Bell, Belladona

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Core theme

  • Bell is the king remedy of Inflammation (Heat, Redness, and Severe, Neuralgic pain)
  • Rapid, severe, and sudden Attacks / Changes
  • Anger + Fright: There are both Fear / Anxiety and anger in their eyes
  • Alternative heat and cold
  • A frightened person who wants to escape
  • Protruding eyes, of course, not like hypothyroidism
  • Kent: Consider Zinc, Bell, Nux-v for severe side effects of chemical drugs.


Severity symptoms

Real illusions

  • Intense and completely real emotions, irritability, sudden anger
  • Illusions that seem completely real
  • Brutal and severe deliriums:
    • An angry person with a red face, who may bite others, throws everything into the fire.
    • He is crazy, fiery and delusional
  • Full of fears (Animals esp dogs)

Aggressive impulses:

  • Wants to hit others, pull their hair or bite
  • Knocks his head against the wall
  • Wants to escape or stand up
  • Wants to throw everything in the fire
  • Impulses of madness, psychosis, mania
  • An angry person with a red face, who may bite others, set everything on fire. He is crazy, fiery and delusional

Lively face

  • Congestion, flushing, throbbing pain, high blood pressure
  • His face that is completely alive, violent, pletoric (a completely memorable face)

Neuralgic pain

  • Coming and going suddenly
  • Beating, shooting, Stitching, grabbing and sharp pains
  • Pains drive the patient crazy
  • Generally he has Sharp senses: Sensitivity to sound, light, shaking, etc.


  • Congestion, flushing, throbbing pains, high blood pressure
  • Neuralgic pains
  • Throbbing, shooting, stabbing, gripping and sharp pains that drive the patient crazy.
  • Convulsions, twitches
  • Right-sided sign/symptoms

Acute gastroenteritis:

It is used in acute and febrile gastroenteritis.

Typical state: the child screams frequently when he has a stomach ache and throws his stomach on the chair and puts his arms down and legs up.

Bad general mood / Very irritable / Nervous with inflamed eyes

Very similar to Dios (Bell ₳ Dios)

Cough due to Acid-Reflux (Bell ₳ Phos)


  • Heat and burning, severe pain, dryness, bright red
  • Little but hot secretions
  • Fullness, swelling and congestion of the head,
  • Swollen vessels of head skull.
  • His mouth and throat are hot and dry. (Phos, Rhus-t)

Heat & Cold

  • Heat and cold are accompanying or alternative
  • Internal cold feeling with hotness and burning in touching the skin
  • His head is hot and dry and his limbs are cold (Bell ₳ Sul)
  • His skin is hot and sometimes dry and sometimes moist
  • His face becomes hot and red and then cold and pale


Paralysis of one side and Twitching on the other side

Limbs - PARALYSIS - paralysis, hemiplegia - twitching of one side, the other is paralyzed Nerves - CONVULSIONS, general - one-sided - paralysis of the other

Spasm, Rigidity

Voluntary and involuntary muscle spasms


• Face, mouth, limbs and back

• Its characteristic is Bell's rightism

• Spasm of mouth and tongue muscles causes speech disorder

FACE - CONVULSIONS, spasms (3+)

FACE - CONVULSIONS, spasms – right agar.k bell.mrr1

FACE - CONVULSIONS, spasms - chill, during

ars.bg2,k bell.bg2,k calc.bg2 cham.bg2,k cic.bg2,k ign.bg2,k op.bg2,k stann.bg2 stram.bg2,k

FACE - CONVULSIONS, spasms – Chin,bg2

FACE - CONVULSIONS, spasms - Jaws

FACE - CONVULSIONS, spasms - Mouth

ant-c.vh1 bell.k cham.k dulc.k ign.k Ip.k Lyc.k merc.k nit-ac.h2 olnd.k op.k stram.k

FACE - CONVULSIONS, spasms - Muscles


FACE - DISCOLORATION - bluish - spasm of glottis

Bell.k Coff.k LACH.k Mosch.k

MOUTH - CONTRACTION – spasmodic acon.k Ars.k asar.h1,kl Bell.k bufok calc.bg2,k cupr.k hyos.k mosch.k sep.k


acon.bg2 bell.bg2 carb-v.bg2,bg2 mosch.bg2 najagm1 sep.


MOUTH - SPEECH - difficult - spasms; from

BELL.bg2 Canth.bg2 cic.bg2 con.bg2 cupr.bg2 HYOS.bg2 lach.bg2 laur.bg2 OP.bg2 rutabg2 sec.bg2 STRAM.bg2 Verat.bg2

BACK - SPASMODIC drawing - Cervical region (3+)

BACK - SPASMODIC drawing - Lumbar region,bg2,bg2,bg2

BACK - SPASMS - Dorsal region

EXTREMITIES - CONTRACTION of muscles and tendons - Fingers - spasmodic

EXTREMITIES - EXTENSION - Thumbs - spasmodic

bell.bg2 Camph.bg2

EXTREMITIES - EXTENSION - Legs - spasmodic - waking, on BELL.k

HEAD - MOTIONS of head - rising from the pillow, spasmodic

bell.k stram.k, mtf33

Bell co-trainer drugs:

Miasmatic view

  • Bell is high grade remedy of six viral miasms: ADV, RSV, RBOL, RBS, NVCJD, PLV
  • Bell is the best first stage inflammation remedy esp in upper respiratory tract (ADV), Lower respiratory tract (RSV), Polymyelitis (PLV)
  • Bell it is not Lympahtic (EBV)
  • Bell it is not Catarrhal (HMPV)
  • Bell it is not destructive (HSV-1, 2)
  • It is delirious manic remedy (RBS)

Inter-current remedy

Bell is a good inter-current and is the best choice after many remedies including:



  • Wind blowing (on the head), drying sweat, cutting hair (Glon), washing the head, cold
  • Heat (sun heat or artificial heat) (Nat-m)
  • Noise (Ferr, Asar, Ther), being in a crowd
  • Shaking or being shaken
  • Move (Bry)
  • 3 PM
  • Hanging down his limbs
  • Pains are aggravated by bending forward
  • The horizontal position is aggravating for the patient
  • Touching, pressure and tightness (Lach)
  • Light: photophobia, dilated pupils
  • Exacerbation with hormonal changes and period period


  • Bending backward
  • Lying on stomach and pressure
  • Covering the head
  • Semi-standing position

In the neuropsychological field, the most similar drug is Lach, followed by Stram, followed by Phos, Hell, Sul, and Op. This arrangement is concluded from the sharing of three miasms PLV, RBS, NVCJD

o In the field of ENT and eyes, I got help from RBOL and ADV, and Bell's partners are Merc, Rhus-t, Sul, Kali-bi, Stict respectively.

o In the field of Upper Respiratory Tract and eyes, the most similar drug is Merc, according to ADV

o In the field of respiratory/sinus problems (shared between RSV, RBOL), the two drugs Kali-bi and Kali-i are Bell's reliable counterparts.