Related entities
- Profuse Watery discharges + Sneezing,
- Esp when entering a warm room.
- Every August, During spring
- Due to every change of weather, esp spring
- Sneezing early in morning
- Regularly every year.
- Prophylactic remedy for hay fever.
- Regularly every year.
- Violent sneezing and nervous irritability.
- Prophylactic remedy for hay fever.
Asthmatic People
- Suppressed Hay fever by antihistamines that went into the lungs
- Asthmatic persons who breathe heavily when quiet
- Dyspnea on least exertion
- Suffering from asthma esp during sleep
- Asthma from suppressed eruptions.
- Thin, watery and excoriating discharge
Running Nose
- Fluent coryza agg from odor of flowers
- Even thinking of flowers increases the discharge.
- Marked Sneezing.
- Spasmodic sneezing with a running nose
- Dry itching, tickling in the nose, rubs or picks at it.
- Sneezing agg when coming into a warm room
- Sneezing while rising from bed or handling peaches
- He is very sensitive to cold, inhaled air that seems to be cold.
Nasal Blockage
- Stoppage occurs during the night + Long coryza
- Continuing urge to sneeze.
- Nasal blockage + Soreness of nostrils
- Constant picking at the nose until it bleeds, esp in children.
- Nose is dry and blocked and the person has to breathe through the mouth
Nasal obstruction, with distress and fullness at nasal root
Nasal Itching
- Annoying itching present in the nostrils and Mouth roof (Palate)
- Itching in the posterior areas.
Eye Symptoms
- Pain and irritation, and foreign body sensation in the eyes.
- Eyes water all the time.
- Acrid lachrymation and bland coryza
- When tears from the eyes are bland and nasal discharges are acrid.
For hay fever with , Kali Bichromium is a good remedy.
- Sabad: Abortive / Spasmodic Sneezing
- Nux-v:
- Night Nasal dry obstruction agg + Morning watery discharge amel
- Sneezes with every cold
- All-c: Acidic nasal discharge + Bland Eye lachrymation (Opposite to Euphr)
- Ros-d: Itching/ Irritability mucous membranes
*Dryness: Nux-v
- Itching: Wye , All-c
- Stinging, Neuralgia: Ros-d, Ran-b
Ear / nose / throat disorders - allergic rhinitis: All-c, Ars, Carb-v, Euph, Iod, Kali-i, Nat-m, NUX-V, Puls, Sabad, Sang. Sil, Wye
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