Kali-bi, kalium Bichromicum
It has two type of coughs:
1. Croupy/ Dry cough
- Hacking cough at night before sleeping, caused by laryngeal irritation. (Kali-bi ₳ Spong)
- The point of stimulation is the chest on the trachea (Above the sternum)
Coughing - ITCHING, in chest - trachea, from
- Morning / Waking up agg (Kali-bi ₳ Nux-v) (Kali-bi ₳ Rumx)
Coughing - MORNING - waking, on: NUX-V , RUMX
Coughing - HOARSE, cough
- Deadly shooting pain behind the sternum that extends to back with every cough
- Eating agg (Kali-bi ₳ Nux-v)
2. Productive cough
- Its special adhesive / Stringy sputum
- Cough due to build up mucous in
Coughing - MUCUS, general - mucus, chest, in: Squil, Puls (Kali-bi ₳ Puls)
Coughing - MUCUS, general - mucus, larynx
- Severe, wheezing cough with sticky discharge (Hep) (Hep ₳ Kali-bi)
- Cough due to acidic sensation in the back of throat
- Loose sputum but hard to get out of (Kali-bi ₳ Seneg)
- Cough caused by sinusitis and PND + feeling of catarrh in the nose (Kali-bi ₳ Stict)
- Chronic sinusitis of all sinuses, esp maxillary and frontal
NOSE - CATARRH - extending to - Frontal sinuses
NOSE - FULLNESS, sense of - sinuses; from inflammation of frontal
FACE - PAIN - Sinuses - Frontal
FACE - PAIN - Sinuses - Maxillary
GENERALS - INFLAMMATION - Sinuses; of - chronic
- Adhesive, Mucoprulant PND (Kali-bi ₳ Stict)
- Severe pain and fullness in the root of nose, Amel with pressure
- Nasal congestion + Decreased sense of smell
- Nasal obstruction with thick secretions and scabs that make it difficult infantile milk feeding (Kali-bi ₳ Lyc) (Kali-bi ₳ Sumb)
- Round wounds of the nasal septum
- Blurred vision before headache (Iris ₳ Kali-bi, Cycl ₳ Kali-bi, Gels ₳ Kali-bi, Kali-bi ₳ Lac-d)
- Head bone pain: Superficial / Small point pain / Neuralgia (Ign ₳ Kali-bi) caused by chronic colds or frontal sinusitis
HEAD - PAIN - Forehead, in - Middle - Frontal sinuses - coryza; from chronic
- Upper eye neuralgia (Kali-bi ₳ Cinnb)
- Headache due to common cold
- Headache better with heat / hot drinks
- Dizziness and nausea agg by Getting up, walking, bending forward
- Headaches in obese and plump people
- Asthmatic cough
Lungs - ASTHMA, general - humid
Lungs - ASTHMA, general - expectoration, amel.
- Asthma with yellow stringy sputum is characteristic
- Alternation of stomach complains with Asthma
RESPIRATION - ASTHMATIC - alternating with - Stomach; complaints of
- Exhaling air is warm
- Modalities
RESPIRATION - ASTHMATIC - coition – after
Breathing - WHEEZING - smoking, on
Breathing - WHEEZING - night
Lungs - ASTHMA, general - morning - waking, early
RESPIRATION - ASTHMATIC - night - midnight - after - 1 h - 1-2 h
RESPIRATION - ASTHMATIC - night - midnight - after - 2 h : ARS
- Croupy coughs
- Croup of blond children
LARYNX AND TRACHEA - CROUP - children; in light-haired fair
- Croup due to cold wind exposure (Acon ₳ Kali-bi), (Hep ₳ Kali-bi)
LARYNX AND TRACHEA - CROUP - cold dry air; after exposure to : ACON , HEP
- Membranous croup, which spreads from the throat to the trachea
LARYNX AND TRACHEA - CROUP - extending to - Trachea
- Agg after waking up
LARYNX AND TRACHEA - CROUP - waking from sleep
Croup + conjunctivitis (Measles)
EYE - INFLAMMATION - Conjunctiva - croupous
EXTREMITIES - ERUPTIONS - Hand - psoriasis diffusa: PETR