Ign, Ignatia Amara

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Core theme

  • Excitability / Irritability + Internal conflict = Hysteria
  • Depression with classic symptoms like sadness, sighing, sobbing, weeping, loneliness and brooding.
  • Ailments following sudden shocks like fears, disappointed love affections, and sudden bad news
  • Cares, worries, tensions, stress, frustrations of daily life activities
  • Grief struck individuals definitely need this medicine to recover from the effects of grief, like from the loss or death of someone dear.
  • Sudden mood swings from happiness to sadness, for example, laughter followed by weeping.
  • Sleeplessness from grief, sadness, and worrying excessively.
  • Amenorrhea, or the suppression of menses due to grief.
  • Nervous Headaches as a result of grief, or excessive Alcohol, coffee, and tobacco smoking.
  • Prolapsed piles with every stool needing manual replacement, sharp pain or itching rectum accompanies.


  • Ign rarely gives Agg so don't be afraid of high potency. 10M or 50M in acute attacks



Internal Contradictions


  • Her quickness affects you too and you feel that should be careful not to upset her.
  • With increased irritability, the patient does not want to be visited.
  • Illusion: I have no hope of solving my problem anymore. Because there is a conflict that cannot be solved. You cannot satisfy him with any argument.
  • She is Oversensitive to all external stimuli (Sensory and emotionally)
  • Sense of smell is sensitive and sharp
  • Sensitive to pain (Cham) (Ign ₳ Nux-v)
  • Ign is the Queen of these contradictions.
  • The patient's own modalities are also conflicting. Her modalities are strange and sometimes abnormal.
  • You can usually find the starting point of the pathology
  • Ign is the Queen of Hysteria
  • Uncontrollable hysteria plus psychosomatic symptoms
  • Changing continuously
    • A lot of change in the soul and body
    • Even she changes the subject while talking.
    • Fluctuating character, unstable mood, sudden mood changes (Coff, Croc, Nux-m)
  • Wakes up with bad sleep and may not sleep again.
  • Sleeplessness due to depression, grief, worries, care, sadness, and anxious thoughts.
  • Light / Restless sleep, Tosses and frequently changes position in bed
  • Sleepwalking (Somnambulism)
  • Children who wake up from sleep, crying and trembling.
  • Disturbed sleep by a nightmare
Entities Diseases Miasms

Resistant cough Globus hystericus Nervous headaches Grief
  • Her cough doesn't respond to any remedy
  • You do not find any convincing reason for it, means that you are faced with a psychosomatic disorder.
  • Agg the more he coughs: More a person coughs, the desire to cough and irritation in the airways increases accordingly.
  • Psychologic Cough
  • Constant cough and there is severe irritation in the larynx and trachea
  • Sensation of dust in the throat – pit.
  • Dry/ Hacking / Spasmodic / Intense / Violent cough make him sweat excessively and feel exhausted.
  • Warm drinks tend to worsen the cough.
  • Lump/ Tightness/ Mass/ Spasm/ Suffocation
  • As a sign of suppressed sadness, but he cannot or does not want to relieve himself by crying.
  • Sighing involuntarily (Lach) with a feeling of weakness and fainting, empty stomach that does not improve with eating (Hydr, Sep)
  • Effects of humiliation, shame (Staph)
  • He likes to swallow to get some relief from his pain and problem.
  • Ign is important at the level of the perception and not at the level of the mind/ Cognition
  • She is unable to swallow
  • They put nails in the head (Coff, Nux-v, Thuj) (Ign ₳ Nux-v)
  • Feeling of mass and plug
  • Headaches following anger
  • Congestive pressing or tearing Headaches
  • Due to Smoking, Inhaling / Smelling tobacco, Alcohol, / Coffee.
  • Periodical headaches (weekly, fortnightly or monthly)
  • Amel by warmth, rest, or while eating, pressure (This is a good example of Paradoxical space of Ign)
  • Grief has different stages: (1) Denial (2) Self-blame (3) Blaming others (4) Depression (5) acceptance
  • If the patient is stopped in any theses stages, you should start the treatment.
  • Ign could be used blindly in any grief but remember that unlike Allopathy, here we should not give such blind remedies.
  • Grief does not necessarily require Ign, and we should also think of other remedies with the understanding of the space. Nat-m, Caust, Aur, Hyos, Op, Clac-sil. (Ign ₳ Nat-m)
Anorexia nevrosa Throat Bel's palsy Uveitis
  • They have no appetite. They deny their desire for certain things and foods.
  • She did not cope by herself.
  • Eating solid stuff relieves throat pain.
  • A constrictive sensation in the middle of the throat is a chief accompanying symptom.
  • Tonsillitis, white spots on tonsils, ulcers on tonsils, as well as follicular tonsillitis.
  • Sore throat with sharp pain. Pain may extend to the ear.
Ign covers neuralgic and stinging pains well.
  • Blurred vision, redness of the eyes, pain in the eyes, flickering of the visual field and sensitivity to light
Twitching / Jerking Hemorrhoids, Proctitis, Rectal prolapse Female
  • Twitches, spasms, tremors, and convulsions.
  • Trembling and jerking in the limbs is present.
  • Twitching: Face, lips, eyelids is prominent.
  • Convulsions from grief or fright in adults,
  • Convulsions in children during dentition are treated well.
  • Seizure: A cold and pale body, a fixed staring look, stiffness, backward bending, clenched thumbs, and distorted facial muscles.
  • Seizure, twitch, chorea and constriction
  • Twitching / Jerking of the left eyelid is very common, up to 90%
  • Sleep jerking: Jumping up / Jerking in sleep (Zinc)
  • Biting the lips or tongue while talking or chewing
  • Hemorrhoids, esp with rectum prolapses from moderate straining at stool.
  • Piles with sharp pain during a cough
  • Prolapsed piles after every stool + Itching / Stitching pain in rectum
  • Rectal pain agg by standing and walking, and amel from sitting.
  • Stenosis, hemorrhoids, pain and burning, prolapse with excretion, Urging and tenesmus
  • Prolapse with slight straining or bending or lifting a load (Nit-ac, Podo, Ruta)
  • Hemorrhoid + Upward stabbing pains (Nit-ac)
  • Hemorrhoid pain remains for hours after defecation (Rat, Sul, Peon, Nit-ac)
  • Travel constipation + Many urging, mostly in the upper part of the stomach (Verb)
  • Menstrual irregularities that arise primarily from grief
  • Suppressed periods or excessive menstrual bleeding resulting from grief.
  • PMS: Irritability, mood swings
  • Postpartum depression.
  • Leucorrhea: Corrosive, and purulent
  • Bearing down pains may be present with the leucorrhea.
  • Dyspareunia or a sore pain in the vagina during intercourse is also treated with Ignatia.
  • Miscarriage that arises from grief, or fright.

GI tract

Colic Diarrhea
  • Gastric ailments caused by worries, grief, and depression.
  • IBS linked with depression and grief: Cramps in the abdomen, Empty sensation in stomach, Flatulent colic.
  • Colic agg with coffee or sweets.
  • The abdomen gets distended, causing difficulty in breathing.
  • Feel as if the abdomen would burst.
  • Nausea, vomiting of bile and mucus and constipation
  • Constant, ineffectual urging to pass stool, and the anus tends to constrict.
  • Constriction of the anus after passing stool arises.
  • Diarrhea that develops as a result of emotional stress like grief
  • Painless diarrhea
  • Alternating diarrhea and constipation
  • Including threadworms and ascarides, cause itching in the anus, are also treated with it.


  • MIND - INSANITY - menses - copious, with sep
  • MIND - EMOTIONS - respiration; with complaints of: Acon, arg-n, ars, CHAM, coff, IGN, NUX-V


  • Ignatia talks of Justice/ Rights and duties
Injustice, cannot support
  • Gratitude is not in his dictionary. If he can do something for someone, he does it honestly and does not expect thanks. Instead, if he encounters a problem, he expects the people around him to ask for help and help him
At times of real need, he will expect others to sense his needs of their own accord, without his having to ask what he needs. He will never want to reveal his requirements by taking the initiative.
SENSITIVE, moral impressions, to
  • He feels that he is worthy and has already earned the goodwill of others by his actions
  • Only if someone gives him something out of mutual love and without reservation, he will accept it and otherwise he will refuse.
Telling my patient why you haven't taken your medicine? In response, she told me to ask my husbands. I said but it is your duty to take care of yourself. She said, do you think that my husbands has only duty to earn money and he has no other duties towards me?
IRRITABILITY, pain during Unsettled and frustrated. Frustrated, he gives up trying because he thinks it's pointless to go any further.
  • He strongly resists rational acceptance
  • Or he feels he can't handle the problem, so he adopts an attitude of silence
  • He is sad but does not forget this incident
SADNESS, quiet; GRIEF, silent There is a feeling of failure and despair of succeeding