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Three main types
First class remedies
- Headache in school children (Nat-m, Psor) (Calc-p ₳ Nat-m)
- Headache with mental activity (Pic-ac) (Calc-p ₳ Pic-ac)
- Severe pressure headaches like staples or throbbing (small hammers)
- He is extremely nervous during headache
- Anemic school girls (Calc-p) (Calc-p ₳ Nat-m)
- Especially in the morning (wakes him up).
- Between 10 am til 3 pm is very significant.
- The more the headache increases, the more sweating. Sweating does not help him
- Caused by eye work (Ruta) (Nat-m ₳ Ruta)
- Caused by emotional problems (Ign) (Ign ₳ Nat-m) (Nat-m ₳ Phos)
- Left-sided headache (Spig). It looks like it's going to explode
- Sunlight headache
- Emotional problems (Ign ₳ Nat-m) ( Nat-m ₳ Phos)
Accompanied by
- Red face (Bell)
- Headache starts with blurred vision (Iris, Kali-bi, Cycl)
- Retinitis: seeing zigzag images or flashes of light with or before headache: Psor, Sul, Nat-m
- Headache extending to the chest (Con ₳ Nat-m)
- Eye pain at the same time (Onos, Arg-n)
- King remedy of headache esp in Irritable, Nervous, Drug/ Alcohol abusers
- Brain looseness (Chin, Spig)
- Headache amel with eating
- Pain Quality
- Fatigue headache due to Mental over work (Anac ₳ Sil)
- Tearing pain: As if a thick and slow nail is being driven into his scalp
- Constrictive headache: As if his head was put on a stapler.
- Gastric headache: Indigestion + Abdominal bloating and swelling around the navel
- Nervous headache: High irritability + Abusive + Blasphemy
- Agg with
- Too much noise
- Pungent smells
- Working / Moving / Misstep
- Amel with
- Hard pressure
- Lying down / Going to sleep
- Eating
- Quality
- Explosive as if the all of his blood has flushed to his head + Whole body throbbing
- Pulsating / Hammer-like(Bell ₳ Lach) (Glon ₳ Lach)
- Extending to Nasal root (Kali-bi)
- Start from Occiput
- Amel with
- Discharge / Bleeding
- Belching
- Agg with
- Cloths around neck / Head (Bell ₳ Lach) (Glon ₳ Lach)
- Menopause (Lach ₳ Sep)
- Modality
- Agg Cold/ Open air
- Amel in warm weather (Mang, Sul)
- Sexual excesses (Chin ₳ Phos)
- Amel with hard external pressure
- Walking / Movement Agg
- Quality
- Head bones bruised (Chin ₳ Sil)
- Sharp / Stinging Cutting pain
- From one temple to other
- Extending to eyes (Bell ₳ Chin)
- Jerking headache (Bell ₳ Chin)
- Brain as if
- Throbbing inside his head / Hitting the skull
- Loose (Chin ₳ Nux-v) (Chin ₳ Spig)
- Waving
- Rotating around an axis
- Enlarged
- Periodic headache (Once a week)
- Headache lasts for 7 days
- Tearing pain radiating to teeth or back of neck or forehead
- Terrible dreams
- Locality
- Start in Occiput then whole head (Chin ₳ Stram) , (Chin ₳ Sil)
- Throbbing temples headache especially agg by movement
- Occiput headache (Chin, Gels, Sil) extends to
- Whole head
- Forehead: Sil
- Shoulders: Gels
- Eyes: Gels, Sil
- Anemia (Loss of fluids / Uterine bleeding) (Glon)
- Quality
- Pressive / Congestive / Bursting / Throbbing / Hammer-like (Ferr ₳ Lyc)
- Sharp and stinging pain
- Continuous headache even for 2 to 3 days
- Locality
- Forehead eminence
- Temples
- Modality
- Agg with walking in Open / Cold air
- Amel by washing the face
- Profuse bleeding (Chin ₳ Ferr)
- Accompanied by
- Cold feet
- Thirst but hate to drink
- Quality
- Pressing on his head with nails
- Feels like his brain is falling apart
- One-sided headache with acute smell and hearing
- Nervous headache
- Modality
- Motion / Walking agg
- Any sound agg
- Food
- Increased appetite with headache
- Eating amel
- Stomach emptiness during headache (Kali-p ₳ Sep)
- Amel when eating or with food (Kali-p ₳ Phos), (Kalip ₳ Psor)
- Headache due to fasting
- Headache with nausea
- Quality
- Sharp pain
- Shooting pain above the eyes
- Pressive pain As if a band was tied around his head
- Burning headache esp in forehead
- Unilateral headache Esp behind the left ea
- Frontal headache spreading to Occiput / Temples
- Pressure headache
- Modalities
- Pressure / Rubbing amel
- Eye-Strain agg (Kali-c, Lyc, Nat-m, Ph-ac, Rhod, Ruta, Sil
- Nocturnal occiput headache
- Gentle movement amel
- Premenstrual tearing pain
- Headache with
- Photophobia (Nat-s)
- Hearing sensitivity
- Alternating Hemorrhoid and Headache +Anal Insecurity
Tissue Salt Remedies
- General headache remedy
- Cold agg
- Sunlight agg
- Throbbing / Congestion headache
- Headache with fever
- Headache of school children
- Headache of nervous, irritable, frustrated and sad people
KS: Agg in hot, crowded room
MP: Severe / Neuralgic pain
NS: Gastric headache (Nausea / Vomiting, Bilious headache, Sick headache
- Frontal headache
- Vertex headache
CP: Patient especially feels cold along with headache
CS: Headache + Dizziness
SIL: Warm amel