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|title={{#if: {{{Parkinson disease|}}} | {{{Parkinson disease}}} | Welcome to WikiSEO}}
|keywords={{{Parkinson disease, Parkinsonism, Homeopathy, Homeopathic remedies, Homeopathic medicines|}}}
=== Clinic ===
=== Clinic ===

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=== Sign / Symptoms ===
=== Sign / Symptoms ===
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==== [[Parkinsonism]] ====
It is the most obvious and early symptoms of PD including
!Cognitive problems / [[Dementia]]
* [[Tremor]]: Which disappears during voluntary movement of the affected arm and in the deeper stages of sleep
!Behavioral problems
!Emotional problems
|It is the most obvious and early symptoms of PD including
* [[Tremor]]: Which disappears during voluntary movement and in deeper stages of sleep
* [[Rigidity]]:  
* [[Rigidity]]:  
** Caused by increased muscle tone, an excessive and continuous contraction of muscles / Lead-pipe rigidity / Cogwheel rigidity.  
** Caused by increased muscle tone
** An excessive and continuous contraction of muscles  
** Lead-pipe rigidity / Cogwheel rigidity.
** It is often asymmetrical and affect Neck / Shoulder muscles
** It is often asymmetrical and affect Neck / Shoulder muscles
** With the progression of the disease, rigidity typically affects the whole body and reduces the ability to move.
** With the progression of the disease, it affects whole body and reduces the ability to move.
* Bradykinesia
* [[Bradykinesia]]
* Difficulty with walking / Postural instability / Impaired handwriting
* Difficulty with walking / Postural instability / Impaired handwriting
* Slurred / Monotonous / Quiet voice
* Slurred / Monotonous / Quiet voice
* Mask-like facial expression
* Mask-like facial expression
*Executive dysfunction:  
==== Cognitive problems / [[Dementia]] ====
**Planning, Cognitive flexibility
**Abstract thinking, Rule acquisition
* Executive dysfunction: Planning, Cognitive flexibility, Abstract thinking, Rule acquisition, Inhibiting inappropriate actions, Initiating appropriate actions, Working memory, and Control of attention.
**Inhibiting inappropriate actions
**Initiating appropriate actions
**Working memory
**Control of attention.
* Slowed cognitive processing speed, impaired recall, and impaired perception and estimation of time
* Slowed cognitive processing speed, impaired recall, and impaired perception and estimation of time
* Visuo spatial difficulties: Facial recognition, Perception, Orientation
* Visuospatial difficulties: Facial recognition, Perception, Orientation
==== Behavioral problems ====
* [[Psychosis]] /[[Hallucination|Hallucinations]] / [[Delusion|Delusions]]  50%/: Psychosis is now believed to be an integral part of the disease.
* [[Psychosis]] /[[Hallucination|Hallucinations]] / [[Delusion|Delusions]]  50%/: Psychosis is now believed to be an integral part of the disease.

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* Full blown vivid, formed visual hallucinations and paranoid ideation.
* Full blown vivid, formed visual hallucinations and paranoid ideation.
* Auditory hallucinations are uncommon, and are rarely described as voices.
* Auditory hallucinations are uncommon, and are rarely described as voices.
* Behavior / Mood alterations are more common in PD without cognitive impairment than in the general population and are usually present in [[Parkinson's disease dementia|PD with dementia]].
==== Emotional problems ====
* The most frequent mood difficulties:
** [[Anxiety]] 30–40%
* Behavior / Mood alterations are more common in PD without cognitive impairment than in the general population and are usually present in [[Parkinson's disease dementia|PD with dementia]].  
** [[Panic attacks]]
* The most frequent mood difficulties are [[depression]], apathy, and [[anxiety]].
** [[Apathic remedies|Apathy]] 16.5–40%
** Anxiety 30–40%
** Panic attacks
** Apathy 16.5–40%
** Anhedonia 5-75%
** Anhedonia 5-75%
* Impulse-control disorders including pathological gambling, compulsive sexual behavior, binge eating, compulsive shopping, and reckless generosity
** [[Depression]]
* Dopamine dysregulation syndrome – with wanting of medication leading to overuse – is a rare complication of levodopa use. 
* Impulse-control disorders including pathological gambling, compulsive sexual behavior, [[Binge eating disorder|binge eating]], compulsive shopping, and reckless generosity
* Punding: Repetitive, aimless, [[Stereotypy miasms|stereotyped behaviors]] occur for many hours, is another disturbance caused by anti-Parkinson medication
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==== [[Autonomic Dysregulation|Autonomic dysregulation]] ====
![[Autonomic Dysregulation|Autonomic dysregulation]]
!Sleep problems
!Sensory systems
!Gastrointestinal problems
* Orthostatic hypotension
* Orthostatic hypotension
* Oily skin
* Oily skin
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* [[Urinary incontinence]]
* [[Urinary incontinence]]
* [[Impotency]]
* [[Impotency]]
==== Sleep problems ====

* Daytime drowsiness ([[Narcolepsy]])
* Daytime drowsiness ([[Narcolepsy]])
* [[RBD, Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disoder|RBD]]: REM behavior disorder (PD or dementia with Lewy bodies)
* [[RBD, Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disoder|RBD]]: REM behavior disorder (PD or dementia with Lewy bodies)
==== Sensory systems problems ====
* [[Anosmia]]: Impaired sense of smell
* [[Anosmia]]: Impaired sense of smell
* Disturbed vision
* Disturbed vision
* Hyperstasia / Tingling
* Hyperstasia / Tingling
* [[Paresthesia]] (Numbness)
* [[Paresthesia]] (Numbness)
==== Gastrointestinal problems ====
* [[Constipation]]
* [[Constipation]]
* [[Gastroparesis miasms|Gastroparesis]]  
* [[Gastroparesis miasms|Gastroparesis]]  
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* Oropharyngeal dysphagia
* Oropharyngeal dysphagia
* Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth
* Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth

=== Patophysiology ===
* Dopamine dysregulation syndrome – with wanting of medication leading to overuse is a rare complication of levodopa use.
* Punding: Repetitive, aimless, [[Stereotypy miasms|stereotyped behaviors]] occur for many hours, is another disturbance caused by anti-Parkinson medication
=== Phatophysiology ===

* Motor symptoms result from the death of cells in the substantia nigra, leading to a dopamine deficit.  
* Motor symptoms result from the death of cells in the substantia nigra, leading to a dopamine deficit.  
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=== Entities ===
=== Entities ===
Parkinson Disease is a clinical syndrome characterized by
* [[Tremor]]
* [[Bradykinesia miasms|Bradykinesia]]
* [[Rigidity]]
* Postural instability: Ataxia
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|+Parkinsonism Entities / Miasms
|+Entities / Miasms
![[JE, Japanese encephalitis|JE]]
![[WNE, West Nile Encephalitis|WNE]]
![[CJD, Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease|CJD]]
![[RBS, Rhabdo virus|RBS]]
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|[[Ataxia]] / Postural instability
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== Remedies ==
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* Manish Bhatia suggested these remedies in <ref></ref>
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* Merc
== [[Banerji protocols]] ==
* Zinc
* Rhus-t
|'''First line'''
* Aur
|[[Gels, Gelsemium sempervirens|Gels]] C200 BD
* Nux-v
[[Rhus-t, Rhus toxicodendron|Rhus-t]] C30 BD
* Gels
* Arg-n
|'''Second line'''
* Agar
* Cocc
* [[Lach, Lachesis Mutus|Lach]] C200 one dose every 2 days
* Lathyrus
* [[KP, Tissue Salt Remedy|KP]] 6X BD
* Phys
* [[Cupr, Cuprum metallicum|Cupr]] C200 BD
* Ambr
* Heloderma
|'''Third line'''
* Mag-p
* Bufo
* [[Zinc, Zincum Metallicum|Zinc]] C200 BD
* Taren
* [[Hydr-ac, Hydrocyanicum Acidum|Hydr-ac]] C30 BD
* Plb
* Con
=== Merc ===
* Weakness of limbs, trembling of extremities, especially hands.
* Paralytic agitans.
* Lacerating pain in joints.
* '''Cold and clammy sweat on limbs'''.
* '''Oily perspiration.'''
* Tremors everywhere in body.
* Weakness with trembling from least exertion.
* All symptoms are aggravated at night, warmth of bed, Damp, cold, rainy weather and during perspiration.
* '''Complaints increase during sweating and rest'''.
* All symptoms always associated with weariness, prostration and trembling.
* Slow in answering questions.
* Memory weakened and loss of will power.
* Skin always '''moist''' and '''freely perspiring.''' Itching worse warmth of bed
=== Zinc ===
* Violent '''trembling (twitching)''' of the whole body esp after emotions.
* Twitching in children.
* Chorea. 
* Paralysis of hands and feet.
* Trembling of hands while writing.
* Lameness, weakness, trembling and twitching of various muscles.
* '''Feet in continued motion, cannot keep still'''.
* Worse touch, between 5-7 pm., after dinner, better eating, discharges.
=== Rhus-t ===
* Tremors start with pain and '''relieved by motion'''.
* '''Stiffness''' of affected parts
* Numbness and formication, after overwork and exposure.
* '''Paralysis; trembling after exertion'''.
* Limbs stiff and paralyzed.
* All joints hot and painful.
* Crawling and tingling sensation in the tips of fingers.
* Worse during sleep, cold, wet rainy weather and after rain, night, during rest, drenching and when lying on back or right side.
* Better warm, dry weather, motion, walking, change of position, rubbing, stretching out limbs.

== Remedies <ref></ref> <ref></ref> ==
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!Generality / Modalities
|<big>'''PD + Excessive [[Rigidity]]'''</big>
=== [[Caust, Causticum|Caust]] ===
* Muscles get hardened, leading to extreme body stiffness.
* Muscles of lower limbs and back are very rigid too.
* Great difficulty in maintaining balance while walking.
* They walk slowly but have a tendency to fall easily.
* Great difficulty in getting up from a sitting or lying position.
* Also experience pain in the limbs and get relief from warm applications.
* Trembling of hands is a very dominant symptom.
|<big>'''Vigorous Trembling of Hands'''</big>
=== [[Merc, Mercurius Solubilis|Merc]] ===
*Shaking of hands is present to an extreme degree.
* Paralytic agitans
* Lacerating pain in joints.
* Slow in answering questions.
* Memory weakened and loss of will power.
* General Weakness /Prostration /Tremors everywhere in body from least exertion.
* Drooling of saliva
* Trembling of the tongue with difficulty in talking
* Offensive odor emanating from the mouth.
* Extreme sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures
*'''Cold and clammy sweat on limbs'''.
* '''Copious/Oily perspiration,''' always '''moist and freely perspiring'''
* General agg
** Night, Warmth of bed
** Damp, cold, rainy weather
** During perspiration
* Complaints increase '''during sweating and rest'''.
* Skin itching worse warmth of bed
|<big>'''Trembling of hands, Constant Shaking of Feet'''</big>
=== [[Zinc, Zincum Metallicum|Zinc]] ===
*Violent '''trembling ([[Twitching, Jerking|twitching]])''' of whole body esp after emotions.
* [[Twitching, Jerking|Twitching]] in children
* [[Chorea]]. 
* Paralysis of hands and feet.
* Trembling of hands while writing.
* Lameness, Weakness, Trembling and Twitching of various muscles.
*'''Feet in continued motion, cannot keep still'''.
* Agg by
** Touch
** 5-7 pm.
** After dinner
** After emotions
* Amel with Eating and  Discharges
|<big>'''Shaking of Hands'''</big>
=== [[Gels, Gelsemium sempervirens|Gels]] ===
=== [[Gels, Gelsemium sempervirens|Gels]] ===
* '''Top remedy for Tremors / Trembling / Weakness of all limbs'''
* Mind sluggish and muscular system semi paralyzed.
* Staggering gait.
* Loss of power of muscular control.
* Cramps in muscles of forearm.
* Vigorous shaking of hands or the shaking of legs or tongue, which is accompanied by excessive weakness
* Always Tired/ '''Dull''' /'''Drowsy'''/ '''Dizzy/''' Weakness/ Motor paralysis esp in Head, Eyes, Throat, Chest, Sphincters and Extremities.
* Muscle incoordination: Muscles do not work according to his will.
* Such persons exhibit difficulty in maintaining balance while walking and the gait is very sluggish.
* Slurring of speech.
* Excessive trembling agg by
** Dampness
** Excitement / Bad news
* Amel by
** Bending forwards
** Profuse urination
** Continued motion
** Open air

* Gels is a neurological remedy. nervous system, causing '''Dizziness / Drowsiness / Dullness.'''
* No Thirst
* '''Trembling''', weakness of all limbs ranks the highest in this remedy
* Patients who get excited very easily from a sudden fear or emotions, which agg his symptoms
* Weakness and motor paralysis, esp in the muscles of the head, Eyes, Throat, Chest, Sphincters and Extremities.
* '''Head remedy for tremors'''. Mind sluggish and muscular system relaxed.
|'''<big>Lack of Control and Trembling of Hands</big>'''
* Staggering gait. Loss of power of muscular control.
* Cramps in muscles of forearm.
* Excessive trembling agg by dampness, excitement, bad news. Better by bending forwards, profuse urination, continued motion and open air.
=== [[Arg-n, Argentum Nitricum|Arg-n]] ===
=== [[Arg-n, Argentum Nitricum|Arg-n]] ===
* [[Complementary remedy]] of [[Gels, Gelsemium sempervirens|Gels]].
* [[Ataxia]]: Incoordination, loss of control and imbalance / Unsteady gait.
* Trembling and general debility.
* [[Rigidity]] of calves.
* Walks and stands unsteadily.
* Numbness of body esp arms.
* Muscles in the back of the lower leg get hardened and stiff,
* Memory impaired
* Easily Excited / Angered
* [[Flatulent remedies|Flatulence]]
* Greenish diarrhea
* '''Paralysis with mental and''' '''abdominal symptoms'''.
* An unusual craving for sweets
|'''<big>Slowness in Movement</big>'''
=== [[Plb, Plumbum Metallicum|Plb]] ===
* Paralytic agitans
* Paralysis of single muscles. Wrist drop.
* Cannot raise or lift anything. Extension is difficult.
* Paralysis from over-exertion of '''extensor muscles in piano players'''.
* Loss of [[Tendon reflexes|patellar reflex]].
* '''Infantile paralysis''' and [[Neuropathy|neuritis]].

* It is complimentary to Gels.  
* Body muscles work at a very slow pace and in a very sluggish manner/ slow speed
* Memory impaired; easily excited and angered; flatulence and greenish diarrhea.
* The slowness is always accompanied by wasting or emaciation of the affected muscles.
* Incoordination, loss of control and imbalance with trembling and general debility.  
* Slowness is also noted in the mind. Perceive slowly / Comprehension power and memory are slow.
* '''Paralysis with mental and''' '''abdominal symptoms'''.  
* Instability while walking, leading to tottering.  
* Rigidity of calves.  
* The hands too start trembling.  
* Walks and stands unsteadily.  
* The face also gives a blank look, lacking expression.
* Numbness of body. Specially arms.
* Plb has both Flaccid and spastic paralysis, but spastic is more common.
* Cold + Weak + Heavy/ Paralysis / Slow
* Pain in right big toe at night
* Hands remain cold with trembling and withering of hand muscles
=== [[Rhus-t, Rhus toxicodendron|Rhus-t]] ===
* Tremors start with pain and '''relieved by motion'''.
* '''Stiffness''' of affected parts
* '''Paralysis; trembling after exertion'''.
* Limbs stiff and paralyzed.
* Crawling and tingling sensation in the tips of fingers.
* Numbness and formication, after overwork and exposure.
* All joints hot and painful.
* Agg:
** During sleep, Night, during rest, drenching
** Lying on back or right side.
** Cold, wet rainy weather and after rain
* Amel:
** Warm, dry weather
** Motion, walking, change of position
** Rubbing, stretching out limbs.
=== [[Agar, Agaricus Muscarius|Agar]] ===
=== [[Agar, Agaricus Muscarius|Agar]] ===
* Trembling, itching and jerking, stiffness of muscles
* Trembling, itching and jerking, stiffness of muscles
* Itching of skin over the affected parts
* '''Jerking and trembling''' are strong indications.
* Extreme sensitiveness of the spine. '''Cannot bear touch'''.
* [[Chorea]] and [[Twitching, Jerking|twitching]] '''ceases during sleep.'''
* '''Jerking and trembling''' are strong indications.  
* Paralysis of lower limbs with spasmodic conditions of arms.
* Chorea and twitching '''ceases during sleep.'''  
* Numbness of legs on crossing them.
* Paralysis of lower limbs with spasmodic conditions of arms.  
* Paralytic pain in '''left arm''' followed by palpitation.
* Numbness of legs on crossing them.  
* Paralytic pain in '''left arm''' followed by palpitation. Stiffness all over with pain over hips.
* Itching of skin over the affected parts
* Stiffness all over with pain over hips.
* Extreme sensitiveness of the spine.
** '''Cannot bear touch'''.
=== [[Cocc, Cocculus Indicus|Cocc]] ===
=== [[Cocc, Cocculus Indicus|Cocc]] ===
* Head trembles '''while eating''' and when it is '''raised higher'''.
* Head trembles '''while eating''' and when it is '''raised higher'''.
* Knees sink down from weakness.  
* Totters while walking with tendency '''to fall''' on one side.
* Totters while walking with tendency '''to fall''' on one side.
* Trembling and pain in limbs.
* Cracking of the knee when moving.
* '''Lameness worse by bending'''.  
* Trembling and pain in limbs.  
* '''One-sided paralysis worse after sleep'''.
* '''One-sided paralysis worse after sleep'''.
* Intensely painful, paralytic drawing.  
* Intensely painful, paralytic drawing.
* Limbs straightened out and painful when flexed.
* Limbs straightened out and painful when flexed.
* It shows special affinity for light haired females especially during pregnancy.
* Knees sink down from weakness
* Cracking of the knee when moving
* '''Lameness worse by bending'''
* Special affinity for light haired females esp during pregnancy.
=== [[Con, Conium Maculatum|Con]] ===
* Heavy, weary and paralyzed limbs.
* Trembling and unsteady hands.
* Muscular weakness esp lower extremities.
* '''Ascending paralysis''' ending in death by failure of respiration.
* Perspiration of hands.
* Putting feet on chair relieves.
* Aggby lying down, turning or rising in bed, cold, exertion.
* Better by darkness, limbs hanging down, motion, pressure.
=== [[Lath, Lathyrus Sativus|Lath]] ===
* Tremors of upper extremities +  Paralytic weakness of lower limbs.
* Feels as if limbs are hard and contracted; limbs feel heavy.
* [[Ataxia]]: Feels as if floor is irregular and is obliged to keep his eyes on the ground to guide his feet.
* Affects the lateral and anterior columns of cord.
* Reflexes always increased.
* Lateral sclerosis and '''Infantile paralysis'''.
* '''Tremulous''', '''tottering gait'''.
* Excessive [[rigidity]] of legs with spastic gait.
* Knees knock against each other while walking.
* Cannot extend or cross legs when siting.
* Stiff and lame ankles.
* '''Does not produce pain'''
* Finger tips numb
=== [[Phys, Physostigma Venenosum|Phys]] ===
* Marked fibrillary tremors and spasms of the muscles
* '''Palpitation and fluttering of the heart felt''' '''throughout the body'''.
* Depresses the motor and reflex activity of the cord and causes the loss of sensibility to pain, muscle weakness and paralysis. 
* Paralysis and tremors, chorea.
* Meningeal irritation with '''rigidity of muscles'''.
* Pain in right popliteal space.

=== Lathyrus ===
Tremors of the upper extremities with paralytic weakness of the lower limbs. Feels as if limbs are hard and contracted; limbs feel heavy. Feels as if floor is irregular and is obliged to keep his eyes on the ground to guide his feet. Affects the lateral and anterior columns of cord. '''Does not produce pain'''. Reflexes always increased. Lateral sclerosis and '''Infantile paralysis'''. Finger tips numb. '''Tremulous''', '''tottering gait'''. Excessive rigidity of legs with spastic gait. Knees knock against each other while walking. Cannot extend or cross legs when siting.Stiff and lame ankles.
* Burning and tingling in spine.
* Hands and feet numb with sudden jerking of limbs on going to sleep.
* Crampy pain in limbs.
* '''Motion'''
* '''Cold water application''' 
=== [[Ambr, Ambra grisea|Ambr]] ===
* Tremors with numbness, '''limbs go to sleep on the slightest''' '''movement'''
* Coldness and stiffness of limbs
* Finger nails become brittle and are shriveled.
* '''Cramps''' in hands and fingers.
* Worse grasping anything.
* Cramps in legs.
* Extreme nervous hypersensitiveness.
* Dread of people and desire to be alone.
* '''Music causes weeping. One sided complains call for it.'''
=== [[Helo, Heloderma|Helo]] ===
* Trembling along nerves in limbs.
* It causes '''locomotor ataxia'''.
* Eyes become more prominent and corneal opacities visible.
* Very depressed and sensation as if would fall on right side.
* Sensation '''as if walking on sponge.'''
* '''As if the feet were swollen'''.
* When walking, lifts feet higher than usual and puts down heel hard.
* Tired feeling, very weak and nervous, fainting, numb sensation.
* '''Stretching relieves pains in muscles and limbs.'''
=== [[Mag-p, Magnesia Phosphorica|Mag-p]] ===
* Trembling; shaking of hands, involuntary.
* Paralysis agitans.
* Cramps in calves, feet very tender.
* [[Twitching, Jerking remedies|Twitching]], [[Chorea]], [[Cramp , Colic remedies|cramps]].
* Numbness of finger tips. Worse right side, cold, touch, night.
* Amel 
** Warm application
** Bending double
** Pressure
** Friction
=== [[Bufo, Bufo rana|Bufo]] ===
* Special action on nervous system.
* Painful paralysis.
* Pain in loins, numbness and cramps.
* Staggering gait.
* Feels as if a peg is driven into joints.
* Agg in Warm room
* Amel with
** Bathing or cold air
** Putting feet in cold water
=== [[Tarent, Tarentula Hispanica|Tarent]] ===
* Remarkable nervous phenomena.
* [[Chorea]], extreme [[restlessness]] and Paralysis agitans.
* '''Must keep in constant motion even though walking aggravates'''.
* Numbness of legs with twitching and jerking.
* Extraordinary contractions and movements.
=== Aur ===
=== Nux-v ===

=== Physostigma ===
== Repertory ==
Marked fibrillary tremors and spasms of the muscles, '''worse from motion or application of cold water. Palpitation and fluttering of the heart felt''' '''throughout the body'''. Depresses the motor and reflex activity of the cord and causes the loss of sensibility to pain, muscle weakness and paralysis.  Paralysis and tremors, chorea. Meningeal irritation with '''rigidity of muscles'''. Pain in right popliteal space. Burning and tingling in spine. Hands and feet numb with sudden jerking of limbs on going to sleep. Crampy pain in limbs.
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=== Rigidity of Muscles ===
=== Ambr ===
Tremors with numbness, '''limbs go to sleep on the slightest''' '''movement''', coldness and stiffness of limbs. The finger nails become brittle and are shriveled. '''Cramps''' in hands and fingers. Worse grasping anything. Cramps in legs. Extreme nervous hypersensitiveness. Dread of people and desire to be alone. '''Music causes weeping. One sided complains call for it.'''
* Muscles get very tight and feel shortened.  
=== Heloderma ===
Trembling along nerves in limbs. Tired feeling, very weak and nervous, fainting, numb sensation. It causes '''locomotor ataxia'''. The eyes become more prominent and corneal opacities visible. Very depressed and sensation as if would fall on right side. Sensation'''as if walking on sponge. As if the feet were swollen'''. When walking, lifts feet higher than usual and puts down heel hard. '''Stretching relieves pains in muscles and limbs.'''
* Excessive rigidity in body while at rest, but comparatively less rigidity while walking.  
=== Mag-p ===
* Difficulty in getting up after sitting for long and also in taking the first few steps initially, but the rigidity gradually lessens as the patient keeps on walking.  
Trembling; shaking of hands, involuntary. Paralysis agitans. Cramps in calves, feet very tender. Twitching, Chorea, cramps. Numbness of finger tips. Worse right side, cold, touch, night. Better warmth, bending double, pressure and friction.
=== Bufo ===
* Excessive rigidity gets worse while walking.
* Special action on nervous system.
* Painful paralysis.
* Pain in loins, numbness and cramps.  
* Staggering gait. Feels as if a peg is driven into joints. Worse—Warm room. Better bathing or cold air. Putting feet in cold water.
* Rigidity and shortening of tendons mainly in the thigh region.
=== Tarent ===
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=== Slowness in Movement ===
* Remarkable nervous phenomena. Chorea, extreme restlessness and Paralysis agitans. '''Must keep in constant motion even though walking aggravates'''. Numbness of legs with twitching and jerking. Extraordinary contractions and movements.
=== Plb ===
* Paralytic agitans. Paralysis of single muscles. Cannot raise or lift anything. Extension is difficult. Paralysis from over-exertion of '''extensor muscles in piano players'''. Wrist drop. Loss of patellar reflex. Pain in right big toe at night. Hands and feet cold. '''Infantile paralysis''' and neuritis.
=== Con ===
* Heavy, weary and paralyzed limbs.
* Trembling and unsteady hands.  
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* Muscular weakness especially of lower extremities.
=== Tremor ===
* Perspiration of hands. Putting feet on chair relieves.
* '''Ascending paralysis''' ending in death by failure of respiration.  
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* Worse by lying down, turning or rising in bed, cold, exertion. Better by darkness, limbs hanging down, motion, pressure.
* The hands shake a lot while at the resting position.  
* Silicea is another good medicine for trembling of hands that gets worse when the patient is sitting.  
* Gelsemium Sempervirens is a natural medicine that is very beneficial for controlling the tremors that get worse from sudden emotional excitement.

Latest revision as of 01:06, 16 January 2024


  • PD or simply Parkinson's, is a long-term degenerative disorder of CNS that mainly affects the motor system.
  • Symptoms usually emerge slowly, and as the disease worsens, Non-motor symptoms become more common.

Sign / Symptoms

Parkinsonism Cognitive problems / Dementia Behavioral problems Emotional problems
It is the most obvious and early symptoms of PD including
  • Tremor: Which disappears during voluntary movement and in deeper stages of sleep
  • Rigidity:
    • Caused by increased muscle tone
    • An excessive and continuous contraction of muscles
    • Lead-pipe rigidity / Cogwheel rigidity.
    • It is often asymmetrical and affect Neck / Shoulder muscles
    • With the progression of the disease, it affects whole body and reduces the ability to move.
  • Bradykinesia
  • Difficulty with walking / Postural instability / Impaired handwriting
  • Slurred / Monotonous / Quiet voice
  • Mask-like facial expression
  • Executive dysfunction:
    • Planning, Cognitive flexibility
    • Abstract thinking, Rule acquisition
    • Inhibiting inappropriate actions
    • Initiating appropriate actions
    • Working memory
    • Control of attention.
  • Slowed cognitive processing speed, impaired recall, and impaired perception and estimation of time
  • Visuospatial difficulties: Facial recognition, Perception, Orientation
  • Minor hallucinations:
    • Sense of passage : Something quickly passing beside the person
    • Sense of presence: Something /someone standing just to the side or behind the person
  • Full blown vivid, formed visual hallucinations and paranoid ideation.
  • Auditory hallucinations are uncommon, and are rarely described as voices.
  • Behavior / Mood alterations are more common in PD without cognitive impairment than in the general population and are usually present in PD with dementia.
  • The most frequent mood difficulties:
  • Impulse-control disorders including pathological gambling, compulsive sexual behavior, binge eating, compulsive shopping, and reckless generosity
Autonomic dysregulation Sleep problems Sensory systems Gastrointestinal problems
  • Daytime drowsiness (Narcolepsy)
  • RBD: REM behavior disorder (PD or dementia with Lewy bodies)
  • Anosmia: Impaired sense of smell
  • Disturbed vision
  • Hyperstasia / Tingling
  • Paresthesia (Numbness)

  • Dopamine dysregulation syndrome – with wanting of medication leading to overuse is a rare complication of levodopa use.
  • Punding: Repetitive, aimless, stereotyped behaviors occur for many hours, is another disturbance caused by anti-Parkinson medication


  • Motor symptoms result from the death of cells in the substantia nigra, leading to a dopamine deficit.
  • The cause of this cell death is poorly understood, but involves the build-up of misfolded proteins into Lewy bodies in the neurons.
  • Causation is unknown
  • Diagnosis of typical cases is mainly based on symptoms
  • No cure for PD is known


  • Parkinson's disease is the most common form of parkinsonism and is sometimes called idiopathic parkinsonism.
  • There are other Parkinson-plus syndromes that can have similar movement symptoms including:
    • Lewy body dementia: Motor symptoms + Early onset of cognitive dysfunction + Hallucinations
    • Multiple systems atrophy which has three forms
      • Autonomic predominance
      • Cerebellar predominance
      • Parkinsonian predominance
    • Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP): Rigidity + Early falls + Bulbar symptoms + Vertical gaze restriction. It can also be associated with frontotemporal dementia.
    • Corticobasal syndrome (CBS). Asymmetric parkinsonism + Dystonia + Alien limb + Myoclonic jerking


Entities / Miasms
Rigidity +++ +++ +++ +++
Tremor +++ +++ + +++
Bradykinesia +++ +++
Ataxia / Postural instability +++ +++ +++
Parkinsonism + +


Parkinson’s Disease and ataxia are certainly related, but it depends on which meaning of ‘ataxia’ you are referring to. Ataxia in the sense of uncoordinated movement is a primary symptom of Parkinson’s Disease, while Ataxia as shorthand for Spinocerebellar Ataxia refers to a set of genetic conditions with which Parkinson’s Disease has some symptoms in common. [1]

Parkinsonism +++ +++ +++ ++ + + +
Dementia +++ +++ ++
Psychosis +++ +++ +++ +++
Depression +++ +++ +++ +++
Anxiety +++ +++
Apathy +++


Impotency +++
Paresthesia +++ +++ +++
Hyper Stasia +++
Anosmia +++
Constipation +++ +++
Dysphagia +++ +++
Salivation +++
Gastric palsy

Banerji protocols

First line Gels C200 BD

Rhus-t C30 BD

Second line
  • Lach C200 one dose every 2 days
  • KP 6X BD
  • Cupr C200 BD
Third line

Remedies [2] [3]

Parkinsonism Generality / Modalities
PD + Excessive Rigidity


  • Muscles get hardened, leading to extreme body stiffness.
  • Muscles of lower limbs and back are very rigid too.
  • Great difficulty in maintaining balance while walking.
  • They walk slowly but have a tendency to fall easily.
  • Great difficulty in getting up from a sitting or lying position.
  • Also experience pain in the limbs and get relief from warm applications.
  • Trembling of hands is a very dominant symptom.
Vigorous Trembling of Hands


  • Shaking of hands is present to an extreme degree.
  • Paralytic agitans
  • Lacerating pain in joints.
  • Slow in answering questions.
  • Memory weakened and loss of will power.
  • General Weakness /Prostration /Tremors everywhere in body from least exertion.
  • Drooling of saliva
  • Trembling of the tongue with difficulty in talking
  • Offensive odor emanating from the mouth.
  • Extreme sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures
  • Cold and clammy sweat on limbs.
  • Copious/Oily perspiration, always moist and freely perspiring
  • General agg
    • Night, Warmth of bed
    • Damp, cold, rainy weather
    • During perspiration
  • Complaints increase during sweating and rest.
  • Skin itching worse warmth of bed
Trembling of hands, Constant Shaking of Feet


  • Violent trembling (twitching) of whole body esp after emotions.
  • Twitching in children
  • Chorea
  • Paralysis of hands and feet.
  • Trembling of hands while writing.
  • Lameness, Weakness, Trembling and Twitching of various muscles.
  • Feet in continued motion, cannot keep still.
  • Agg by
    • Touch
    • 5-7 pm.
    • After dinner
    • After emotions
  • Amel with Eating and Discharges
Shaking of Hands


  • Top remedy for Tremors / Trembling / Weakness of all limbs
  • Mind sluggish and muscular system semi paralyzed.
  • Staggering gait.
  • Loss of power of muscular control.
  • Cramps in muscles of forearm.
  • Vigorous shaking of hands or the shaking of legs or tongue, which is accompanied by excessive weakness
  • Always Tired/ Dull /Drowsy/ Dizzy/ Weakness/ Motor paralysis esp in Head, Eyes, Throat, Chest, Sphincters and Extremities.
  • Muscle incoordination: Muscles do not work according to his will.
  • Such persons exhibit difficulty in maintaining balance while walking and the gait is very sluggish.
  • Slurring of speech.
  • Excessive trembling agg by
    • Dampness
    • Excitement / Bad news
  • Amel by
    • Bending forwards
    • Profuse urination
    • Continued motion
    • Open air
  • No Thirst
  • Patients who get excited very easily from a sudden fear or emotions, which agg his symptoms
Lack of Control and Trembling of Hands


  • Complementary remedy of Gels.
  • Ataxia: Incoordination, loss of control and imbalance / Unsteady gait.
  • Trembling and general debility.
  • Rigidity of calves.
  • Walks and stands unsteadily.
  • Numbness of body esp arms.
  • Muscles in the back of the lower leg get hardened and stiff,
  • Memory impaired
  • Easily Excited / Angered
  • Flatulence
  • Greenish diarrhea
  • Paralysis with mental and abdominal symptoms.
  • An unusual craving for sweets
Slowness in Movement


  • Paralytic agitans
  • Paralysis of single muscles. Wrist drop.
  • Cannot raise or lift anything. Extension is difficult.
  • Paralysis from over-exertion of extensor muscles in piano players.
  • Loss of patellar reflex.
  • Infantile paralysis and neuritis.
  • Body muscles work at a very slow pace and in a very sluggish manner/ slow speed
  • The slowness is always accompanied by wasting or emaciation of the affected muscles.
  • Slowness is also noted in the mind. Perceive slowly / Comprehension power and memory are slow.
  • Instability while walking, leading to tottering.
  • The hands too start trembling.
  • The face also gives a blank look, lacking expression.
  • Plb has both Flaccid and spastic paralysis, but spastic is more common.
  • Cold + Weak + Heavy/ Paralysis / Slow
  • Pain in right big toe at night
  • Hands remain cold with trembling and withering of hand muscles


  • Tremors start with pain and relieved by motion.
  • Stiffness of affected parts
  • Paralysis; trembling after exertion.
  • Limbs stiff and paralyzed.
  • Crawling and tingling sensation in the tips of fingers.
  • Numbness and formication, after overwork and exposure.
  • All joints hot and painful.
  • Agg:
    • During sleep, Night, during rest, drenching
    • Lying on back or right side.
    • Cold, wet rainy weather and after rain
  • Amel:
    • Warm, dry weather
    • Motion, walking, change of position
    • Rubbing, stretching out limbs.


  • Trembling, itching and jerking, stiffness of muscles
  • Jerking and trembling are strong indications.
  • Chorea and twitching ceases during sleep.
  • Paralysis of lower limbs with spasmodic conditions of arms.
  • Numbness of legs on crossing them.
  • Paralytic pain in left arm followed by palpitation.
  • Itching of skin over the affected parts
  • Stiffness all over with pain over hips.
  • Extreme sensitiveness of the spine.
    • Cannot bear touch.


  • Head trembles while eating and when it is raised higher.
  • Totters while walking with tendency to fall on one side.
  • Trembling and pain in limbs.
  • One-sided paralysis worse after sleep.
  • Intensely painful, paralytic drawing.
  • Limbs straightened out and painful when flexed.
  • Knees sink down from weakness
  • Cracking of the knee when moving
  • Lameness worse by bending
  • Special affinity for light haired females esp during pregnancy.


  • Heavy, weary and paralyzed limbs.
  • Trembling and unsteady hands.
  • Muscular weakness esp lower extremities.
  • Ascending paralysis ending in death by failure of respiration.
  • Perspiration of hands.
  • Putting feet on chair relieves.
  • Aggby lying down, turning or rising in bed, cold, exertion.
  • Better by darkness, limbs hanging down, motion, pressure.


  • Tremors of upper extremities + Paralytic weakness of lower limbs.
  • Feels as if limbs are hard and contracted; limbs feel heavy.
  • Ataxia: Feels as if floor is irregular and is obliged to keep his eyes on the ground to guide his feet.
  • Affects the lateral and anterior columns of cord.
  • Reflexes always increased.
  • Lateral sclerosis and Infantile paralysis.
  • Tremulous, tottering gait.
  • Excessive rigidity of legs with spastic gait.
  • Knees knock against each other while walking.
  • Cannot extend or cross legs when siting.
  • Stiff and lame ankles.
  • Does not produce pain
  • Finger tips numb


  • Marked fibrillary tremors and spasms of the muscles
  • Palpitation and fluttering of the heart felt throughout the body.
  • Depresses the motor and reflex activity of the cord and causes the loss of sensibility to pain, muscle weakness and paralysis. 
  • Paralysis and tremors, chorea.
  • Meningeal irritation with rigidity of muscles.
  • Pain in right popliteal space.
  • Burning and tingling in spine.
  • Hands and feet numb with sudden jerking of limbs on going to sleep.
  • Crampy pain in limbs.


  • Motion
  • Cold water application


  • Tremors with numbness, limbs go to sleep on the slightest movement
  • Coldness and stiffness of limbs
  • Finger nails become brittle and are shriveled.
  • Cramps in hands and fingers.
  • Worse grasping anything.
  • Cramps in legs.
  • Extreme nervous hypersensitiveness.
  • Dread of people and desire to be alone.
  • Music causes weeping. One sided complains call for it.


  • Trembling along nerves in limbs.
  • It causes locomotor ataxia.
  • Eyes become more prominent and corneal opacities visible.
  • Very depressed and sensation as if would fall on right side.
  • Sensation as if walking on sponge.
  • As if the feet were swollen.
  • When walking, lifts feet higher than usual and puts down heel hard.
  • Tired feeling, very weak and nervous, fainting, numb sensation.
  • Stretching relieves pains in muscles and limbs.


  • Trembling; shaking of hands, involuntary.
  • Paralysis agitans.
  • Cramps in calves, feet very tender.
  • Twitching, Chorea, cramps.
  • Numbness of finger tips. Worse right side, cold, touch, night.
  • Amel
    • Warm application
    • Bending double
    • Pressure
    • Friction


  • Special action on nervous system.
  • Painful paralysis.
  • Pain in loins, numbness and cramps.
  • Staggering gait.
  • Feels as if a peg is driven into joints.
  • Agg in Warm room
  • Amel with
    • Bathing or cold air
    • Putting feet in cold water


  • Remarkable nervous phenomena.
  • Chorea, extreme restlessness and Paralysis agitans.
  • Must keep in constant motion even though walking aggravates.
  • Numbness of legs with twitching and jerking.
  • Extraordinary contractions and movements.




Rigidity of Muscles

  • Muscles get very tight and feel shortened.
  • Excessive rigidity in body while at rest, but comparatively less rigidity while walking.
  • Difficulty in getting up after sitting for long and also in taking the first few steps initially, but the rigidity gradually lessens as the patient keeps on walking.
  • Excessive rigidity gets worse while walking.
  • Rigidity and shortening of tendons mainly in the thigh region.

Slowness in Movement



  • The hands shake a lot while at the resting position.
  • Silicea is another good medicine for trembling of hands that gets worse when the patient is sitting.
  • Gelsemium Sempervirens is a natural medicine that is very beneficial for controlling the tremors that get worse from sudden emotional excitement.