Alum, Alumina
Core theme
- Like Ph-ac / Op/ Sep Weakness / Laziness (Alum ₳ Op) , (Alum ₳ Ph-ac), (Alum ₳ Sep)
- Like Hell Slowness /Paralysis (Alum ₳ Hell)
- Like Plb Heaviness (Alum ₳ Plb)
- Mucous membranes Dryness
- Dry crusts. Skin. Eczema. Head.
- Eyes, dry granular lids.
- Ears. Nose. Throat
- Agg from dry weather, warmth
- Agg from potatoes
- Chronicity
- Complaints constantly relapse, getting better and worse with varying degree of severity.
- Relapses with alternatingly mild and severe degree of troubles.
- Alum acts slow but deep in chronic diseases (Graph)
- Erratic/ Changable
- Emotion: Active and dull or bold and timid
- Coryza: Obstructed, dry and fluent.
- Appetite: When nervous, takes to eating, when rheumatic, anorexia.
- Behavior: Laughing and crying.
- Urine: Copious or scanty.
- 9 A.M agg
- The worst time is 9 am.
- Coldness (Sil) (Alum ₳ Sil)+ Warm-Blooded
Main regions
a. Esophagus (Dysphagia)
b. Bladder (He has to wait for his urine to start) (Neurogenic bladder)
c. Intestines (Constipation)
d. Mind
Etiology of Alum
- His character has been severely suppressed as a child. His parents think that he is an extravagant person and they should stop him. He has no right to comment.
- Severe punishments / restraints have over time caused him to feel a distance between himself and his will or between himself and his body.
- I am and I will, but I can not do it
- This is done, but I have no will to do it.
- His main problem is around self-awareness of one's body. "I am in this body" is a place of doubt for him.
- He tells you honestly and even naively, when I speak, it seems to me that someone else is speaking.
- Feeling dual, difficulty in understand his identity
- He uses the third person verb about his body parts, like giving a reporting from his body
MIND - DELUSIONS - head - belongs to another
MIND - DELUSIONS - identity - someone else, she is
MIND - CONFUSION of mind - identity, as to his
MIND - CONFUSION of mind - identity, as to his - duality, sense of
MIND - DELUSIONS - consciousness - belongs to another
De personalization
- It is as if one's ego has distanced oneself from oneself. Sometimes this feeling goes beyond the psychological level and the person can not really move his hand and becomes paralyzed.
- Feeling dual, difficult to understand his identity: he uses a third person verb about his body parts and you feel he is reporting his body.
- Did I say this or someone else? If Alum's confusion increases, he feels that there is no boundary between himself and others and feels
Dependent characters
Delusion that his self-awareness belongs to someone else. Children who have a lot of doubts may even be afraid of themselves (Fear of a knife).
- Confused, distracted and inattentive: Frequent speech errors due to lack of concentration (Lyc) (Alum ₳ Lyc)
- Obedient and submissive: When he is restless, he recognizes his identity by clinging to others.
- They are convinced that they have to adapt to others.
- They easily give in to bullies because of their weak will.
- Due to the fear of being rejected from the group, they can hardly maintain their boundaries and independence with others
- Help me: When talking, he knows he has a problem but he does not know what the problem is and he asks you to find it. (Alum ₳ Stram)
- Naive: He reveals the most important secrets of his life to you easily and with complete naivety. It is as if his character has remained completely intact and has not grown
- Underestimates himself: They always think they have made a mistake and do not think that others may have made a mistake. (Alum ₳ Bar-c)
Alum philosophy
- Sometimes Alum state can lead to a particular philosophical view that one must be careful of.
- Undoubtedly, in this view, there are components such as the unreality of the world, the algebra and negation of the human free-will, and a kind of disregard for the real world around us.
- DE realization: He feels that the world around him is not real / everything seems unreal. (Like Med)
MIND - DELUSIONS - unreal - everything seems unreal
- This is a subjective feeling which could not be explained in words but everyone make sense it. It is different from dream-state.
- DE real differs from illusion. In illusion one knows that there are facts and now I feel things outside of reality.
- DE realization is considered as psychosis
Impulsive behavior
Mind - IMPULSE, morbid
Mind - IMPULSE, morbid - horrid
Neurogenic bladder
Bladder -urination, retarded, must wait for urine to start, press a long time before he can begin, must
Bladder - PARALYTIC, weakness - paralytic, weakness, sensation of, evening, so that he fears he will wet the bed
Bladder – urination – unconsciousness, urethra insensible
Bladder -urination, feeble stream
- Fear losing her voluntary control of urination
Bladder -urination, involuntary, cough during
Bladder -urination, involuntary, stool, during
Bladder -urination, involuntary, stool, straining while
Mind - FEAR, general, phobias - bed, of the - wetting
Esophageal Paralysis
- Paralysis of Swallowing muscle (such as Myasthenia Gravis)
- Food is rising during swallowing and he feels it in his nose (Lach) (Alum ₳ Bell) (Alum ₳ Lach)
- Feeling of splinter in the throat
- Slowness could be considered as Mind/ General Paralysis
- Disease dynamics progress very slowly in Alum
- They are slow and aware of it and may gradually become bored.
- They know that they can not do two things together. If they are asked to do more than one task, confusion and awkwardness starts. Because his neuromascular system is not skilled (Ataxia)
- He is always in a hurry but you see only Slowness, Since his neuromuscular system is disobeying his brain
- Time passes slowly for him, which means he is in a hurry.
- Alum slowness is comparable to Plb and Op esp in Dementia.
- Face expression, Affect and Behavior is Blunt and Slow.
Remedy Relation
- Chronic: Con, Lach, Phos, Sep, Rhus-t.
- Both Nat-m and Alum are chronic of Bry.
- Nat-m. antidotes ill effects of Alum.
- Some homeopaths name Alum as Acon of chronic diseases.
- Acute remedies of Alum: Bry, Lach, Ign, Puls, Nux-v, Phos, Chel, Sep, Sulph, Tub
- Follows well after: Alum-sil, Arg-m , Lach, Morg, Nat-m, Phos, Psor, Sul, Syph, Tub, Zinc
- Similar:
- Ataxia, Paralysis, Senility: Arg-n, Bar-., Bry, Calc and Carbn-s
- Rectum / Bladder paralysis: Caust, Cham., Con., Cop., Cur., Ferr., Ferr-i., Graph., Hep.
- Intestinal torpor: Ip, Kali-bi, Lach Mag-c, Nat-m
- Constipation: Sep., Sil, Sul and Zinc
- Mind: Sil, Lyc