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* Cloths around neck / Head Agg  ([[Bell ₳ Lach]]) ([[Glon ₳ Lach]])
* Cloths around neck / Head Agg  ([[Bell ₳ Lach]]) ([[Glon ₳ Lach]])
|'''[[Chin, China Officinalis|Chin]]'''
*Bones bruised ([[Chin ₳ Sil]])
*Sharp / Stinging '''Cutting''' pain
*From one temple to other
*Radiating to Teeth/  Neck / Forehead
*Jerking headache ([[Bell ₳ Chin]])
*Tearing pain
*Occiput headache ([[Gels, Gelsemium sempervirens|Gels]], [[Sil, Silicea|Sil]]) extends to
** Whole head ([[Chin ₳ Sil]])
** Forehead: [[Sil, Silicea|Chin ₳ Sil]][[Sil, Silicea|)]]
** Shoulders: [[Gels, Gelsemium sempervirens|Gels]]
** Eyes: [[Gels, Gelsemium sempervirens|Gels]], [[Sil, Silicea|Sil]], [[Bell, Belladona|Bell]] 
*Headache lasts for 7 days
* Terrible dreams
* Start in Occiput then whole head ([[Chin ₳ Stram]])
* [[Anemia]] (Loss of fluids / Uterine bleeding) ([[Glon, Glonoinum|Glon]])
* Loose ([[Chin ₳ Nux-v]]) ([[Chin ₳ Spig]])
*Waving / Rotating 
*Throbbing Hitting skull
*Cold/ Open air agg
* Sexual excesses agg ([[Chin ₳ Phos]])
* Walking / Movement agg
* Periodic headache (Once a week)
* Hard external pressure amel
* Warm weather amel ([[Mang, Manganum metallicum|Mang]], [[Sul , Sulphur|Sul]])
* Throbbing temples esp agg by movement
|'''[[Ferr, Ferrum Metallicum|Ferr]]'''
* Pressive / Congestive /
* Bursting / Throbbing /
* Hammer-like  ([[Ferr ₳ Lyc]])
* Sharp / Stinging
* Forehead eminence
* Temples
* Continuous headache even for 2 to 3 days
* Cold feet
* Thirst but hate to drink
*Agg with walking in Open / Cold air
* Amel by washing the face
* Profuse bleeding (Chin ₳ Ferr)
|'''[[Coff, Coffea cruda|Coff]]'''
* Pressing  with nails
* Brain is falling apart
* One-sided headache with acute smell and hearing
* Nervous headache
*Motion / Walking agg
* Any sound agg
|'''[[Kali-p, Kalium Phosphoricum|KALI-P]]'''
*Sharp pain
* Shooting pain above the eyes
* Pressive / Band  around head
* Burning esp in forehead
* Unilateral Esp behind left ear
* Frontal spreading to Occiput / Temples
* Headache with nausea
* Photophobia ([[Nat-s, Natrum Sulphuricum|Nat-s]])
* Hearing sensitivity
* Increased appetite 
* Eating amel / Fasting agg
* Stomach emptiness ([[Kali-p ₳ Sep]])
* Amel during eating  ([[Kali-p ₳ Phos]]), ([[Kali-p ₳ Psor]])
* Pressure / Rubbing amel
* Eye-Strain agg ([[Lyc , Lycopodium clavatum|Lyc]], [[Nat-m, Natrium muriaticum|Nat-m]], [[Ruta, Ruta graveolens|Ruta]], [[Sil, Silicea|Sil]])
* Nocturnal occiput headache
* Gentle movement amel
* [[PMS Premenstrual syndrome|Premenstrual]] tearing pain
|'''[[Gels, Gelsemium sempervirens|Gels]]'''
* Heaviness /Bruised feeling
* Band feeling in occiput region.
* Dullness + Eyelids heaviness
* Extending from temple to ear
* Soreness of neck and shoulders
* Scalp sore to touch.
* Preceded by blindness
* Amel by compression lying head on vertex
* Better by urination
|'''[[Iris, Iris versicolor|Iris]]'''
* Frontal headache
* Scalp feels constricted
* Headache with nausea
* Begins with blur in eyes after retiring from mental strain.
|Worse from rest
== [[Tissue Salt Remedies]] ==
[[FP, Tissue Salt Remedy|FP]]:
* General headache remedy
* Cold agg
* Sunlight agg
* Throbbing / Congestion headache
* Headache with fever
[[KP, Tissue Salt Remedy|KP]]:
* Headache of school children
* Headache of nervous, irritable, frustrated and sad people
[[KS, Tissue Salt Remedy|KS]]: Agg in hot, crowded room
[[MP, Tissue Salt Remedy|MP]]: Severe / Neuralgic pain
[[NS, Tissue Salt Remedy|NS]]: Gastric headache (Nausea / Vomiting, Bilious headache, Sick headache
[[NP, Tissue Salt Remedy|NP]]:
* Frontal headache
* Vertex headache
[[CP, Tissue Salt, Remedy|CP]]: Patient especially feels cold along with headache
[[CS, Tissue Salt Remedy|CS]]: Headache + Dizziness
[[SIL, Tissue Salt Remedy|SIL]]: Warm amel

Revision as of 11:25, 28 November 2023

Three main types

First class remedies

Banerji protocols

First line
Second line
  • Aur C200 one dose every three days
  • Sang C200 + Bell C3 one dose every 30 min
Third line
  • Calc-p C200 one dose every 3 days
  • Carb-ac 6X one dose every 30 min
Quality Concomitants Modality



  • Severe pressure
  • Throbbing
  • Small hammers
  • Exploding
  • Extending to the chest (Con ₳ Nat-m)
  • Morning (H. wakes him up).
  • 10 am -3 pm (Very significant)
  • Hungry during headache amel by eating (Anac, Kali-p)
  • Suppression of rash or Menses
  • Nosebleeds amel (Meli)
  • Exposure to air draught
  • Occiput extends to forehead and eyes (Sil) (Petr ₳ Sil)
  • Heavy weight on the back of the head pulling him back
  • Blood flow to head ( Sep, Sil)
  • Headache causes temporary blindness and neck stiffness.
  • Agg by shaking the head.
  • Tearing pain
  • Thick and slow nail
  • Constrictive headache
  • Discharge / Bleeding Amel
  • Belching Amel