSES, general - mental symptoms, menses, during - after, agg. - suppressed menses

Female - MENSES, general - mental symptoms, menses, during – before LACH, NAT-M

Female - MENSES, general - mental symptoms, menses, during : LACH

  • Cramp Dysmenorrhea that bends her forward


Female - MENSES, general - changeable, in appearance : Sep

  • Early menses 7-14 days

Female - MENSES, general - frequent, too early, too soon - 7 days : COCC , NAT-M Female - MENSES, general - frequent, too early, too soon - 14 days, every

  • Intermittent menses

Female - MENSES, general - intermittent: KREOS

  • Bleeding between menses

Female - MENSES, general - between, periods, menses appear

  • Delayed menses , 21-day in newly matured girls

Female - MENSES, general - late, menses, too - puberty, at

Bleeding pattern

  • Thick and viscous blood
  • Blood-stained mucus
  • Bright blood with clots
  • Delayed, low and dark menses

Female - MENSES, general - daytime, only : ABIES-N, Cact, Caust, Coff, Cycl, Ham, Kali-c

Female - MENSES, general - daytime, only - mostly on walking

Female - MENSES, general - walking, agg

Female - MENSES, general - lying, agg. - more, on Kreos, Mag-c


  • In Anemic / Pale and newly matured girls
  • With presence of milk in breasts (Puls ₳ Rhus-t)
  • One of the three main remedies for problems caused by hormonal disorders (Sep, Lyc)


  • Thick, creamy, milky
  • Thin, acrid
  • Lecorrhea + Uvula swelling
  • Menses during agg

Premature puberty

Female - MENSES, general - menarche, first menses, appears before the proper age : amber Ant-c. bell Calc-p. Calc. canth. carb-v. Caust. Cham. Chin. coc-c. cocc. ferr. goss. hyos. ip. kali-c. lyc. Merc. nit-ac. Phos. Puls. rhus-t. Sabin. Sec. Sil. sulph. verat.

  • Irregular and painful menses, esp in newly matured girls (Puls ₳ Sep)

    Female - MENSES, general - irregular - painful, girls, in, since the first period : Sep

Female - MENSES, general - irregular - painful, girls, in, since the first period - girls, young, in : Apis calc-p. graph. Mill. Sep

Female - MENSES, general - irregular - puberty, at : Sep


  • Catarrhal frontal sinusitis
  • Compression pain of Nasal root
  • Sinusitis and congestion of the right nose
  • Yellow / Green Bland discharges

    HEAD - HEAVINESS - Forehead - Frontal sinuses

NOSE - CATARRH - extending to - Frontal sinuses

NOSE - SINUSES; complaints of - Frontal sinuses

FACE - PAIN - Sinuses - Maxillary



  • Heat agg
  • Lying down with low head at night
  • Bending over agg
  • Eating fatty foods agg


  • Heat / Closed room agg / Cold and open window amel
  • Work agg / School / Eye strain agg (Ruta)
  • Right temporal pain
  • Unilateral throbbing headache
  • Feeling of heaviness in the head
  • Pain in face and teeth
  • Pain above the eyes
  • Tears on the affected side



  • MIND - HATRED - women, of PULS, Raph
  • MIND - KISSING - children are caressing and kissing Puls