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It is a skin disease

First class remedies

Concomittents Modalities/ Triggered
Top Remedy


  • Red inflamed wheals with marked burning, stinging sensation.
  • The wheals may be painful and tender to touch. .
  • Swelling of the face, eyelids, and lips may also appear.
  • Urticaria from insect bite
  • Itching agg during night
  • Usually appear from heat / Warm weather
  • Eating fish (Ars, Lyc), Oysters (Camph , Lyc , Ox-ac , Ter , Urt-u), Strawberries (Bry, Ox-ac, Urt-u)
  • Insect bites
  • Antibiotics: (Ars, Nit-ac)
Same Season Every Year


  • Wheals are red with itching and burning
  • He constantly rubs skin to seek relief.
  • Stinging also appears in welts.
  • Swelling of the face may appear along with the above symptoms in some cases.
  • Complications of Suppressed urticaria (Apis , Ars) esp Vomiting
  • Accompanied by Fever / Chill /Frequent urination
  • Eating Shellfish /Oysters , Strawberries, Vegetables
  • Bathing agg (Bov, Lach, Phos)
  • Ascaris / Oxyures (Rhus-t) / Pin worms
Exercise Induced Type


  • Heat / Cholinergic Type
  • Wheals over whole the body + Excessive itching.
  • The wheals appear like large red blotches.
  • Burning and smarting sensation
  • Stinging sensation
  • Heat and too much exercise


  • Itching agg upon scratching.
  • Violent bodily exercise
Water Induced Type


  • Here the patient gets wheals from skin contact with water.
  • Itching.
  • After one scratches, burning sensation appears.
  • Stitching pain also accompanies.
  • Accompanied by Rapid pulse, Fever + Chill (Nat-m ₳ Rhus-t), Sweating, Palpitations + Diarrhea + rheumatic weakness (Bov, Dulc)
  • Cold taking from (Ars, Calc, Calc-p, DULC, Rumx, Sep)
  • Cold weather (Caust, Kali-br, Nat-s, Nit-ac, Rumx, Sep)
  • Scratching
  • Oxyures
Cold Induced Type


  • Hives from exposure to the cold air.
  • Wheals on the whole body.
  • Excessive itching.
  • Needle like pricking sensation
  • Urticaria with Rheumatic lameness, palpitation and diarrhea
  • Catarrh (All-c)
  • With or without fever
  • Rheumatic weakness, palpitation and diarrhea (Bov, Rhus-t)
  • Cold agg
  • Scratching agg
Dermatographic Type


  • Hives appear if the skin is scratched.  
  • Intense irritation, itching, and stinging feeling.  
  • Large red + Swelling of the face and the eyelid.
  • Itching compels him to scratch until it bleeds.
  • Hives due to alcohol intake.
  • Appear at night and amel in day
With Liver Complaint


  • Over the entire body.
  • They result in itching and stinging pain.
  • Chronic cases
The Whole Body


  • Itching, and intense burning sensation
  • Stitching-like prickling sensation on the skin
  • Formication sensation as if an insect is crawling
  • Itching amel by scratching
Marked Burning Sensation


  • Intolerable itching
  • After scratching, pain is felt on the skin.
  • May be small or large in size.
  • Marked restlessness
On Waking In Morning


  • Entire body
  • Quite big in size.
  • Gets no relief even on scratching.
  • Bathing triggers such complaints.
  • Agg on slight warmth in the body
  • Bathing agg
In Children


  • Hives among children.
  • Red wheals are and spread all over body
  • Aggressive itching
  • Skin is usually dry with heated sensation.
Rubbing amel


  • Extreme itching spread over the entire body.
  • Burning is also felt along with itching.
  • There is smarting and stinging pain on the affected portion.
  • Rubbing amel
Itching Changes Location Upon Being Scratched


  • Burning / Stinging sensation
  • Left side of the body is mostly affected
Intense Itching


  • Scratch the skin harshly and tear it with nails due to extreme itching.
  • Welts appear and disappear suddenly.
Chronic Cases


  • Severe itching, and burning
  • Skin of the body is rough, and dry.
  • Relief in the cold air
Excessive Itching In Evening


  • Burning sensation is felt after scratching the skin, esp on the arms and legs.
  • Heated sensation in the entire body.
Agg In Winters


  • Wheals appear as smooth, red, elevated patches on the skin.
  • Itching appears, esp at night in the bed.
  • Itching agg in high temperature.
Agg In Summers


  • Red hives with itching, and burning or pricking.
  • Asthma caused by hives
  • Chronic urticaria in children
  • Hives + Diarrhea (Apis , Bov)
  • Nodular
  • Evenings agg
Chronic Recurring Hives


  • Violent itching and stinging sensation.
  • Mostly the wheals form on hands and fingers were it is required.
  • Warmth amel
Itching agg On Undressing


  • Stinging, and pricking sensation is there.
  • Agg in the open air
Marked Angiodema


  • Excessive redness of skin with wheals.
  • Wheals may ooze a yellow liquid.
  • The eruptions itch, and burn.
  • The itching is unbearable
  • Swelling of the face
  • Agg from scratching
  • Agg in the evening.

13. Elaterium – When

Banerji protocols

First line
  • Bov C200 one dose every three days for two months
  • Ant-c C6 one dose for every attack
  • In acute case Ant-c C6, one dose every hour
  • Apis C6 + Urtu-u 0 one dose every three hours alternately in case of Drug hypersensivity angioedema.
Second line
  • NM 6X one dose every three hours during attacks, then repeat it one dose daily for a month
  • In very acute cases NM 6X + Apis C6 one dose every 2 hours alternately


  • Weather changes
  • Amel in cool air, cool water (Dulc)
  • Agg with hot Drink / Air (Chlol)
  • Agg with physical activity, esp intense exercise (Calc , Hep, Nat-m , Psor, Sanic, Urt-u)
  • Night agg
  • Chronic hive esp in children (Urt-u)
  • Only in uncovered parts

  • Livid urticaria (Active and moving)
  • Nodular urticaria (Calc, Caust, Dulc, Lach, Mez, Rhus-t)
  • Hives with edema, swelling of lesions (Urt-u)
  • Very intense itching, burning
  • Lesions may be red or pale
  • Spotty hives on the hands
  • Hives in different areas of the body, such as arms, back, face, hands, back of hands, limbs, legs
  • Asthma caused by hives (Puls)
  • Asthma alternating with urticaria (Ars , Calad, Graph)
  • Complication of urticaria suppression (Ars, Urt-u)


  • Burning / Itchy hives, which amel with heat
  • Hives in different parts of the body esp the lower parts
  • Hives of a special season (Urt-u) esp in Spring
  • Pink nodular hives


  • Periodic
    • Every year
    • Every season (Rhus-t)
  • Swelling (Apis)/ Nodular
  • Children's urticaria, esp chronic urticaria

  • Exercise, esp intense exercise and heat
  • Amel with lying down



  • Night agg
  • Exercise agg

  • Pork (fat), fruits
  • Gastric derangement (Ant-c ,Ars, Carb-v, Dulc ,Kali-s , Nux-v)
  • During menstruation (Bell, Cimic, Dulc, Kali-c, Mag-c, Sec, Ust)
  • Delayed menses
  • Caused by scratching (Dulc, Lach, Mez)
  • Caused by undressing


  • Cold taking from
  • Skin exposure (Rhus-t)
  • Upset stomach (Puls)
  • Scratching

Accompanied by

  • Cold weather agg (Rhus-t)
  • Cold weather amel (Calc)
  • Cold water amel
  • Menses during agg
  • Before menses agg
  • Exercise / Warm agg (Nat-m)

  • Chronic urticaria
  • Nodular

Second class remedies

Intercurrent remedy




Tissue Salt Remedies

  • NM
  • KM