Generality / Modalities
PD + Excessive Rigidity
- Muscles get hardened, leading to extreme body stiffness.
- Muscles of lower limbs and back are very rigid too.
- Great difficulty in maintaining balance while walking.
- They walk slowly but have a tendency to fall easily.
- Great difficulty in getting up from a sitting or lying position.
- Also experience pain in the limbs and get relief from warm applications.
- Trembling of hands is a very dominant symptom.
Vigorous Trembling of Hands
- Shaking of hands is present to an extreme degree.
- Paralytic agitans
- Lacerating pain in joints.
- Slow in answering questions.
- Memory weakened and loss of will power.
- General Weakness /Prostration /Tremors everywhere in body from least exertion.
- Drooling of saliva
- Trembling of the tongue with difficulty in talking
- Offensive odor emanating from the mouth.
- Extreme sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures
- Cold and clammy sweat on limbs.
- Copious/Oily perspiration, always moist and freely perspiring
- General agg
- Night, Warmth of bed
- Damp, cold, rainy weather
- During perspiration
- Complaints increase during sweating and rest.
- Skin itching worse warmth of bed
Trembling of hands, Constant Shaking of Feet
- Violent trembling (twitching) of whole body esp after emotions.
- Twitching in children
- Chorea.
- Paralysis of hands and feet.
- Trembling of hands while writing.
- Lameness, Weakness, Trembling and Twitching of various muscles.
- Feet in continued motion, cannot keep still.
- Agg by
- Touch
- 5-7 pm.
- After dinner
- After emotions
- Amel with Eating and Discharges
Shaking of Hands
- Top remedy for Tremors / Trembling / Weakness of all limbs
- Mind sluggish and muscular system semi paralyzed.
- Staggering gait.
- Loss of power of muscular control.
- Cramps in muscles of forearm.
- Vigorous shaking of hands or the shaking of legs or tongue, which is accompanied by excessive weakness
- Always Tired/ Dull /Drowsy/ Dizzy/ Weakness/ Motor paralysis esp in Head, Eyes, Throat, Chest, Sphincters and Extremities.
- Muscle incoordination: Muscles do not work according to his will.
- Such persons exhibit difficulty in maintaining balance while walking and the gait is very sluggish.
- Slurring of speech.
- Excessive trembling agg by
- Dampness
- Excitement / Bad news
- Amel by
- Bending forwards
- Profuse urination
- Continued motion
- Open air
- No Thirst
- Patients who get excited very easily from a sudden fear or emotions, which agg his symptoms
Lack of Control and Trembling of Hands
- Complementary remedy of Gels.
- Ataxia: Incoordination, loss of control and imbalance / Unsteady gait.
- Trembling and general debility.
- Rigidity of calves.
- Walks and stands unsteadily.
- Numbness of body esp arms.
- Muscles in the back of the lower leg get hardened and stiff,
- Memory impaired
- Easily Excited / Angered
- Flatulence
- Greenish diarrhea
- Paralysis with mental and abdominal symptoms.
- An unusual craving for sweets
Slowness in Movement
- Paralytic agitans
- Paralysis of single muscles. Wrist drop.
- Cannot raise or lift anything. Extension is difficult.
- Paralysis from over-exertion of extensor muscles in piano players.
- Loss of patellar reflex.
- Infantile paralysis and neuritis.
- Body muscles work at a very slow pace and in a very sluggish manner/ slow speed
- The slowness is always accompanied by wasting or emaciation of the affected muscles.
- Slowness is also noted in the mind. Perceive slowly / Comprehension power and memory are slow.
- Instability while walking, leading to tottering.
- The hands too start trembling.
- The face also gives a blank look, lacking expression.
- Plb has both Flaccid and spastic paralysis, but spastic is more common.
- Cold + Weak + Heavy/ Paralysis / Slow
- Pain in right big toe at night
- Hands remain cold with trembling and withering of hand muscles
- Tremors start with pain and relieved by motion.
- Stiffness of affected parts
- Paralysis; trembling after exertion.
- Limbs stiff and paralyzed.
- Crawling and tingling sensation in the tips of fingers.
- Numbness and formication, after overwork and exposure.
- All joints hot and painful.
- Agg:
- During sleep, Night, during rest, drenching
- Lying on back or right side.
- Cold, wet rainy weather and after rain
- Amel:
- Warm, dry weather
- Motion, walking, change of position
- Rubbing, stretching out limbs.
- Trembling, itching and jerking, stiffness of muscles
- Jerking and trembling are strong indications.
- Chorea and twitching ceases during sleep.
- Paralysis of lower limbs with spasmodic conditions of arms.
- Numbness of legs on crossing them.
- Paralytic pain in left arm followed by palpitation.
- Itching of skin over the affected parts
- Stiffness all over with pain over hips.
- Extreme sensitiveness of the spine.
- Head trembles while eating and when it is raised higher.
- Totters while walking with tendency to fall on one side.
- Trembling and pain in limbs.
- One-sided paralysis worse after sleep.
- Intensely painful, paralytic drawing.
- Limbs straightened out and painful when flexed.
- Knees sink down from weakness
- Cracking of the knee when moving
- Lameness worse by bending
- Special affinity for light haired females esp during pregnancy.
- Heavy, weary and paralyzed limbs.
- Trembling and unsteady hands.
- Muscular weakness esp lower extremities.
- Ascending paralysis ending in death by failure of respiration.
- Perspiration of hands.
- Putting feet on chair relieves.
- Aggby lying down, turning or rising in bed, cold, exertion.
- Better by darkness, limbs hanging down, motion, pressure.
- Tremors of upper extremities + Paralytic weakness of lower limbs.
- Feels as if limbs are hard and contracted; limbs feel heavy.
- Ataxia: Feels as if floor is irregular and is obliged to keep his eyes on the ground to guide his feet.
- Affects the lateral and anterior columns of cord.
- Reflexes always increased.
- Lateral sclerosis and Infantile paralysis.
- Tremulous, tottering gait.
- Excessive rigidity of legs with spastic gait.
- Knees knock against each other while walking.
- Cannot extend or cross legs when siting.
- Stiff and lame ankles.
- Does not produce pain
- Finger tips numb
- Marked fibrillary tremors and spasms of the muscles
- Palpitation and fluttering of the heart felt throughout the body.
- Depresses the motor and reflex activity of the cord and causes the loss of sensibility to pain, muscle weakness and paralysis.
- Paralysis and tremors, chorea.
- Meningeal irritation with rigidity of muscles.
- Pain in right popliteal space.
- Burning and tingling in spine.
- Hands and feet numb with sudden jerking of limbs on going to sleep.
- Crampy pain in limbs.
- Motion
- Cold water application
- Tremors with numbness, limbs go to sleep on the slightest movement
- Coldness and stiffness of limbs
- Finger nails become brittle and are shriveled.
- Cramps in hands and fingers.
- Worse grasping anything.
- Cramps in legs.
- Extreme nervous hypersensitiveness.
- Dread of people and desire to be alone.
- Music causes weeping. One sided complains call for it.
- Trembling along nerves in limbs.
- It causes locomotor ataxia.
- Eyes become more prominent and corneal opacities visible.
- Very depressed and sensation as if would fall on right side.
- Sensation as if walking on sponge.
- As if the feet were swollen.
- When walking, lifts feet higher than usual and puts down heel hard.
- Tired feeling, very weak and nervous, fainting, numb sensation.
- Stretching relieves pains in muscles and limbs.
- Trembling; shaking of hands, involuntary.
- Paralysis agitans.
- Cramps in calves, feet very tender.
- Twitching, Chorea, cramps.
- Numbness of finger tips. Worse right side, cold, touch, night.
- Amel
- Warm application
- Bending double
- Pressure
- Friction
- Special action on nervous system.
- Painful paralysis.
- Pain in loins, numbness and cramps.
- Staggering gait.
- Feels as if a peg is driven into joints.
- Agg in Warm room
- Amel with
- Bathing or cold air
- Putting feet in cold water
- Remarkable nervous phenomena.
- Chorea, extreme restlessness and Paralysis agitans.
- Must keep in constant motion even though walking aggravates.
- Numbness of legs with twitching and jerking.
- Extraordinary contractions and movements.