Bipolar disorder

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  • Previously known as manic depression, is a mental disorder characterized by periods of depression and periods of abnormally elevated mood
  • If the elevated mood is severe or associated with psychosis, it is called mania; if it is less severe, it is called hypomania.
  • During mania, an individual behaves or feels abnormally energetic, happy or irritable, and they often make impulsive decisions with little regard for the consequences. There is usually also a reduced need for sleep during manic phases.
  • Late adolescence and early adulthood are peak years for the onset of bipolar disorder
  • Bipolar disorder occurs in approximately 1% of the global population
  • Exact mechanism underlying the disorder remains unclear

Signs / Symptoms

  • Depression: Crying, Negative outlook on life, Poor eye contact, Slowed movements
  • Mania:
    • An increase in energy of psychomotor activity / Decreased need for sleep / Constant fidgeting
    • High risk of suicide
    • Euphoria or dysphoria, Irritability
    • Increased self-esteem or grandiosity
    • Racing thoughts
    • Pressured speech that is difficult to interrupt
    • Disinhibited social behavior
    • Increased goal-oriented activities
    • Impaired judgement, Impulsive or high-risk behaviors such as hypersexuality, Excessive spending.
  • Psychosis: Delusions (Grandiose), Hallucinations

Related states

Hypomania Mixed affective episodes Comorbid conditions
  • Hypomania is the milder form of mania, defined as at least four days of the same criteria as mania, but which does not cause a significant decrease in the individual's ability to socialize or work,
  • It lacks psychotic features such as delusions or hallucinations, and does not require psychiatric hospitalization.
  • In bipolar disorder, a mixed state is an episode during which symptoms of both mania and depression occur simultaneously.
  • Individuals experiencing a mixed state may have manic symptoms such as grandiose thoughts while simultaneously experiencing depressive symptoms such as excessive guilt or feeling suicidal.
  • They are considered to have a higher risk for suicidal behavior as depressive emotions such as hopelessness are often paired with mood swings or difficulties with impulse control.
  • Anxiety disorders occur more frequently as a comorbidity in mixed bipolar episodes than in non-mixed bipolar depression or mania.
  • Substance (including alcohol) use also follows this trend, thereby appearing to depict bipolar symptoms as no more than a consequence of substance use.

Entities / Miasms

Emotional lability +++ +++ +++
Hallucinations / Delusions +++ +++
Depression +++ +++
Psychosis +++



Depression stage Manic stage Changing mood
  • Bell
  • Stram
  • Hyos
  • Tarant
  • Syph
Ign: Hysteria + Changing symptoms


carc: Hysteria + Changing symptoms

PULS: Hysteria + Changing symptoms

Mood Swings


  • Mood swings esp Happiness and Anger/ Sadness .
  • Tears suddenly arise after laughter.
  • Listening to music makes the moods worse.
  • Mental symptoms alternating with physical symptoms


  • Sensitive nature
  • Alternate between tears and laughter easily.
  • Oversensitive and get offended quickly.
  • They look for consolation and feel better when consoled.
  • Being in the open also makes them feel better.
  • A history of silent grief


  • Anxious Personalities
  • Sudden mood changes along with anxiety, mainly about health and the future
  • Extreme restlessness, both on the mental and physical plane
  • Fears like the fear of catching an infection or the fear of financial loss.
  • Fastidiousness and the demand for cleanliness and order in everything.
Depression stage


  • Sudden mood changes from sadness to happiness, and from weeping to laughter.
  • Uncontrollable emotions with a sudden alteration in mood.
  • Esp depressed.
  • Dwell on some disagreeable events in the past
  • Sleeping problems.
  • History of emotional shock or grief.
  • She sit silently and weep or brood over the past.


  • Menstruation-related mood swing
  • Mood swings due to hormonal changes, mostly arising before menses or around menopause.
  • A lot of irritability, getting offended easily
  • Indifferent behavior toward family members and friends.
  • Low energy levels: Lack of interest in doing any sort of work.
  • Depression stage of Bipolar Disorder: Constant weeping, indifferent behavior towards people and even family members who were once much respected and loved, and lack of interest in doing any mental or physical work.


Some kind of business loss + Continuous weeping for many days.
Increased Energy Levels


  • Extreme restlessness and difficulty in sitting still at one place.
  • Great hurriedness without any ambition or aim.
  • Heart or uterine disease associated with the mental symptoms.


  • Bouts of uncontrollable laughter on listening to every little word spoken, which may not even be funny.
  • Excessive talkativeness.
  • Full of thoughts crowding the brain at one time, making the patient forgetful of words while talking.
Violent / Aggressive Behavior


  • Het even bites and strikes the person near him or her.
  • The patient spits on people and the face turns red.


  • Violent behavior of persons suffering from Bipolar Disorder is Veratrum Album
  • Excessive Shrieking /Screaming
  • Destructive behavior: Destroying, cutting and tearing apart everything, most likely clothes.
  • Violent mania that start in a woman after childbirth


  • Desire to run away from home
  • Picking at bedclothes
  • Quarreling with others
  • Shamelessness where the patient tends to remove his clothes and sings obscene songs.
Depression + Suicidal Thoughts


  • Hopeless and worthless and has persistent suicidal thoughts.


  • She has to apply much self-control to stop herself from actually committing suicide.
  • Gloominess.
  • She feels sad even when listening to lively music
  • Aversion to talk or be spoken to.
  1. Frye MA, Coombes BJ, McElroy SL, Jones-Brando L, Bond DJ, Veldic M, Romo-Nava F, Bobo WV, Singh B, Colby C, Skime MK, Biernacka JM, Yolken R. Association of Cytomegalovirus and Toxoplasma gondii Antibody Titers With Bipolar Disorder. JAMA Psychiatry. 2019 Dec 1;76(12):1285-1293. doi: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2019.2499. PMID: 31532468; PMCID: PMC6751798.
  2. Prossin AR, Yolken RH, Kamali M, Heitzeg MM, Kaplow JB, Coryell WH, McInnis MG. Cytomegalovirus Antibody Elevation in Bipolar Disorder: Relation to Elevated Mood States. Neural Plast. 2015;2015:939780. doi: 10.1155/2015/939780. Epub 2015 May 13. PMID: 26075105; PMCID: PMC4444593.