Type of Noise
Buzzing noises in the ear are present.
- Pain in the ear which radiate to the temporal region
- Hearing impaired also common.
- Earache agg in the morning
- Ears feel hot and sensitive to touch.
- Roaring sounds in the ear.
- Meniere’s disease
- Tinnitus due to influenza
- Tinnitus as a result of consuming Aspirin
- Hearing loss
- Episodes of vertigo.
- Nausea + Sensation of blood rushing to the brain
- Whistling noises are heard within the ear.
- Hearing impaired that agg in damp weather
- Obstructed sensation in the ears and shooting pain that agg upon speaking or laughing.
- Hissing sounds inside the ear
- Blocked sensation in the ear
- Shooting pain
- Hardness of hearing
- Sensitivity to cold air
- Ear discharges esp purulent, blood-stained and offensive.
- A history of a perforated ear-drum is also present in some cases.
- Humming noises in the ear
- Fine ringing in ears + Debility.
- A ticking noise is heard inside the ears
- Stitching/ Tearing pain in the ears that agg with touch.
- There may be overall weakness, debility, and headache.
- Hearing impaired
- After loss of fluids have been lost through vomiting, diarrhea, heavy sweating
- Tinnitus with chirping noises inside the ear.
- The ear may feel blocked
- In cases of tinnitus where he hears a particular sound, like the pouring of water over a dam.
- Intolerance towards noises in the environment + Spells of vertigo
- A deep Stitching/ Shooting pain that agg in the open air
- Ear is usually sensitive to touch.
Drumming sounds in the ear. A
- Decrease in hearing along with excessive dryness
- Hardness of the ear wax
- Ear is sensitive towards the wind
- Ear may feel stiff
- Ear pain may develop towards the evening or night time.
- Fluttering or flapping noises in the ear.
- A prominent warm sensation inside the ear
- Twitching and tearing pain in the ear during the evening
- Machinery-like sound inside the ear.
- Thick mucus discharge from the ear
- Sensation of fullness in the in the forehead
- Re-echo of words is heard in the ear.
- Pulsating, burning sensation in the ear
- Pressure in the head and ears
- Purulent / Gluey/ Sticky ear discharge
- Excessive accumulation of the ear wax
- Noises of a waterfall present in the ear.
Sensitivity along with pressure and fullness in the ears.
- Sounds of the wind inside the ear.
- Difficulty in hearing in Cold / Damp weather,
- Earache, and chronic ear infection with a thick yellowish-greenish colored discharge