Ign, Ignatia Amara

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Core theme

  • Excitability / Irritability + Internal conflict = Hysteria
  • Depression with classic symptoms like sadness, sighing, sobbing, weeping, loneliness and brooding.
  • Ailments following sudden shocks like fears, disappointed love affections, and sudden bad news
  • Cares, worries, tensions, stress, frustrations of daily life activities
  • Grief struck individuals definitely need this medicine to recover from the effects of grief, like from the loss or death of someone dear.
  • Sudden mood swings from happiness to sadness, for example, laughter followed by weeping.
  • Sleeplessness from grief, sadness, and worrying excessively.
  • Amenorrhea, or the suppression of menses due to grief.
  • Nervous Headaches as a result of grief, or excessive Alcohol, coffee, and tobacco smoking.
  • Prolapsed piles with every stool needing manual replacement, sharp pain or itching rectum accompanies.


  • Ign rarely gives Agg so don't be afraid of high potency. 10M or 50M in acute attacks



Internal Contradictions


  • Her quickness affects you too and you feel that should be careful not to upset her.
  • With increased irritability, the patient does not want to be visited.
  • Illusion: I have no hope of solving my problem anymore. Because there is a conflict that cannot be solved. You cannot satisfy him with any argument.
  • She is Oversensitive to all external stimuli (Sensory and emotionally)
  • Sense of smell is sensitive and sharp
  • Sensitive to pain (Cham) (Ign ₳ Nux-v)
  • Ign is the Queen of these contradictions.
  • The patient's own modalities are also conflicting. Her modalities are strange and sometimes abnormal.
  • You can usually find the starting point of the pathology
  • Ign is the Queen of Hysteria
  • Uncontrollable hysteria plus psychosomatic symptoms
  • Changing continuously
    • A lot of change in the soul and body
    • Even she changes the subject while talking.
    • Fluctuating character, unstable mood, sudden mood changes (Coff, Croc, Nux-m)
  • Wakes up with bad sleep and may not sleep again.
  • Sleeplessness due to depression, grief, worries, care, sadness, and anxious thoughts.
  • Light / Restless sleep, Tosses and frequently changes position in bed
  • Sleepwalking (Somnambulism)
  • Children who wake up from sleep, crying and trembling.
  • Disturbed sleep by a nightmare
Entities Diseases Miasms

Resistant cough Globus hystericus Nervous headaches Grief
  • Her cough doesn't respond to any remedy
  • You do not find any convincing reason for it, means that you are faced with a psychosomatic disorder.
  • Agg the more he coughs: More a person coughs, the desire to cough and irritation in the airways increases accordingly.
  • Psychologic Cough
  • Constant cough and there is severe irritation in the larynx and trachea
  • Sensation of dust in the throat – pit.
  • Dry/ Hacking / Spasmodic / Intense / Violent cough make him sweat excessively and feel exhausted.
  • Warm drinks tend to worsen the cough.
  • Lump/ Tightness/ Mass/ Spasm/ Suffocation
  • As a sign of suppressed sadness, but he cannot or does not want to relieve himself by crying.
  • Sighing involuntarily (Lach) with a feeling of weakness and fainting, empty stomach that does not improve with eating (Hydr, Sep)
  • Effects of humiliation, shame (Staph)
  • He likes to swallow to get some relief from his pain and problem.
  • Ign is important at the level of the perception and not at the level of the mind/ Cognition
  • She is unable to swallow
  • They put nails in the head (Coff, Nux-v, Thuj) (Ign ₳ Nux-v)
  • Feeling of mass and plug
  • Headaches following anger
  • Congestive pressing or tearing Headaches
  • Due to Smoking, Inhaling / Smelling tobacco, Alcohol, / Coffee.
  • Periodical headaches (weekly, fortnightly or monthly)
  • Amel by warmth, rest, or while eating, pressure (This is a good example of Paradoxical space of Ign)
  • Grief has different stages: (1) Denial (2) Self-blame (3) Blaming others (4) Depression (5) acceptance
  • If the patient is stopped in any theses stages, you should start the treatment.
  • Ign could be used blindly in any grief but remember that unlike Allopathy, here we should not give such blind remedies.
  • Grief does not necessarily require Ign, and we should also think of other remedies with the understanding of the space. Nat-m, Caust, Aur, Hyos, Op, Clac-sil. (Ign ₳ Nat-m)
Anorexia nevrosa Throat Bel's palsy Uveitis
  • They have no appetite. They deny their desire for certain things and foods.
  • She did not cope by herself.
  • Eating solid stuff relieves throat pain.
  • A constrictive sensation in the middle of the throat is a chief accompanying symptom.
  • Tonsillitis, white spots on tonsils, ulcers on tonsils, as well as follicular tonsillitis.
  • Sore throat with sharp pain. Pain may extend to the ear.
Ign covers neuralgic and stinging pains well.
  • Blurred vision, redness of the eyes, pain in the eyes, flickering of the visual field and sensitivity to light
Twitching / Jerking Hemorrhoids, Proctitis, Rectal prolapse Female
  • Twitches, spasms, tremors, and convulsions.
  • Trembling and jerking in the limbs is present.
  • Twitching: Face, lips, eyelids is prominent.
  • Convulsions from grief or fright in adults,
  • Convulsions in children during dentition are treated well.
  • Seizure: A cold and pale body, a fixed staring look, stiffness, backward bending, clenched thumbs, and distorted facial muscles.
  • Seizure, twitch, chorea and constriction
  • Twitching / Jerking of the left eyelid is very common, up to 90%
  • Sleep jerking: Jumping up / Jerking in sleep (Zinc)
  • Biting the lips or tongue while talking or chewing
  • Hemorrhoids, esp with rectum prolapses from moderate straining at stool.
  • Piles with sharp pain during a cough
  • Prolapsed piles after every stool + Itching / Stitching pain in rectum
  • Rectal pain agg by standing and walking, and amel from sitting.
  • Stenosis, hemorrhoids, pain and burning, prolapse with excretion, Urging and tenesmus
  • Prolapse with slight straining or bending or lifting a load (Nit-ac, Podo, Ruta)
  • Hemorrhoid + Upward stabbing pains (Nit-ac)
  • Hemorrhoid pain remains for hours after defecation (Rat, Sul, Peon, Nit-ac)
  • Travel constipation + Many urging, mostly in the upper part of the stomach (Verb)
  • Menstrual irregularities that arise primarily from grief
  • Suppressed periods or excessive menstrual bleeding resulting from grief.
  • PMS: Irritability, mood swings
  • Postpartum depression.
  • Leucorrhea: Corrosive, and purulent
  • Bearing down pains may be present with the leucorrhea.
  • Dyspareunia or a sore pain in the vagina during intercourse is also treated with Ignatia.
  • Miscarriage that arises from grief, or fright.

GI tract

Colic Diarrhea
  • Gastric ailments caused by worries, grief, and depression.
  • IBS linked with depression and grief: Cramps in the abdomen, Empty sensation in stomach, Flatulent colic.
  • Colic agg with coffee or sweets.
  • The abdomen gets distended, causing difficulty in breathing.
  • Feel as if the abdomen would burst.
  • Nausea, vomiting of bile and mucus and constipation
  • Constant, ineffectual urging to pass stool, and the anus tends to constrict.
  • Constriction of the anus after passing stool arises.
  • Diarrhea that develops as a result of emotional stress like grief
  • Painless diarrhea
  • Alternating diarrhea and constipation
  • Including threadworms and ascarides, cause itching in the anus, are also treated with it.


  • MIND - INSANITY - menses - copious, with sep
  • MIND - EMOTIONS - respiration; with complaints of: Acon, arg-n, ars, CHAM, coff, IGN, NUX-V