- Twitches, spasms, tremors, and convulsions.
- Trembling and jerking in the limbs is present.
- Twitching: Face, lips, eyelids is prominent.
- Convulsions from grief or fright in adults,
- Convulsions in children during dentition are treated well.
- Seizure: A cold and pale body, a fixed staring look, stiffness, backward bending, clenched thumbs, and distorted facial muscles.
- Seizure, twitch, chorea and constriction
- Twitching / Jerking of the left eyelid is very common, up to 90%
- Sleep jerking: Jumping up / Jerking in sleep (Zinc)
- Biting the lips or tongue while talking or chewing
- Hemorrhoids, esp with rectum prolapses from moderate straining at stool.
- Piles with sharp pain during a cough
- Prolapsed piles after every stool + Itching / Stitching pain in rectum
- Rectal pain agg by standing and walking, and amel from sitting.
- Stenosis, hemorrhoids, pain and burning, prolapse with excretion, Urging and tenesmus
- Prolapse with slight straining or bending or lifting a load (Nit-ac, Podo, Ruta)
- Hemorrhoid + Upward stabbing pains (Nit-ac)
- Hemorrhoid pain remains for hours after defecation (Rat, Sul, Peon, Nit-ac)
- Travel constipation + Many urging, mostly in the upper part of the stomach (Verb)
- Menstrual irregularities that arise primarily from grief
- Suppressed periods or excessive menstrual bleeding resulting from grief.
- PMS: Irritability, mood swings
- Postpartum depression.
- Leucorrhea: Corrosive, and purulent
- Bearing down pains may be present with the leucorrhea.
- Dyspareunia or a sore pain in the vagina during intercourse is also treated with Ignatia.
- Miscarriage that arises from grief, or fright.