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  • Gonorrhea is an STD – sexually transmitted disease caused by bacteria named Neisseria gonorrhoeae. It mostly affects urethra; vagina and cervix in females; throat; rectum; eyes.
  • It is transmitted from one person to another through sexual contact (oral, anal or vaginal). Unprotected sex with a person who might be having the infection, having multiple sex partners, or having another STI (sexually transmitted infection) increases the risk of gonorrhea. Homeopathic treatment of gonorrhea helps fight the bacterial infection by boosting the natural healing mechanism of the body and helps in managing the symptoms effectively.

Gonorrhea can also be passed from an infected mother to baby during vaginal delivery ( babies can develop sores on the scalp or show symptoms in their eyes including red and swollen eyes attended with a thick, pus-like discharge. Without treatment, gonorrhea can cause permanent blindness in a newborn baby).

Men Symptoms

  • Painful/ Burning urination
  • Increased frequency/ Urgency to urinate
  • Pus-like discharge (yellow, white, green) from the penis
  • Redness/ Swelling of the foreskin
  • Pain/ Swelling in testicle

Women Symptoms

  • Painful / Burning urination,
  • Frequent urination
  • Vaginal discharge (thin, green or yellow)
  • Painful intercourse
  • Lower abdominal or pelvic pain
  • Heavy periods
  • Bleeding between periods
  • Bleeding after intercourse


Top remedy


  • Marked burning pain in urethra while urinating.
  • Urine also has an offensive smell.
  • In males, thin fluid mixed whitish mucus or yellow purulent discharge
  • Soreness in urethra along with this.
  • In females, thick, acrid vaginal discharge with fishy odo
Watery Mucus/Purulent Discharge from Urethra in Males


  • Marked Burning, Smarting pain in urethra are on urinating.
  • Desire to urinate is almost constant.
  • Glans is red, swollen, inflamed
Yellow Green Discharge from Urethra in Males


  • Sometimes the discharge may be blood stained.
  • Intense pain may be felt while urination
  • Marked urethral Itching
  • Swollen / Red Prepuce with burning pain.
  • Painful/ Swollen / Tender testicles
Epididymitis, orchitis Rhod
  • Swollen, Painful Testicles in Males
  • Tearing, pressing, sticking pain in testicle.
  • Pain is worse on sitting and better by motion.
  • Testicle may also feel hard and painful to touch.
  • Thin discharge from urethra may be present.
Painful/ Burning Urination


  • Burning and pain in the urethra is worse while urinating.
  • Pain may also be present before urination and continue after urination.
  • Very severe, cutting and sharp Pain in the urethra.
  • The desire to pass urine is also frequent.
  • Urging to urinate is most marked while standing or while walking.
  • Urine may also be scanty or sometimes passes in drops.
  • Pain during urination and its frequency are most worse at night time.
Increased Frequency and Urgency to Urinate


  • High frequency and urgency of urination
  • Burning and biting pains While urinating
  • In males: Thick, green or yellow discharge from the urethra
  • In females: Greenish vaginal discharges with burning and itching
White, milk-like Vaginal Discharge


  • The discharge is acrid, thin with marked burning in the vagina.
  • The discharge may also cause biting, stinging pains.
  • The discharge is most worse on lying down
Greenish Vaginal Discharges


  • The discharge is profuse mainly after urinating.
  • The discharges cause itching of vulva and vagina along with burning pain.
  • Marked Pain and bearing down sensation in the pelvic region
  • Painful coition in females.
  • Bleeding from the vagina after coition

Yellow Vaginal Discharges


  • Acrid / Corrosive discharges causing much itching
  • Offensive odour
  • Vaginal discharge is attended with fatigue and weakness esp in legs.
  • Frequent desire to urinate
Women Dyspareunia


  • Along with pain, burning and smarting are also felt in the vagina during intercourse.
  • Profuse vaginal discharge along with weakness
  • The discharges are acrid and may be greenish or transparent, watery.
  • They cause itching especially at night time
Heavy Periods


  • Bleeding is profuse, bright red colored and is mixed with dark clots.
  • Least motion increases the flow of blood.
  • Pain from sacrum to pubes