- Anger, tickled or pinched on being
- Threatening
- Rage, touched renewed by
- Wildness / Striking, boy clawing his
- Tears; things (20)
Antic playing
- Imitations
- Kleptomania
- Antic playing, Delirium during: Bell, Hyos, Op, Phos, Stram
- Delusion, Large self seemed to: Stram, Plat
- Del, God, Communication: Verat, Stram
- I could solve all of my problem. I do not have any difficulty
- I am strong enough to solve the problem by myself
- God is here. He cures me, so I do not need doctor
- It is used for ill effects of Fright or mental shocks and the point is he has no pain
- I am well, I am not patient. My family send me to doctor. If I be patient then
Imaginary Fears
- Fear dark
- Fear ghosts
- Fear imaginary things Acon, Ars, Bell, Phos, Rhus-t
- Fear, Glittering objects: Lach, Lyss, Canth
- Delirium, Bed escape, jump up suddenly / Escape attempts to, delirium during
- He knows his weakness but do not accept it and may become anger when pinched
- If he is in affectation phase, he does not come to physicion
- Affectation + Indifference to suffering
Fear of surgery
Clinging, children, in, awakens, terrified, knows no one screamed, clings to those near
- He is frightened, He cling every one near him. He knows nothing about you and your work
Suppressed secretion
No stool, No urine
- He is afraid of drug side effects with NO logical reasons.
- Why homeopathy? Many of the choose you in freighted state which ends in Clinging phase. They do not tolerate consuming artificial drugs for prolonged time, also surgery is their Red-line. He is afraid of drug side effects
Delusion, Pure, he is
Delusion, Honest he is not
- He thinks his acts are purely for God. So why he gets sick
- Then he confess some his Guilts, which he first hides them.
- Clinging, child awakens, terrified, know no one , screams, clings to those near: Stram, Borx
Light, desire for
He does not come to doctor voluntary. He comes to know something about his disease. He starts with some para clinic tests then come to doctor.
Naked, wants to be
- Indifference, exposure of her person, to: Hyos, Phos, Tarent, Verat
- Delirium, Erotic: Canth, Hyos, Lach, Phos, Plat, Tarent, Verat
- Dress, Indecently: Canth, Hell, Hyos, Lyss, Phos, Plat, Tarent, Verat
- Tastelessness in dressing: Calc, Hell, Hyos, Nat-m, Staph, Sul
Delirium, crying for help
Shirking help for: Camph, Hep, Ign, Kali-c, Laur, Levo, Plat, Rhus-t, Stram