Watery Eyes
- Eyes are constantly watering all day.
- Pressure is felt in the eyes.
- Eyes Burning and itching + Acrid discharges + Marked Redness
- Watery eyes resulting from conjunctivitis.
- Sometimes, sticky eyelids
Watery Eyes due to of Lachrymal Duct Stricture
- Eyes feel wet all the time and tears may even roll over on to the face.
- Sometimes, burning and smarting sensation in the eyes are also present.
- Sticky eyes, esp at night
- Cloudiness, a sandy feeling in these eyes
- Corrosive eyes are other features that may arise.
- Newborns with watery eyes resulting from the swelling or stricture of the lachrymal duct.
Watery Eyes in Conjunctivitis
- Watery eyes caused due to catarrhal conjunctivitis.
- Profuse flow of tears + Burning and itching in the eyes.
- Agg in a warm room.
- Feeling of sand in the eyes, pressure on the eyes, a need to rub the eyes, and sticky lids.
- Over sensitivity to light
- The discharges are green colored.
Lachrymation Is Bland / Non-irritating.
- The flow of tears is very heavy and may reduce in the open.
- The eyes may also seem red and swollen.
- Nasal discharge is very acrid, burning and is accompanied by a profuse and bland flow of tears.
Acute conjunctivitis
- Eyes are markedly red, dry and swollen.
Med: Chronic Blepharitis, conjunctivitis: loss of eyelashes and sensation of stone in the eye
First line
- Arg-n C200 + Merc C6 two dose daily
- It can be increased up to one dose every 3 hour
- Bell C3 two doses daily
Second line
If first line fails and there are Redness + Congestion