Boger described Spong with three respiratory rubrics
- RESPIRATION - General; in
- COUGH - Incessant
- VOICE AND SPEECH - General; in
- Croupy / Suffocative cough that wakes him up with Dyspnea + Cold sweat
- As if air passage is narrowed that cough amels him. (Opposite to Ign and All-c, Cough agg)
- Paroxysmal successive Coughs
- Sticky and dry sputum that does not come out easily (Arn, Caust, Lach, Kali-c, Kali-s, Nux-m, Sep, Staph)
Cough modalities
- Caused by irritation of the larynx
- Dry coughs Amel with drinking and eating
- Dyspnea / Cough amel with warm Food/ Drinks and agg with cold drinks
- Agg with Deep breathing / Excitement
- Laryngitis + Voice Hoarseness / Voice interruption
- Harsh coughs, sounds like a Saw / Dog barking/ A bell with a metallic sound
- Laryngeal pain: He grabs his throat
- Pain/ Irritability/ Dryness / Burning of larynx
- Chronic larynx problems that have progressed to tuberculosis and cachexia
- Dryness of the larynx caused by a cold, sneezing that hits his lungs and the patient loses his voice. His nose becomes dry, phlegm gradually begins and progresses to rattling. (Similar to Hep) (Hep ₳ Spong)
Agg by
- Touching the larynx
- Singing, talking
- Swallowing food
- Colds that lead to dryness and irritation of the trachea and larynx
- Ign and Gels are effective in 80% of these cases, and the next step is Laur and Spong
- His larynx became sensitive to touch during croup attacks (Phos)
- Suffocating dyspnea
- Noisy / Dryness / Harsh breathing (wheezing) esp when falling asleep
- Asthmatic cough
- Asthma caused by goitre or bronchitis or croup (Large airways)
- Spasmodic asthma esp caused by a cold
- Amel by bending head backward
- Agg with movement, activity, talking
- Anxious Breathing in the form of gasping
- There are two remedies for heart problems associated with asthma: Lach, Spong (Lach ₳ Spong)
- Spong is a croup remedy (Acon ₳ Spong)
- Spong is a cough remedy (Hep ₳ Spong), (Iod ₳ Spong)
- His face is pale, wrinkled with cold sweat during croup attacks. (Very similar to Ars) esp with heart problems.
- Croup with endocarditis and many rheumatic heart diseases is a good indication for Spong
- Tuberculosis of the upper lobe of the lungs
- Agg with ascending
- Agg with drinking
- After sleep agg
Heart problems
- According to Vithoulkas Spong is a mental-cardiac remedy (Fear/ Anxiety/ Dyspnea/ Suffocation related to heart problems/ Palpitations / Heart pain / Fear of something bad happening/ Death)
- Feeling of pressure and suffocation in the chest, esp when lying down without a pillow
- Feeling of fullness in the chest accompanied by Closed and Tearful eyes
- Palpitation wakes him up esp after midnight
- Palpitations due to hyperthyroidism
- Valvular heart diseases / Cardiac hypertrophy (Kalm. Sep, Naja)
- Cardiac Congestion that move like a wave upwards / Towards the face
- Acute endocarditis (Spong, Abrot, Kalm, Naja)
- Cardiac Dyspnea: Dyspnea with Cardiac / Asthmatic origin (Orthopnea: Dyspnea / Wheezing when lying down)
- Orthopnea is accompanied by a severe headache, and the patient must sit down immediately
- Angina pectoris: Shooting pain in the heart
- Palpitation + Lip cyanosis + Copious perspiration
- Heart pains with hot flushes
- He wakes up with a panic and it takes him a while to realize his surroundings (Aesc, Lyc, Samb, Lach, Phos, Carb-v) (Acon ₳ Spong)
- Sensation of suffocation, as if something is blocking his airway or larynx, which wakes him up.
- He feels that a rope is tied around his neck
- He feels like he is dying
- He feels suffocated at the beginning of sleep and wakes up with anxiety.
- Anxious and frightened look
Endocrine Glands
- Enlarged glands (Thyroid, Testes, Lymph nodes)
- Congestive headache associated with goiter, heart problems and asthma
- Pancreatitis
- Diphtheria
- Epididymitis / Orchitis
- Inflammation/ Swelling / Pain / Burning of epididymis, testicles and spermatic cord
- Feeling of Pulling / Squeezing the testicles
- His testicles are completely hardened.
Sudden weakness
- He suddenly feels weak while walking in the open air, then he should lie down immediately.
- His thighs are sweating
- Thinking about these conditions makes him feel worse.
Four Themes
According to Radar
(1) Past
- MIND - DELUSIONS - visions, has - horrible - events, of past
- MIND - DWELLS - past disagreeable occurrences, on
- MIND - DWELLS - past disagreeable occurrences, on - frightful scene of some mournful event of the past; tormented by a
- MIND - THOUGHTS - tormenting - past disagreeable events, about
(2) Changing mood
(Croc, Plat, Stram, Chin)
- Great anxiety and happiness
- Happiness and confusion/distraction
- Happiness and sadness
- Happiness and irritability/litigiousness
- Joy and dislike of work
(3) Falling
(Calc, Bell, Nux-v, Rhus-t)
- Anxiety with fainting, thinks fainting
- Dizziness with falling (especially on the back)
- Drooping eyelids, coma-like sleep with profuse sweating
(4) Restricted, Retained
- Eye pain spreading to the back
- Stretching feeling in the face
- Sensation of limbs stretching downward or upward when walking or trying to walk
- His body is bent while walking
- Jerking upper limbs
- RSV: Spong is good candidate for RSV because of Non-catarrhal / Dry inflammation of the Lung / Larynx