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=== Anxiety vs. [[Fear]] ===
=== Anxiety vs. [[Fears|Fear]] ===

* Both are entities, differentiating from their qualities as below.
* Both are entities, differentiating from their qualities as below.
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{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
!Mind characters
!Physical characters
! colspan="2" |/Physical /General Characters/ Modalities
!General characters
!Fear of
|His thoughts are coming from stomach
=== [[Acon , Aconitum Napellus|Acon]] ===
|Extremely restless
|Intense, sudden
*Great Anxiety / Excitement /Hasty
* Start at everything
* Intense/ Sudden
| colspan="2" |
* Dry skin, dry mouth
* Fast heartbeat
* Extremely restless/ Tossing /Changing his position
* His thoughts are coming from stomach
* Music is unbearable
* Future
* Crowd /Going out
* Crossing street
* [[Panic attacks|Panic]] 
* [[Fears|Fear]]
* [[PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder|PTSD]]
* Uncertainty
=== [[Arg-n, Argentum Nitricum|Arg-n]] ===
| colspan="2" |
*Anxiety due to '''uncertainty'''
* Always in Hurry. Time passes too slowly
* Sad/ Melancholic Forgetfulness / Dull
* Anxiety makes the patient to walk fast
* [[Impulsivity|Impulsive]]/ Impulse to jump, Esp in high place.
*Digestive disturbance, like [[diarrhea]]
* Sweets cravings but agg
* Face with strangers.
* Looking at high places
* Crossing corners of street,
* Death
* Anticipation Anxiety
* [[Claustrophobia]]
* [[Claustrophobia]]
* Hurry
* [[Disease Mania remedies|Hypochondriasis]]
* Fear of looking at high places
* Cannot face the strangers
=== [[Ars, Arsenicum Album|Ars]] ===
| colspan="2" |
*[[Fastidious]]/ Suspicious
* They Control their anxiety to prevent being criticized by others.
* Sad/ Hopeless of recovery
* Suicidal tendencies / Weary of life/ Impulse to suicide
*Often feel cold
* Weak: Always moving from one place to another, Even physically too weak to move
* Loneliness
* Darkness
* Being imperfect
* About money
* As if he will die soon
* Incurable disease.
* [[Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)|OCD]]
* Fastidious
=== [[Calc-c, Calcerea carbonica|Calc]] ===
* Suspicious
| colspan="2" |
*Evening anxiety + Restlessness + Palpitation + Mental / Memory weakness (Inability to prolonged mental exertion, difficult thinking, Confusion, Misplacing of words, Indolence).
* Irritable/ Obstinate/ Sad/ Inclined to weep
* Horrible dreams
* Startled at every noise.
* Prolonged application to business
* Prolonged worry or anxiety
* Breaking out of any safe routine/  plans. Like [[Ars, Arsenicum Album|Ars]] Difficulty in going with the flow
* Insanity/ Loss of reason
* Death/ Consumption
* Misfortune / Alone
* Excitement of emotions.
* Fear of insanity
=== [[Gels, Gelsemium sempervirens|Gels]] ===
* Insecurity in changing routins
*Timid/ Feelings of inadequacy
* They often desire solitude and avoid insistent pressure from other people.
* Shaky
* Vulnerable to [[Syncope|fainting]]
*Anxiety due to fright, fear / Exciting news
* Examination or interview etc
* Avoid crowds or public speaking
* [[Agoraphobia]]
* [[Agoraphobia]],
* Stage fright
|Vulnerable to [[Syncope|fainting]]
*Very sensitive
=== [[Kali-ars, Kalium arsenicosum|Kali-ars]] ===
* [[Pseudobulbar affect|Mood swings]]
| colspan="2" |
*Health-based anxiety include hypochondria
*Excessive grooming
* Racing thoughts
*Feeling cold
* Difficulty sleeping
* Death or dying
* Heart attacks
|Fear of heart attacks
|Feeling cold
* [[Panic attacks]]
* [[Disease Mania remedies|Hypochondriasis]]
|[[Kali-p, Kalium Phosphoricum|Kali-p]]
|Anxiety from having too much to do or increased ambitions
=== [[Kali-p, Kalium Phosphoricum|Kali-p]] ===
| colspan="2" |
*Anxiety from having too much to do or increased [[Ambitious perfectionists remedies|ambitions]]
*Vulnerable to stress or becoming overwhelmed.
|Physical complication of anxiety
|Physical complication of anxiety
* Difficult concentration when anxious
=== [[Phos, Phosphorus|Phos]] ===
| colspan="3" |
*Difficult concentration when anxious:
* Scattered / Difficult time focusing or getting things done
* Social people with anxiety
* Anxiety of not being approved in social circle / Romantic partners
|[[Sul , Sulphur|Sul]]
* Forgetful, confused
=== [[Sul , Sulphur|Sul]] ===
* Aversion to bathing.
* Overambitious, day-dreams, boaster.
|Anxiety + Fainting spells + Profuse sweating
*Irritable/ Impatient of others, Selfish, Easily excited and offended.
Worse in the morning.
* Suspicious / Depressed.
* Always tired, occasionally restlessness and hasty.
| colspan="3" |Opposite states:
# Forgetful/ Confused / Absent minded /Aversion to Mental/ Physical efforts.
# Overambitious, Day-dreams, boaster.
#Always in dreams, delusions, thinks rags to be beautiful things.
# He is a ragged philosopher, very unclean, does not care for neatness. There is no need of cleanliness. Aversion to bathing
Anxiety with Fainting spells, Profuse sweating, / Agg in the morning.
|[[Borx, Borax|Borx]]
* Fear of falling
=== [[Borx, Borax|Borx]] ===
*Children wake suddenly, screaming and grasping sides of cradle without apparent cause.
* Excessive nervous, easily frightened by slightest noise or an unusual sharp sound, a cough, a sneeze, cry, lighting a match etc.
* Fidgetiness and nervousness.
* Fidgetiness and nervousness.
* Anxious about trifles, Easily frightened by slightest noise
* Patient becomes nauseated and excitable after mental exertion or in anxiety.
* Children wake suddenly, screaming and grasping sides of cradle without apparent cause.
* Worse till 11 p.m.
* Upward or Downward motion
* Slightest noise
* Falling / Going in elevator
* Anxious about trifles,
* Easily frightened
* Fear of falling when rocking, dancing, singing.
|[[Night terrors]]
* Anxiety agg by upward or downward motion, going in elevator
* Worse till 11 p.m.
=== [[Acon , Aconitum Napellus|Acon]] ===
* Intense, sudden anxiety, [[Panic attacks|panic]], or [[Fears|fear]].
* Panic could be connected to [[PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder|PTSD]]. (Dry skin, dry mouth, and fast heartbeat)
* Even trivial complaints are accompanied by great fear and anxiety of mind.
* Great anxiety and excitement, patient is hasty in every action.
* Tendency to start at everything
* He thinks his thoughts are coming from stomach
* Music is unbearable and makes her sad
* Patient is extremely restless-mentally as well as physically.
* Patient tosses about in agony, must change his position often.
* Fear of future, fear of going out, of crowd, of crossing street.<br />
=== [[Arg-n, Argentum Nitricum|Arg-n]] ===
* Anxiety that is due to '''uncertainty'''
* [[Claustrophobia]], hypochondria, fear of heights, or fear of everyday things.
* It could be accompanied with digestive disturbance, like [[diarrhea]] and sweets cravings.
* Anxiety makes the patient to walk fast
* Anxiety due to anticipation
* Patient is always in hurry, time passes too slowly.
* Impulsive, impulse to jump, when in a high place.
* Fear of crossing corners of street,
* Fear of death
* Fear of looking at high places.
* Patient is sad, melancholic with great anxiety, forgetfulness and dullness.
* Defective memory, Child does everything in great haste.
* Cannot face the strangers.
=== [[Ars, Arsenicum Album|Ars]] ===
* Anxiety due to fear of loneliness, darkness, or being imperfect.
* They may control their anxiety to prevent being criticized by others.
* They often feel cold.
* Always moving from one place to another, and when physically too weak to move, they want to be moved.
* Fear of death; fear that he is having some incurable disease.
* Sad and hopeless of recovery
* Fear when alone, anxiety about money, feels as if he will die soon.
* Suicidal tendencies, weary of life.
* Impulse to commit suicide, over sensitiveness to circumstances and surroundings, patients is extremely fastidious, wants everything in proper place, even when he or she is sick.
=== [[Calc-c, Calcerea carbonica|Calc]] ===
* Like Ars, his anxiety is due to breaking out of any safe routine.
* Agg when plans are changed, and they show difficulty in “going with the flow.”
* Evening anxiety + Restlessness + Palpitation + Mental weakness (Inability to prolonged mental exertion, difficult thinking, Weak memory, Confusion, Misplacing of words, Indolence).
* Irritable, obstinate, and sad.
* Inclined to weep, fear of insanity and anxious.
* Ailments from prolonged worry or anxiety, prolonged application to business, from excitement of the emotions.
* Fears loss of reason, fear of death, of consumption, of misfortune, of being alone.
* Horrible dreams, startled at every noise.
=== [[Gels, Gelsemium sempervirens|Gels]] ===
* Anxiety due to feelings of inadequacy
* They are often timid and shaky
* [[Agoraphobia]], avoid crowds or public speaking
* Vulnerable to [[Syncope|fainting]]
* They often desire solitude and avoid insistent pressure from other people.
* Anxiety due to fright, fear, exciting news,
* Stage fright; worse while appearing for examination or interview etc.
=== [[Ign, Ignatia Amara|Ign]] ===
* Anxiety from [[Grief remedies|grief]] or loss or mental shock
* Very sensitive
* [[Pseudobulbar affect|Mood swings]]: Moving from laughter to tears, Alteration of opposite mental states.
* [[Depression]], Absent-minded, aversion to company
* Patient weeps and broods in solitude
* Hysterical from disappointment; patient weeps, laughs, shrieks, jerks and twitches and may go in to convulsions or faint.
* Patient is unable to control her emotions and excitement.
=== [[Kali-ars, Kalium arsenicosum|Kali-ars]] ===
* Health-based anxiety include hypochondria, excessive grooming
* Fear of heart attacks
* Racing thoughts and difficulty sleeping
* Fear of death or dying
* Feeling cold
* Vulnerable to panic attacks.
=== [[Kali-p, Kalium Phosphoricum|Kali-p]] ===
* Vulnerable to stress or becoming overwhelmed.
* Their anxiety from having too much to do or increased ambitions
* Physical complication of anxiety
=== [[Lyc , Lycopodium clavatum|Lyc]] ===
=== [[Lyc , Lycopodium clavatum|Lyc]] ===
|[[Low self confidence|Lack self-confidence]] (Similar to [[Gels, Gelsemium sempervirens|Gels]], [[Sil, Silicea|Sil]])
* [[Low self confidence|Lack self-confidence]] (Similar to [[Gels, Gelsemium sempervirens|Gels]], [[Sil, Silicea|Sil]])  
* Stage fright: Fear of speaking in public but they hide it well by talking loudly or loquacity  
|4-8 pm
* Speaking in public but they hide it well by talking loudly or loquacity
=== [[Phos, Phosphorus|Phos]] ===
|Stage fright
* Social people with anxiety
* When anxious or vexed, their thoughts get scattered and they have a difficult time focusing or getting things done
* Anxiety of being approved in social circles or from romantic partners
=== [[Puls, Pulsatilla pratensis|Puls]] ===
=== [[Puls, Pulsatilla pratensis|Puls]] ===
| colspan="4" |
* Childlike anxiety
*Childlike anxiety
* They need lots of reassurance and support from others to feel better.
* They need lots of reassurance and support from others to feel better.
=== [[Sil, Silicea|Sil]] ===
=== [[Sil, Silicea|Sil]] ===
| colspan="2" |
* [[Low self confidence|Lack self-confidence]] (Similar to Gels, Lyc)
*[[Low self confidence|Lack self-confidence]] (Similar to [[Gels, Gelsemium sempervirens|Gels]], [[Lyc , Lycopodium clavatum|Lyc]])
* Fear experiencing new things, Stage fright
* Fear of being the center of attention
* Fear of getting a lot of attention
* They tend to become workaholics to palliate their fears.
* They tend to become workaholics to soothe their fears.
* Occupation amel
* Experiencing new things
|Stage fright
=== [[Stram, Stramonium|Stram]] ===
=== [[Stram, Stramonium|Stram]] ===
| colspan="2" |
* Night terrors, nightmares, or dark thoughts while awake
*Dark thoughts while awake
* Fear of the dark or being alone
* Their imaginations agg their anxiety
* Esp scared by thoughts of monsters or mysterious figures
* Scared by thoughts of Monsters/ Mysterious figures
* Their imaginations tend to worsen their anxiety
* Dark
=== [[Sul , Sulphur|Sul]] ===
* Being alone
* Anxiety with fainting spells, profuse sweating, worse in the morning.
* [[Night terrors]]
* Mentally lazy, always tired, occasionally restlessness and hasty.
* [[Nightmare disorder|Nightmares]]
* Irritable, impatient of others, selfish, easily excited and offended.
* [[Bed wetting]]
* Always in dreams, delusions, thinks rags to be beautiful things.
* [[Stammering]] 
* He is a ragged philosopher, very unclean, does not care for neatness, he thinks there is no need of cleanliness.
* Suspicious and mentally depressed.
* Very forgetful, confused, absent minded, having aversion to mental, as well as physical efforts.
=== [[Ign, Ignatia Amara|Ign]] ===
* Aversion to bathing.
| colspan="2" |
* Overambitious, day-dreams, boaster.
*Very sensitive
* Anxiety from [[Grief]] or Loss or Mental shock
* Moving from laughter to tears, Alteration of opposite mental states.
=== [[Borx, Borax|Borx]] ===
* Absent-minded, aversion to company / Weeps and broods in solitude
| colspan="2" |Hysteria from disappointment
* Anxiety aggravated by upward or downward motion, going in elevator
* Patient weeps, laughs, shrieks
* Worse till 11 p.m.
* jerks and twitches
* Fear of falling when rocking, dancing, singing, going downstairs, or going rapidly down to the hill.
* Seizure
* Fidgetiness and nervousness.
* Faint
* Anxious about trifles
* Unable to control her Emotions /Excitement
* Excessive nervous, easily frightened by slightest noise or an unusual sharp sound, a cough, a sneeze, cry, lighting a match etc.
* Patient becomes nauseated and excitable after mental exertion and in anxiety.  
* [[Pseudobulbar affect|Mood swings]]
* Children wake suddenly, screaming and grasping sides of cradle without apparent cause.
* [[Depression]]
* [[Hysteria]]
=== Bry ===
* [[Seizure]]
* [[Syncope]]
* Anxious about business, even when seriously ill
* Mind is hazy and confused.
* The patient dozes frequently, while his eyes are closed, he sees people who are not in the room.
* Mild type of delirium first during sleep, and later on during waking hours.
* Talks incoherently, about his business affairs or events of recent happening, wants to go home as he thinks he is away from home
* He wants something but do not know what he wants, desires things which cannot be had, which are refused when offered.
=== [[Caust, Causticum|Caust]] ===
* Full of apprehension; patient is melancholic, lachrymose, hopeless, and foreboding.
* Prone to fits of anger, startled easily, the least things make the child cry who is peevish.
* Forgetful, taciturn, and extremely restless, especially at night.
* Always anticipating some dreadful events,
* She lacks mental balance, hysterical women who have lost all control of herself, esp at night.
* Intensely sympathetic for suffering of others, ailments are worse when thinking about them.
* Mental symptoms that come on from suppression from skin eruptions.
=== [[Anac, Anacardium Orientale|Anac]] ===
=== [[Anac, Anacardium Orientale|Anac]] ===
| colspan="2" |
* Dullness / Sluggishness of mind /Memory impaired / Sudden loss of memory / Absent mindedness
*Dullness / Sluggishness of mind /Memory impaired / Sudden loss of memory / Absent mindedness
* Anxiety better after eating
* Suspicious about everything around him
* Lack of confidence in himself and others
* Lack of confidence in himself and others
* Very easily offended
* Very easily offended
* Irresistible desire to curse and swear, tendency to use violent language
* Irresistible desire to curse and swear, [[Abusive]]
* Aversion to work, indolence
* Aversion to work, indolence
* Thinks he is possessed of two wills, one commanding to do what other forbids
* [[Hallucination|Hallucinations]] that a demon sits on one shoulder and an angel on the other
* Feels he is double, Mind -Body separation.
* Eating amel
* All complaints are worse from mental exertion.
* All complaints are worse from mental exertion.
* Thinks he is possessed of two wills, one commanding to do what other forbids
* Anxious while walking, as if someone is pursuing him
* Hallucinations that a demon sits on one shoulder and an angel on the other
* Feels he is double, mind and body are separated.  
* Suspicious about everything around him
* [[Schizophrenia]]
* Anxious while walking, as if someone is pursuing him.
* [[Hallucination|Hallucinations]]
* [[Delusion]]
* [[Psychosis]]
=== [[Bry, Bryonia Alba|Bry]] ===
| colspan="3" |
* Hazy / Confused.
* He sleeps frequently, while his eyes are closed, he sees people who are not in room.
* Mild type of [[delirium]] first during sleep, and later on during waking hours.
* He wants to go home as he thinks he is away from home
* He wants something but do not know what he wants, desires things which cannot be had, which are refused when offered.
* Anxious about business, even when seriously ill
* Talks incoherently, about Business affairs/ Events of recent happening,
=== [[Caust, Causticum|Caust]] ===
| colspan="3" |
*Full of apprehension, Melancholy, Complaining, Hopeless, Foreboding.
* Prone to fits of anger, startled easily
* Least things make him peevish.
* Forgetful/ Taciturn / Restless, esp at night.
* Always anticipating some dreadful events
* Lack of mental balance. Hysteria, loses her control of herself, esp at night.
* Sympathetic for suffering of others
* Mental symptoms due to suppression of skin eruptions.
* Ailments from thinking about them.
== Small Remedies ==
[[Cact, Cactus Grandiflorus|Cact]]: Very anxious and restless and screams in pain.

Latest revision as of 23:25, 11 December 2023


  • Anxiety is an entity which contain sign/symptoms such as Uneasiness / Worry/ Palpitation / Hyper hydrosis / Mouth dryness
  • Its underlying mechanism is Sympathetic hyperactivity.

Anxiety vs. Fear

  • Both are entities, differentiating from their qualities as below.
Four main domains Fear Anxiety
Duration of emotional experience Short Long
Temporal focus Present Futute
Specificity of the threat Specific Diffuse
Motivated direction Escape Additional associated cognitive activity


  • Amygdala (which regulates emotions like anxiety and fear, stimulating the HPA axis and sympathetic nervous system). People who have anxiety tend to show high activity in response to emotional stimuli in the amygdala. Some writers believe that excessive anxiety can lead to an overpotentiation of the limbic system (which includes the amygdala and nucleus accumbens), giving increased future anxiety, but this does not appear to have been proven.
  • Hippocampus (which is implicated in emotional memory along with the amygdala)
  • Research upon adolescents who as infants had been highly apprehensive, vigilant, and fearful finds that their nucleus accumbens is more sensitive than that in other people when deciding to make an action that determined whether they received a reward. This suggests a link between circuits responsible for fear and also reward in anxious people. As researchers note, "a sense of 'responsibility', or self-agency, in a context of uncertainty (probabilistic outcomes) drives the neural system underlying appetitive motivation (i.e., nucleus accumbens) more strongly in temperamentally inhibited than noninhibited adolescents".

The gut-brain axis

  • The microbes of the gut can connect with the brain to affect anxiety. Gut microbes such as Bifidobacterium and Bacillus produce GABA and dopamine, respectively.
  • Another key pathway is HPA axis. The microbes can control the levels of cytokines in the body, and altering cytokine levels creates direct effects on areas of the brain such as the hypothalamus, the area that triggers HPA axis activity.
  • HPA axis regulates production of cortisol. When HPA activity spikes, cortisol levels increase, processing and reducing anxiety in stressful situations.


Mind /Physical /General Characters/ Modalities Fear of Disease


  • Great Anxiety / Excitement /Hasty
  • Start at everything
  • Intense/ Sudden
  • Dry skin, dry mouth
  • Fast heartbeat
  • Extremely restless/ Tossing /Changing his position
  • His thoughts are coming from stomach
  • Music is unbearable
  • Future
  • Crowd /Going out
  • Crossing street


  • Anxiety due to uncertainty
  • Always in Hurry. Time passes too slowly
  • Sad/ Melancholic Forgetfulness / Dull
  • Anxiety makes the patient to walk fast
  • Impulsive/ Impulse to jump, Esp in high place.
  • Digestive disturbance, like diarrhea
  • Sweets cravings but agg
  • Face with strangers.
  • Looking at high places
  • Crossing corners of street,
  • Death
  • Anticipation Anxiety


  • Fastidious/ Suspicious
  • They Control their anxiety to prevent being criticized by others.
  • Sad/ Hopeless of recovery
  • Suicidal tendencies / Weary of life/ Impulse to suicide
  • Often feel cold
  • Weak: Always moving from one place to another, Even physically too weak to move
  • Loneliness
  • Darkness
  • Being imperfect
  • About money
  • As if he will die soon
  • Incurable disease.


  • Evening anxiety + Restlessness + Palpitation + Mental / Memory weakness (Inability to prolonged mental exertion, difficult thinking, Confusion, Misplacing of words, Indolence).
  • Irritable/ Obstinate/ Sad/ Inclined to weep
  • Horrible dreams
  • Startled at every noise.
  • Prolonged application to business
  • Prolonged worry or anxiety
  • Breaking out of any safe routine/ plans. Like Ars Difficulty in going with the flow
  • Insanity/ Loss of reason
  • Death/ Consumption
  • Misfortune / Alone
  • Excitement of emotions.


  • Timid/ Feelings of inadequacy
  • They often desire solitude and avoid insistent pressure from other people.
  • Anxiety due to fright, fear / Exciting news
  • Examination or interview etc
  • Avoid crowds or public speaking


  • Health-based anxiety include hypochondria
  • Excessive grooming
  • Racing thoughts
  • Feeling cold
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Death or dying
  • Heart attacks


  • Anxiety from having too much to do or increased ambitions
  • Vulnerable to stress or becoming overwhelmed.
Physical complication of anxiety


  • Difficult concentration when anxious:
  • Scattered / Difficult time focusing or getting things done
  • Social people with anxiety
  • Anxiety of not being approved in social circle / Romantic partners


  • Irritable/ Impatient of others, Selfish, Easily excited and offended.
  • Suspicious / Depressed.
  • Always tired, occasionally restlessness and hasty.
Opposite states:
  1. Forgetful/ Confused / Absent minded /Aversion to Mental/ Physical efforts.
  2. Overambitious, Day-dreams, boaster.


  1. Always in dreams, delusions, thinks rags to be beautiful things.
  2. He is a ragged philosopher, very unclean, does not care for neatness. There is no need of cleanliness. Aversion to bathing

Anxiety with Fainting spells, Profuse sweating, / Agg in the morning.



  • Children wake suddenly, screaming and grasping sides of cradle without apparent cause.
  • Excessive nervous, easily frightened by slightest noise or an unusual sharp sound, a cough, a sneeze, cry, lighting a match etc.
  • Fidgetiness and nervousness.
  • Patient becomes nauseated and excitable after mental exertion or in anxiety.
  • Worse till 11 p.m.
  • Upward or Downward motion
  • Slightest noise
  • Falling / Going in elevator
  • Anxious about trifles,
  • Easily frightened
  • Fear of falling when rocking, dancing, singing.
Night terrors


Lack self-confidence (Similar to Gels, Sil) 4-8 pm
  • Speaking in public but they hide it well by talking loudly or loquacity
Stage fright


  • Childlike anxiety
  • They need lots of reassurance and support from others to feel better.


  • Lack self-confidence (Similar to Gels, Lyc)
  • Fear of being the center of attention
  • They tend to become workaholics to palliate their fears.
  • Occupation amel
  • Experiencing new things
Stage fright


  • Dark thoughts while awake
  • Their imaginations agg their anxiety
  • Scared by thoughts of Monsters/ Mysterious figures
  • Dark
  • Being alone


  • Very sensitive
  • Anxiety from Grief or Loss or Mental shock
  • Moving from laughter to tears, Alteration of opposite mental states.
  • Absent-minded, aversion to company / Weeps and broods in solitude
Hysteria from disappointment
  • Patient weeps, laughs, shrieks
  • jerks and twitches
  • Seizure
  • Faint
  • Unable to control her Emotions /Excitement


  • Dullness / Sluggishness of mind /Memory impaired / Sudden loss of memory / Absent mindedness
  • Suspicious about everything around him
  • Lack of confidence in himself and others
  • Very easily offended
  • Irresistible desire to curse and swear, Abusive
  • Aversion to work, indolence
  • Thinks he is possessed of two wills, one commanding to do what other forbids
  • Hallucinations that a demon sits on one shoulder and an angel on the other
  • Feels he is double, Mind -Body separation.
  • Eating amel
  • All complaints are worse from mental exertion.
  • Anxious while walking, as if someone is pursuing him


  • Hazy / Confused.
  • He sleeps frequently, while his eyes are closed, he sees people who are not in room.
  • Mild type of delirium first during sleep, and later on during waking hours.
  • He wants to go home as he thinks he is away from home
  • He wants something but do not know what he wants, desires things which cannot be had, which are refused when offered.
  • Anxious about business, even when seriously ill
  • Talks incoherently, about Business affairs/ Events of recent happening,


  • Full of apprehension, Melancholy, Complaining, Hopeless, Foreboding.
  • Prone to fits of anger, startled easily
  • Least things make him peevish.
  • Forgetful/ Taciturn / Restless, esp at night.
  • Always anticipating some dreadful events
  • Lack of mental balance. Hysteria, loses her control of herself, esp at night.
  • Sympathetic for suffering of others
  • Mental symptoms due to suppression of skin eruptions.
  • Ailments from thinking about them.

Small Remedies

Cact: Very anxious and restless and screams in pain.