Low back pain
Modalities | Position |
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Motion |
Etiology |
Accompanied by |
Locality |
Extending |
Quality |
Time |
Consequence |
Peculiar |
First class remedies
- Severe pain like a broken back is the most important feature
- Severe / Vague pain similar to a bruise in deep muscles of Back
- Dull pain when standing up and worse when starting to move
- Better with pressure, likes to sleep somewhere hard. (Nat-m ₳ Rhus-t)
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - lying - back, on - hard amel.; on something: NAT-M
- Rheumatic (Cold, Humidity)
- Chronic back pain (Acon for acute back pain) (Acon ₳ Rhus-t)
- Back pain that suddenly takes away all the patient's power to move (Rhus-t ₳ Sul)
- Amel by bending over backwards
- Worse in bed
- Agg with sleeping a lot and forces the patient to get up and move around 3 A.M. (Rhus-t)
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - night - midnight - after - 3 h - driving him out of bed
- Lying on the affected side agg the pain
- Menses agg
- Walking during agg, the pain forces him to lie down
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - lying - back, on - amel
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - injury, after: AGAR
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - rubbing amel : PHOS
- Back muscles weakness from general fatigue (Kali-c ₳ Sep)
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - fatigue; as from
- Downward extending
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - extending to - Legs: Berb, Borx, Kali-bi, Sil
- Shooting pains in the hips
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - extending to - downward: cimic, kali-bi, med
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - extending to - Glutei muscles and thighs
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - extending to - Nates
- Pain extending down and up simultaneously
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - extending to - downward - upward; and
- Pain radiating to the Left chest / Heart
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - extending to - Heart
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - extending to - Chest - left
- Back pain forces him to walk bent over (Kali-c ₳ Sul)
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - walking - bent; compelled to walk : Am-m , Sep , Sul
- Pain in the testicles + Back pain
- Pleurisy + Back pain
- Hemorrhoids + Sacral pains
- Due to cold (Working in a cold place), which agg in morning and amel with heat
- Due to sexual excesses (Staph)
- Due to prolonged sitting
- Due to Mortification / Humiliation / Vexation
- In turning from side to side in his sleep, he should sit straight and then turn.
- Turning agg, it is impossible for him to turn his back
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region – turning: BRY
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - turning - bed, in - impossible; almost: BRY
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - turning - body; when turning
- Drawing / Tearing and / Bruising pain
- Sudden shooting in the back
- Back pain spreading upwards
- Back pain spreading to the Hips / Thighs (Berb)
- Irritability is constantly increasing
- Stiff neck and torticollis
- Back pain + Hemorrhoids (Aesc ₳ Nux-v)
- Back pain + Spine / Lower limb problems
- Back pain + Shaking chills
- Throbbing Back pain + Sciatalgia
- Morning agg, the longer he stays in bed, the more it hurts.
- Night, Lying in bed agg
- Vague back pain in the lumbosacral and pelvic region
- Pain extends to hip
- Severe / Continuous pain
- Heaviness / Weakness
- Sensation of paralysis in Spinal cord / Lower limbs
- Agg with walking (Aesc ₳ Sep), The pain spreads when walking.
- During pregnancy, esp agg by Walking / Bending.
- Back pain when getting up from a chair
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - rising - seat; from a: BERB , CALC , CAUST , PHOS , PULS. , RHUS-T , SULPH
- Agg with bending
BACK - PAIN - Lumbosacral region - stooping, on
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - stooping, on: SULPH
- Back pain with hemorrhoids (Aesc ₳ Nux-v)
- Muscle pain with restlessness and severe insomnia
- Women's back pain related to uterine problems (Cimin ₳ Sep)
- Muscular pain
- Rheumatic pain of (Damp / Cold agg)
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - rheumatic : BERB , BRY , NUX-V , RHUS-T
- Spinal excitability, esp the neck area + Highly sensitive to pressure
- Neuralgic / Radiating back pain spreading down (Cimic ₳ Kali-c),
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - radiating
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - extending to - downward
- Pain extending around the body (Caust) or sacrum
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - extending to - Body - Around the : acon.k caust.k cham.k Cimic.k
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - extending to - Sacrum
- Due to Surgery / Trauma
- Due to carry a heavy load up and down the stairs. (Hyper ₳ Rhus-t)
- Vague / Stinging pain in Small of back
Chronic panel
- The more chronic the pain, the more indicated this remedy is.
- Dull / Tired / Debilitating pain that reduces the patient's motivation and strength. (Sul, Rhus-t)
- Amel with rest esp with lying back on
- Agg with continued movement. (opposite to Rhus-t)
Acute panel
- Severe cutting pain in the anterior cervical nerves
- Agg with lying down and
- Amel with sitting
- Bruised feeling
- The slightest touch intensifies the pain
- Evidence of trauma
Second class remedies
- Amel with movement / Agg when sitting (Rhod ₳ Rhus-t)
- Agg with weather changes, esp humidity (Rhod ₳ Rhus-t) (Dulc ₳ Rhod)
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - weather - change of
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - weather - wet; in : Calc , DULC , Ran-b , Rhus-t
- Pain radiating to arms
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - extending to - Arms
- Ileum pain (Agar)
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - Ilium
Pain spread to Abdomen / Knees / Hips / Thighs
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - extending to - Abdomen: Berb, Bry , Sep , Sulph
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - extending to - Hips : Aesc , Nux-v , Sep , Sil sulph.
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - extending to - Knee: Sulph
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - extending to - Thighs : Agar , BERB , Bry , Coloc , Dulc , Nux-v. , Ox-ac , Sep , Sulph
- Back Weakness
- Pain is associated with Weakness / Numbness in limbs
- Dull pain in the Lower back / Between the shoulders
- Point pain
- Agg with Thinking of pain
- Low back pain + Heaviness feeling
- Back stiffness, as if he had been sitting upright for a long time (Led ₳ Rhus-t)
Third class remedies
- Due to common cold (Dulc ₳ Rhus-t)
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - cold - taking; from : RHUS-T
- Due to long stooping
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - stooping; as after long : bism. chin. graph
- Due to Fatigue (Kali-c ₳ Sep)
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - fatigue; as from
- Menses after agg (Sep)
- Due to exertion
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - exertion: Calc-p. phys.
- Amel with Flatus passing
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - flatus amel.; passing
- Agg with lying (Berb ₳ Rhus-t)
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - lying - while : RHUS-T
- Menses after agg (Sep)
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - menses - after
- Pain extends to thighs / Abdomen
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - extending to - Thighs
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - extending to - Abdomen
- Due to Standing bent, Agg with straightening up
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - standing - bent over
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - straightening up : carb-ac. kali-bi. nat-c. nat-m. Sulph.
- Pain extends to thighs / Abdomen
Amell with gentle moving (Ferr ₳ Puls)
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - walking - slowly amel